Okay, that was funny.
What I find interesting about Trump's campaign is the parallels to Rick Scott, official Rich Guy and Florida's current governor. No one gave Rick a chance, he had too many skeletons from his CEO past, there's no way he'd win... but then, he did. Twice.
In foreign policy , Barack Obama has been one of the
weakest Presidents in recent history. Donald Trump
is not afraid of Putin and would give America respect
among our allies and give some fear to our foes.
You call not invading every country in the middle east weak. I call that fiscally responsible and strong foreign policy. I don't want our troops invading every country in the middle east and I certainly don't want to pay for it. Let Russia's kids get shot up for sand and oil for once.
If your guy had used a little bit of this "weakness" then the Middle East wouldn't be the clusterf**k that it is right now.
Read a book. The Middle East has always been a clusterf**k.