It is now legal in Donald Trump's America to steal private medical information.


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
When they steal a private citizen’s laptop and a private citizen’s private diary, a private citizen’s personal medical records is kind of the next logical step.
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When they steal a private citizen’s laptop and a private citizen’s private diary, a private citizen’s personal medical records is kind of the next logical step.
Ha.. Hunter gave up his rights to that laptop when he abandoned it. I dont know for sure, but I suspect that part was made clear in a service agreement he signed. Basically, you leave this here, in 12 months it is mine sort of a thing.
can they go after him in civil court? Decent class action suit.
I’m sure they can, but having a criminal conviction backing you up would help.
You also have to wonder how hostile the DoJ would be towards the plaintiff’s legal team when it came to sharing information.
Interesting that the Bathroom Police who lectured HBOT on common sense legislation to save girl’s basketball have no issue with this.
Is reproductive information going to public knowledge, too?