It Was Only a Matter of Time Before Abortion Bans Killed Someone


HB King
May 29, 2001
It was inevitable, once Roe v. Wade was overturned and states started banning abortion, that women were going to die. Over the last two years, we’ve learned of countless close calls. In Oklahoma, 25-year-old Jaci Statton, sick and bleeding with a nonviable partial molar pregnancy, said medical staff told her to wait in a parking lot until she was “crashing” or on the verge of a heart attack. In Florida, Anya Cook was sent home from the hospital after her membranes ruptured at 16 weeks; she then nearly bled to death in the bathroom of a hair salon. Women in Texas and Louisiana have been denied treatment for life-threatening ectopic pregnancies.

And now ProPublica has identified at least two women who died “after they couldn’t access legal abortions and timely medical care.” According to ProPublica’s Kavitha Surana, “There are almost certainly others.”
On Monday, thanks to Surana, we learned the story of one of those women, Amber Nicole Thurman, an otherwise healthy 28-year-old medical assistant from Georgia with a 6-year-old son. In 2022, Thurman and her child had just moved out of her family’s place and into their own apartment, and she was planning to start nursing school. When she found out she was pregnant with twins, her best friend told ProPublica, she felt she needed an abortion to preserve her newfound stability, but Georgia had enacted a 6-week abortion ban, and she’d just passed the deadline.
She waited, hoping the law would be put on hold, but eventually she arranged babysitting, took time off from work and borrowed a car in order to get a surgical abortion in North Carolina. Though she and her best friend woke up at 4 a.m. for the drive, they hit terrible traffic on their way there. “The clinic couldn’t hold Thurman’s spot longer than 15 minutes — it was inundated with women from other states where bans had taken effect,” wrote Surana. It offered her a medication abortion instead.

Medication abortion is usually safe and effective, but in about 3 percent to 5 percent of cases, women end up needing either another dose of misoprostol, one of the two drugs in the regimen, or surgery. That’s what happened to Thurman. Days after taking her second pill, she was in pain and bleeding heavily. The clinic in North Carolina would have offered her free follow-up care, but it was too far away.
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Eventually, suffering a severe infection, she passed out and ended up in a hospital in suburban Atlanta. She needed a D.&C., a procedure to empty the uterus, but doctors waited 20 hours to operate as her blood pressure sank, and her organs began to fail. According to Surana, Thurman’s last words to her mother were, “Promise me you’ll take care of my son.” A state medical review committee ruled her death “preventable.”
ProPublica didn’t discover exactly why doctors let Thurman’s condition deteriorate for so long without treating her, but it’s not a stretch to assume they were scared. As in other states where women have been denied routine abortion care, Georgia’s ban includes an exception for procedures “necessary in order to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or the substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function.” But as we’ve seen again and again, hospitals aren’t sure how to interpret this language, especially with the threat of prison time hanging over everyone involved. So medical staff sometimes hesitate to act until the threat to a woman’s life is undeniable, at which point it may be too late.
The shattering fallout from abortion prohibition was entirely predictable for anyone who has paid attention to such bans in other countries. In Ireland, for example, 31-year-old Savita Halappanavar died of septicemia in 2012 after doctors refused to treat her for a miscarriage as long as her fetus had a heartbeat. Her case helped galvanize support for Ireland’s 2018 national referendum to make abortion legal, which passed in a landslide.
It’s too early to know whether Thurman’s death will have a similarly catalytic effect in the United States. I suspect that the anti-abortion movement will claim that she was killed by abortion pills and use her case to further its quest to outlaw them. “Mandate for Leadership,” the legislative agenda laid out by Project 2025, a coalition of conservative groups close to Donald Trump, calls on the F.D.A. to reverse its approval of “chemical abortion drugs.” It cites 26 deaths of women after taking mifepristone, the other drug in the medication abortion regimen.

F.D.A. figures show that only half of those deaths — out of 4.9 million people who’ve used the medication — have anything to do with abortion. (Three of the cases, for example, are women who were confirmed or suspected homicide victims.) But the canard that abortion drugs are dangerous is a staple of anti-abortion propaganda, and conservatives may try to use it to deflect outrage over Thurman’s death.
No one should let them. All medications come with some risk, but abortion pills are safer than penicillin or Viagra and significantly less perilous than childbirth. The complications Thurman faced didn’t have to be deadly; a timely medical intervention could have saved her life. And as long as abortion bans persist, more women are likely to die the same way. Some probably already have. As Surana notes, state committees tasked with reviewing maternal mortality typically operate with a two-year lag, so experts are only just beginning to delve into the details of pregnancy-related deaths that have happened since Roe was overturned. ProPublica plans to publish an investigation into a second woman’s death soon.
For now, it shouldn’t take even more stories of senseless suffering for these cruel laws to become politically untenable. In Ireland, the name Savita became a rallying cry. The name Amber should be one here.
"...said the medical staff told her to wait in a parking lot until she was “crashing” or on the verge of a heart attack."

