Is your Bug Out Bag Going to Get You Killed?


HR Legend
May 13, 2009
Lewis Township

A bug out bag is designed in theory to give you everything you may need to live for at least 72 hours outside of your home and should be considered as part of any comprehensive plan for disaster or true preparedness. The tendency with bug out bags is to throw everything but the kitchen sink in them to cover every conceivable scenario or need. When this happens you have people with Bug Out Bags that weigh more than they do. Not only could this seriously slow you down at the precise time you need to be light on your feet, but having a bag that is overloaded with a lot of stuff you could live without or which more likely couldn’t help you at all, could get you killed.
Mine travels nicely.

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My big-out bag is my trusty 1993 Toyota FZJ80 Land Cruiser with rear roof racks and storage along with a nice beer fridge