Is there any question now that Obama is an anti-semite?


HB Legend
May 12, 2009
North Liberty
Which begs the question, is Obama a Muslim sympathizer? Do you think Valerie Jarrett, who is Iranian and had family in Iran, is the main driving force behind this agreement?

I say there is NO QUESTION that this is going on.

On Monday, President Barack Obama casually rejected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's call to force Iran to acknowledge Israel's right to exist as part of any agreement on the country's nuclear program.
In an interview with NPR, Obama stated loftily, "The notion that we would condition Iran not getting nuclear weapons in a verifiable deal on Iran recognizing Israel is really akin to saying that we won't sign a deal unless the nature of the Iranian regime completely transforms. And that is, I think, a fundamental misjudgment."
On Friday, one day after the announcement from the P5+1 powers that the had reached a preliminary "framework" agreement with the terrorist state, Netanyahu said, "Israel will not accept an agreement which allows a country that vows to annihilate us to develop nuclear weapons, period. In addition, Israel demands that any final agreement with Iran will include a clear and unambiguous Iranian recognition of Israel's right to exist."
Iran supports said that "erasing Israel off the map" was "non-negotiable."
Obama refusing to make Iran recognize Israel's right to exist falls into line with his refusal to make anyone recognize Israel. In March 2014, State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki parroted the Obama Administration's party line when she said of Netanyahu's demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as part of any agreement, "The American position is clear, Israel is a Jewish state. However, we do not see a need that both sides recognize this position as part of the final agreement."
Obama tried to hammer home his ridiculous argument that he is stopping Iran from going nuclear, adding on Monday, "I want to return to this point: we want Iran not to have nuclear weapons precisely because we can't bank on the nature of the regime changing. That's exactly why we don't want [Iran] to have nuclear weapons. If suddenly Iran transformed itself to Germany or Sweden or France then there would be a different set of conversations."

Here is the thing though. Israel already has nuclear weapons. We have nuclear weapons. Iran getting a nuclear weapon is more out of desperation on their part than anything. It does in fact put Israel at risk, being punched back if they in fact are punched first.

Lauching a pre-emptive nuclear weapon, only results in them getting annihilated, either by Israels nukes, or ours, or a combination of both.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Here is the thing though. Israel already has nuclear weapons. We have nuclear weapons. Iran getting a nuclear weapon is more out of desperation on their part than anything. It does in fact put Israel at risk, being punched back if they in fact are punched first.

Lauching a pre-emptive nuclear weapon, only results in them getting annihilated, either by Israels nukes, or ours, or a combination of both.
yes, but the end result is world end....which those crazy Islamic fuqs want.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ClarindaA's:
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Here is the thing though. Israel already has nuclear weapons. We have nuclear weapons. Iran getting a nuclear weapon is more out of desperation on their part than anything. It does in fact put Israel at risk, being punched back if they in fact are punched first.

Lauching a pre-emptive nuclear weapon, only results in them getting annihilated, either by Israels nukes, or ours, or a combination of both.
yes, but the end result is world end....which those crazy Islamic fuqs want.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
That's not at all what they want. They want western influence out of their countries. Listen to what they actually say.
Guess this guy is an anti-semite also.

From the link:

"The former head of Israel's intelligence agency harshly critiqued Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rejection of a framework agreement between Iran and six world powers on Tehran's nuclear program.

In a scathing op-ed published Monday, former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy argued that U.S. President Barack Obama was right to call the agreement with Iran "historic" and that Iran made important and significant concessions during the negotiations.

"For decades, Iran rejected the international community's demand to hold talks of any kind with respect to its nuclear program," Halevy wrote on Israeli news website Ynet. "The interim agreement reached in Lausanne proves that Tehran capitulated, by agreeing to conduct negotiations about its plans and the nuclear infrastructure it has built up for years, primarily in secret."


Jew hating Jew
Nah - the Prez is just anti Netanyahu. That dude has been saying Iran was just about to get the bomb for over a decade now.
Do wonder once the details are finally worked out (if they are finally worked out) if Israel will go ahead with the preemptive strike. We have already supplied the bunker busting bombs and they have had years to modify them.
Death to America.........those Iranians are a good group of folks

Hopefully their leaders aren't looking at those 72 virgins
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Here is the thing though. Israel already has nuclear weapons. We have nuclear weapons. Iran getting a nuclear weapon is more out of desperation on their part than anything. It does in fact put Israel at risk, being punched back if they in fact are punched first.

Lauching a pre-emptive nuclear weapon, only results in them getting annihilated, either by Israels nukes, or ours, or a combination of both.
My "fear" isn't that the Iranian government would use's the risk of one of them falling into the hands of some group that would. Scenario...Iran goes through another revolution, hard liners/old regime types walk off with a couple nukes...sell them to highest bidder.