Seems totally legit and most likely exactly what she was told. Medical stuff 101. Wait until you are having a heart attack. Then seek medical attention.
It was inevitable, once Roe v. Wade was overturned and states started banning abortion, that women were going to die. Over the last two years, we’ve learned of countless close calls. In Oklahoma, 25-year-old Jaci Statton, sick and bleeding with a nonviable partial molar pregnancy, said medical staff told her to wait in a parking lot until she was “crashing” or on the verge of a heart attack. In Florida, Anya Cook was sent home from the hospital after her membranes ruptured at 16 weeks; she then nearly bled to death in the bathroom of a hair salon. Women in Texas and Louisiana have been denied treatment for life-threatening ectopic pregnancies.

And now ProPublica has identified at least two women who died “after they couldn’t access legal abortions and timely medical care.” According to ProPublica’s Kavitha Surana, “There are almost certainly others.”
On Monday, thanks to Surana, we learned the story of one of those women, Amber Nicole Thurman, an otherwise healthy 28-year-old medical assistant from Georgia with a 6-year-old son. In 2022, Thurman and her child had just moved out of her family’s place and into their own apartment, and she was planning to start nursing school. When she found out she was pregnant with twins, her best friend told ProPublica, she felt she needed an abortion to preserve her newfound stability, but Georgia had enacted a 6-week abortion ban, and she’d just passed the deadline.
She waited, hoping the law would be put on hold, but eventually she arranged babysitting, took time off from work and borrowed a car in order to get a surgical abortion in North Carolina. Though she and her best friend woke up at 4 a.m. for the drive, they hit terrible traffic on their way there. “The clinic couldn’t hold Thurman’s spot longer than 15 minutes — it was inundated with women from other states where bans had taken effect,” wrote Surana. It offered her a medication abortion instead.

Medication abortion is usually safe and effective, but in about 3 percent to 5 percent of cases, women end up needing either another dose of misoprostol, one of the two drugs in the regimen, or surgery. That’s what happened to Thurman. Days after taking her second pill, she was in pain and bleeding heavily. The clinic in North Carolina would have offered her free follow-up care, but it was too far away.
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Eventually, suffering a severe infection, she passed out and ended up in a hospital in suburban Atlanta. She needed a D.&C., a procedure to empty the uterus, but doctors waited 20 hours to operate as her blood pressure sank, and her organs began to fail. According to Surana, Thurman’s last words to her mother were, “Promise me you’ll take care of my son.” A state medical review committee ruled her death “preventable.”
ProPublica didn’t discover exactly why doctors let Thurman’s condition deteriorate for so long without treating her, but it’s not a stretch to assume they were scared. As in other states where women have been denied routine abortion care, Georgia’s ban includes an exception for procedures “necessary in order to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or the substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function.” But as we’ve seen again and again, hospitals aren’t sure how to interpret this language, especially with the threat of prison time hanging over everyone involved. So medical staff sometimes hesitate to act until the threat to a woman’s life is undeniable, at which point it may be too late.
The shattering fallout from abortion prohibition was entirely predictable for anyone who has paid attention to such bans in other countries. In Ireland, for example, 31-year-old Savita Halappanavar died of septicemia in 2012 after doctors refused to treat her for a miscarriage as long as her fetus had a heartbeat. Her case helped galvanize support for Ireland’s 2018 national referendum to make abortion legal, which passed in a landslide.
It’s too early to know whether Thurman’s death will have a similarly catalytic effect in the United States. I suspect that the anti-abortion movement will claim that she was killed by abortion pills and use her case to further its quest to outlaw them. “Mandate for Leadership,” the legislative agenda laid out by Project 2025, a coalition of conservative groups close to Donald Trump, calls on the F.D.A. to reverse its approval of “chemical abortion drugs.” It cites 26 deaths of women after taking mifepristone, the other drug in the medication abortion regimen.

F.D.A. figures show that only half of those deaths — out of 4.9 million people who’ve used the medication — have anything to do with abortion. (Three of the cases, for example, are women who were confirmed or suspected homicide victims.) But the canard that abortion drugs are dangerous is a staple of anti-abortion propaganda, and conservatives may try to use it to deflect outrage over Thurman’s death.
No one should let them. All medications come with some risk, but abortion pills are safer than penicillin or Viagra and significantly less perilous than childbirth. The complications Thurman faced didn’t have to be deadly; a timely medical intervention could have saved her life. And as long as abortion bans persist, more women are likely to die the same way. Some probably already have. As Surana notes, state committees tasked with reviewing maternal mortality typically operate with a two-year lag, so experts are only just beginning to delve into the details of pregnancy-related deaths that have happened since Roe was overturned. ProPublica plans to publish an investigation into a second woman’s death soon.
For now, it shouldn’t take even more stories of senseless suffering for these cruel laws to become politically untenable. In Ireland, the name Savita became a rallying cry. The name Amber should be one here.
A matter of time? lol This happens countless times a day in America and you leftist psychos are cool with it >

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"...said the medical staff told her to wait in a parking lot until she was “crashing” or on the verge of a heart attack."

