Israel’s staunch evangelical allies shocked by Trump’s outburst on Netanyahu


HB King
May 29, 2001
By Steve Hendrix
Today at 1:41 p.m. EST

JERUSALEM — One of former president Donald Trump’s major evangelical backers on Monday condemned recently reported attacks by Trump on former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and warned that he risked alienating his Christian base by distancing himself from the Israeli leader.

Trump, in interviews published this week by Axios reporter Barak Ravid, railed against his onetime ally for congratulating President Biden on his victory once it became clear that the Democrat had won the 2020 election. Trump said the call was a betrayal of their relationship and the several controversial changes in U.S. policy toward Israel that Trump had ordered during his one term, including moving the embassy to Jerusalem.
“F--k him,” Trump was quoted as saying of Netanyahu. “The first person that congratulated [Biden] was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with.”
As Israel’s longest-serving leader, Netanyahu transformed his country, and leaves it more divided than ever
In the interviews, Trump also said Netanyahu never seemed genuinely interested in seeking peace with the Palestinians. Conversely, the former president heaped praise on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, describing him as “terrific” and “almost like a father.”

“I thought he wanted to make a deal more than Netanyahu,” Trump said, according to accounts of the interviews published by Axios.
Evangelical leaders in the United States — many of whom are ardent supporters of both Trump and Israel — have been largely silent on the former president’s reported comments. But Mike Evans, one of Trump’s early evangelical backers, said he was “horrified” by the sentiments and said they would offend significant numbers of evangelical voters.
Evans, in a letter to Trump that he shared with a Washington Post reporter, implored the former president to “understand that Benjamin Netanyahu,” in Evans’s view, “has much greater support among evangelicals in America than you.”

“Please, I beg of you, don’t put us in the position to choose between you and Bible land,” the letter said. “There is no possibility you can win again if Bible-believing evangelicals see you as the ‘F--k Netanyahu’ president who considers Abbas a father-like figure and blames the State of Israel, and not the Palestinians, for not making peace.”

Evans has been one of Trump’s most visible, and controversial, supporters in Israel, where he travels frequently. He founded the Friends of Zion Museum in downtown Jerusalem, which was festooned with a 40-foot “God Bless Trump” after the embassy move was announced. That was one of several times Evans paid to have posters hung around the city, all celebrating Trump’s support for policies favored by Netanyahu and his right-wing allies.
In 2017, he presented Trump with a “Friend of Zion” award at a White House ceremony, proclaiming that “no American president in history has done more to defend the Jewish people.”

Evans is also a longtime backer of Netanyahu. When the former prime minister was ousted from office over the summer after failing to win a parliamentary majority in four straight elections, Evans created a stir in Israel by accusing the opposition of trying to “crucify” Netanyahu and rushing to Jerusalem in an unsuccessful attempt to address the Knesset.

Other U.S. Christian leaders condemned Evans at the time for meddling in Israeli domestic politics. And not all agreed that Trump’s outburst would cost him Christian support.
“The relationship between American Evangelicals and Bibi preceded the relationship with President Trump by many, many years,” said Johnnie Moore, a former Liberty University official who helped organize Trump’s evangelical advisory board in 2016. “But Bibi was an Israeli prime minister and Trump was an American president. There’s a difference between the two for Americans.”

Evans, who called Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett “a pathetic bitter little man” when he took office, has since made a measure of peace with the new government and was invited to speak at a media event organized by the prime minister’s office in November.

“Evangelical support for Israel is rooted in our Biblical tradition which transcends both politics and personalities,” said Sandra Parker, the action fund chairwoman for Christians United for Israel, the largest U.S. pro-Israel lobby, in an email on Tuesday.
White evangelical protestants overwhelmingly vote Republican and voted for Trump in the 2020 elections, according to the D.C.-based Pew Research Center. Though evangelical voters and advocacy groups are a cornerstone of America’s pro-Israel camp, studies have also shown younger American evangelicals growing less attached to Israel.

In contrast, American Jews typically vote for democrats, and a majority cast their vote for Joe Biden in 2020. Most American Jews had a negative view of Trump’s policies toward Israel, according to a 2020 Pew poll, though a majority of Orthodox Jews, the smallest and most observant of America’s Jewish denominations, gave Trump the highest ratings.

Trump’s denunciation of Netanyahu came as a surprise in Israel, where the former prime minister had touted his relationship with Trump as one of his key political and diplomatic assets.
Netanyahu largely took credit for Trump’s decision to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, to recognize Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights and to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal.

Trump, in his summary of the policy shifts, acknowledged the political bounce some of those moves were expected to give Netanyahu as he campaigned to keep his job. The Golan announcement, for example, was made just before the April 2019 election when Netanyahu was trailing in the polls.
“He would have lost the election if it wasn‘t for me,” Trump said in the interviews, which form part of Ravid’s new Hebrew-language book, “Trump’s Peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East.”

Trump describes a geopolitical-buddy relationship that began to sour over Netanyahu’s reluctance to engage with possible peace negotiations. The rift widened over Netanyahu’s push to annex West Bank settlements.

But the former president reserved his greatest fury for Netanyahu’s decision to join other world leaders in congratulating Biden when news organizations declared him the election winner. Despite Trump’s assertion, Netanyahu was not the first to call the president-elect and was criticized by some for waiting a half-day before offering his good wishes in a statement and video.
“I haven’t spoken to him since,” Trump is quoted as saying.
When asked for comment, Netanyahu’s office referred to an earlier statement saying the long-standing alliance between the two countries made it “important to congratulate the incoming U.S. president.”

Without addressing Trump’s specific expletives, Netanyahu thanked the former president for “his great contribution to the state of Israel and its security.”

It's almost like the life long anti-Semite is mad because of his transactional relationship failing to result in the adulation and toadying he expected from Netanyahu.
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Lol shocked? Well It appears someone hasn’t been paying attention to who this guy is.

This is wonderful and I love it