Proliferation doesn't make the world safer so for that reason alone, I don't want Iran with nukes. If they get them, Saudi Arabia will want one.. Really don't need a bunch of countries in that region getting nukes. I'm more worried about the security of those theoretical stockpiles if some of those countries go through the types of upheaval we saw in the Arab spring". Just a national security nightmare down the road.
This post was edited on 4/7 6:24 AM by binsfeldcyhawk2
Originally posted by mstp1992:
Yes. There is no tangible evidence to indicate he's anti-Semitic.
IMCC doesn't need tangible evidence. All or his political rants are powered by the cosmic rays that make it through the aluminum foil lined colander he wears on his head.
The idea that breitbart is put forth as a credible source here without a peep shows how far into the gutter hrot has fallen. You are as bad as YS or LC.
How do you feel about the Missouri Republicans that committed suicide over being called/accusing others of being Jewish? That would seem to point to a more direct problem with anti-Semitism for the GOP. I've found that if an R is accusing Ds of something, its usually because they are guilty of that sin themselves.

Is being Jewish a political liability in America's heartland?

ST. LOUIS (RNS) Events surrounding the apparent suicide of Tom Schweich, Missouri's Republican state auditor and a contender for the governor's office, have left some grappling with the connection between anti-Semitism and state politics.
There have been two suicides related to the conservatives' whispering campaign being conducted against the jews in Mizzou.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
How do you feel about the Missouri Republicans that committed suicide over being called/accusing others of being Jewish? That would seem to point to a more direct problem with anti-Semitism for the GOP. I've found that if an R is accusing Ds of something, its usually because they are guilty of that sin themselves.

Is being Jewish a political liability in America's heartland?

ST. LOUIS (RNS) Events surrounding the apparent suicide of Tom Schweich, Missouri's Republican state auditor and a contender for the governor's office, have left some grappling with the connection between anti-Semitism and state politics.
I don't want Missori to have nuclear weapons either.
Originally posted by pablow:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
How do you feel about the Missouri Republicans that committed suicide over being called/accusing others of being Jewish? That would seem to point to a more direct problem with anti-Semitism for the GOP. I've found that if an R is accusing Ds of something, its usually because they are guilty of that sin themselves.

Is being Jewish a political liability in America's heartland?

ST. LOUIS (RNS) Events surrounding the apparent suicide of Tom Schweich, Missouri's Republican state auditor and a contender for the governor's office, have left some grappling with the connection between anti-Semitism and state politics.
I don't want Missori to have nuclear weapons either.
Too late, Obama already gave them some.

Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Good job with the cartoons.
Thanks man. Taking a break from typing.

You should try to keep it going across multiple threads. See if you can just answer every topic with pictures. It could be artistic.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

You should try to keep it going across multiple threads. See if you can just answer every topic with pictures. It could be artistic.
That's a clever idea.

I might take you up on it. It would test my creativity and Google images ability to find obscure stuff on the interwebz.

My schedule is busier today. I should have done it yesterday when I had time on my hands.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Good job with the cartoons.
Thanks man. Taking a break from typing.

You should try to keep it going across multiple threads. See if you can just answer every topic with pictures. It could be artistic.
sijoint is going to be pissed if somebody steals his thing.
Originally posted by BABiscuit:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
You should try to keep it going across multiple threads. See if you can just answer every topic with pictures. It could be artistic.
sijoint is going to be pissed if somebody steals his thing.
He usually leaves me with more questions than answers.
Antisemite - prejudice against, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews as a national, ethnic, religious or racial group. A person who holds such positions is called an "antisemite".

Yep, he sure does discriminate against those Jews doesn't he.

Jew hater
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
How do you feel about the Missouri Republicans that committed suicide over being called/accusing others of being Jewish? That would seem to point to a more direct problem with anti-Semitism for the GOP. I've found that if an R is accusing Ds of something, its usually because they are guilty of that sin themselves.

Is being Jewish a political liability in America's heartland?

ST. LOUIS (RNS) Events surrounding the apparent suicide of Tom Schweich, Missouri's Republican state auditor and a contender for the governor's office, have left some grappling with the connection between anti-Semitism and state politics.
As usual, your premise is false and dishonest. Tom Schweik was indeed mentally ill, but there is no evidence of the precise cause of his suicide, which was followed a month later by his,,, uh..."spokesman"? Moreover, there is no evidence to support the claim, other than the fact that Schweiks fathers family was Jewish.

Can you post anything, ever, without resorting to dishonesty?
I support his hatred of the jew. Although until he stands up to the national bankers that run this country it means nothing.
Originally posted by coffhawk:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
How do you feel about the Missouri Republicans that committed suicide over being called/accusing others of being Jewish? That would seem to point to a more direct problem with anti-Semitism for the GOP. I've found that if an R is accusing Ds of something, its usually because they are guilty of that sin themselves.

Is being Jewish a political liability in America's heartland?

ST. LOUIS (RNS) Events surrounding the apparent suicide of Tom Schweich, Missouri's Republican state auditor and a contender for the governor's office, have left some grappling with the connection between anti-Semitism and state politics.
As usual, your premise is false and dishonest. Tom Schweik was indeed mentally ill, but there is no evidence of the precise cause of his suicide, which was followed a month later by his,,, uh..."spokesman"? Moreover, there is no evidence to support the claim, other than the fact that Schweiks fathers family was Jewish.

Can you post anything, ever, without resorting to dishonesty?
You're too easy. Fun, but easy.
Originally posted by nowalkin:
Antisemite - prejudice against, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews as a national, ethnic, religious or racial group. A person who holds such positions is called an "antisemite".

Yep, he sure does discriminate against those Jews doesn't he.

I would bet that 99.9% of people don't even understand what "Semite" even means!

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