Israel’s parliament ousts Benjamin Netanyahu

Like the Short-Fingered Vulgarian, he is going out classy. NOT. In today’s valedictory address to the Knesset, he said this:

After three quarters of a century of spending enormous real and political capital to insure Israel’s survival, we get this?
LOL, previously he said we should have acted in 1942 but was destroyed by Holocaust historians. The 1944 claims is equally wrong, but Bibi doesn’t care.

As a kid, I had total respect and admiration for Israel.
Successive generations of leadership have caused me to grudgingly accept the country as an ally, but not one that is respected.
Plenty of their own people are ashamed of official Israeli actions. Bibi drove the nail home.
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Attn: some of the liberals posting on here:

You know the new guy is from Israel's far right party, right?
In his speech, Bennett focused mostly on domestic issues, such as repairing Israel's economy.
“We will forge forward on that which we agree, and there is much we agree on, transport, education and so on, and what separates us we will leave to the side,” Bennett said. He also promised a “new page” in relations with Israel’s Arab sector.

Israel’s Arab citizens make up about 20% of the population but have suffered from discrimination, poverty and lack of opportunities. Netanyahu has often tried portray Arab politicians as terrorist sympathizers, though he also courted the same Arab party in a failed effort to remain in power after March 23 elections.

Bennett highlighted one possible flashpoint with the United States, embracing the same hardline Netanyahu took against the Iran nuclear agreement, which the Biden administration is trying to revive. Bennett said its renewal would be a mistake.

Bibi spent the last 12 years splicing the electorate in Israel into smaller, and smaller bits in order to stay in power. he's leaving Israel far more divided than he found it. He's also gone Trumpian and tried to destroy norms and institutions. It will be hard for Bennet to be worse.
Like the Short-Fingered Vulgarian, he is going out classy. NOT. In today’s valedictory address to the Knesset, he said this:

After three quarters of a century of spending enormous real and political capital to insure Israel’s survival, we get this?

Yikes. Way to go down swinging... at your nation's closest ally. Whoops.

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