IS-who Clown player plants Iowa flag at 50 yd line, Mocking Baker Mayfield

I think everyone in America knows who Iowa State is today.

"IS-who" is about as lame as "Clowns".

Speaking of clowns, here is a pic of one of the IS-who players as he leaves the field

& Baker out of Heisman race. Good riddance, Clones are classless what else would you expect.
Best thing the flag said IOWA. not Iowa state. Lololol
Great win. Also will take the Big 12 out of the playoff again. There won't be a worst loss of any teams come the end of the year. So when Okie runs the table that ISU loss will sink the conference. Hell losing to ISU at home with a back-up QB is equal to 3 losses by the committee.
Let them have their fun. If I were an ISU senior, that game today probably went a long way into making all the agonizing losses worthwhile.

And if Iowa goes into Madison and wins, I guarantee you every Hawk fan in the stands will be looking for an Iowa/Tiger Hawk flag too.
It was a dick move, but if OU doesn't want people doing that in Norman, they shouldn't do it themselves.
ISU assistant coach took it away from him. It was a bush move. But as one who remembers Brian Boswirth lying on the field eating a hot dog during the second half of a blowout in Ames, I can’t get too upset.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...did this actually happen?
Let them have their fun. If I were an ISU senior, that game today probably went a long way into making all the agonizing losses worthwhile.

And if Iowa goes into Madison and wins, I guarantee you every Hawk fan in the stands will be looking for an Iowa/Tiger Hawk flag too.
No, they won't, because we've been there before. Like just 2 years ago!
I think everyone in America knows who Iowa State is today.

"IS-who" is about as lame as "Clowns".
However, both are very fitting. I get a kick out of all the national announcers today when they mention the Okie/ISwho incredulous they sound knowing that this outcome was a once in a lifetime event.