Seems totally legit and most likely exactly what she was told. Medical stuff 101. Wait until you are having a heart attack. Then seek medical attention.
What did they really tell her?
“Medication abortion is usually safe and effective, but in about 3 percent to 5 percent of cases, women end up needing either another dose of misoprostol, one of the two drugs in the regimen, or surgery.”

Seems like another death caused by Big Pharma and their partners at the FDA. 🤷‍♂️

A major adverse effect of the obstetrical use of Cytotec is the hyperstimulation of the uterus which may progress to uterine tetany with marked impairment of uteroplacental blood flow, uterine rupture (requiring surgical repair, hysterectomy, and/or salpingo-oophorectomy), or amniotic fluid embolism. Pelvic pain, retained placenta, severe genital bleeding, shock, fetal bradycardia, and fetal and maternal death have been reported.

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but a true ban would also save a lot more.


Miscarriages are quite common.
It's why childbirth was so deadly in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Then, we developed the surgical procedures and drugs that vastly improved those pregnancy risks.

Folks like you want to take us back to the 1800s, when dying during a pregnancy was fairly common.

I’m a survivor of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy who received the last rites and spent a week in ICU. If it hadn’t happened on a Saturday and my husband had been at work he literally would have come home to a dead wife and a toddler roaming the house in the dark.

I was happily married and the Mom of an 18 month old little boy and I had zero symptoms of pregnancy or else it might have been detected earlier.

The question I always have is why the Hell men sit on here and argue about an issue that will never affect their body. Once that sperm and millions of his best friends shoot out of your dicks you roll over and you’re done.

I hate that this young woman went through this tragic event but she was a single Mom who got pregnant with a grown man adult partner and apparently pregnancy protection wasn’t of enough concern for either one of them .

With the prevalence of contemporary thinking among younger generations about abortion as a
Fallback option birth control seems to be a far more casual concept than when a young woman had few choices if she was unlucky enough to get pregnant “out of wedlock”.
Phrases like “they had to get married” and “she went to New York for the weekend” are never part of a conversation these days.

The examples used by Ciggy are part of a painful outcome by a generation who have to adjust to a new reality called personal responsibility.

As a strongly pro choice person and woman of another era I saw firsthand some situations that left a lifelong memory and opinion.
I knew of NINE upperclass women who “had to get married” to their college boyfriends.
I had six classmates (3 girls and three boys) at my high school who got married our senior year. (Catholic High School)
Out of all those people only one couple are still married.

Notice I didn’t say stop having sex. 😉
I hate that this young woman went through this tragic event but she was a single Mom who got pregnant with a grown man adult partner and apparently pregnancy protection wasn’t of enough concern for either one of them .

With the prevalence of contemporary thinking among younger generations about abortion as a
Fallback option birth control seems to be a far more casual concept than when a young woman had few choices if she was unlucky enough to get pregnant “out of wedlock”.
Phrases like “they had to get married” and “she went to New York for the weekend” are never part of a conversation these days.

Number of people from “younger generations” who’ve told goldie they consider “abortion as a Fallback option”: < 1

But why let that get in the way of a rant about something she totally made up?
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Number of people from “younger generations” who’ve told goldie they consider “abortion as a Fallback option”: < 1

But why let that get in the way of a rant about something she totally made up?
This little girl said it

"Pro-life" is a position that is championed by a faction of people in power in order to attract well-meaning people (useful idiots) to vote for candidates who support positions that the general populace is not primarily motivated to support.
I’m a survivor of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy who received the last rites and spent a week in ICU. If it hadn’t happened on a Saturday and my husband had been at work he literally would have come home to a dead wife and a toddler roaming the house in the dark.

I was happily married and the Mom of an 18 month old little boy and I had zero symptoms of pregnancy or else it might have been detected earlier.

The question I always have is why the Hell men sit on here and argue about an issue that will never affect their body. Once that sperm and millions of his best friends shoot out of your dicks you roll over and you’re done.

I hate that this young woman went through this tragic event but she was a single Mom who got pregnant with a grown man adult partner and apparently pregnancy protection wasn’t of enough concern for either one of them .

With the prevalence of contemporary thinking among younger generations about abortion as a
Fallback option birth control seems to be a far more casual concept than when a young woman had few choices if she was unlucky enough to get pregnant “out of wedlock”.
Phrases like “they had to get married” and “she went to New York for the weekend” are never part of a conversation these days.

The examples used by Ciggy are part of a painful outcome by a generation who have to adjust to a new reality called personal responsibility.

As a strongly pro choice person and woman of another era I saw firsthand some situations that left a lifelong memory and opinion.
I knew of NINE upperclass women who “had to get married” to their college boyfriends.
I had six classmates (3 girls and three boys) at my high school who got married our senior year. (Catholic High School)
Out of all those people only one couple are still married.

Notice I didn’t say stop having sex. 😉
Why? Because we have wives and daughters we care for.

Who cares if the woman was a single mother, do they not deserve health care too? You have no idea if they used birth control or not.

For someone who claims to be pro-choice you sure seem to only think it should apply to married women.
I’m a survivor of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy who received the last rites and spent a week in ICU. If it hadn’t happened on a Saturday and my husband had been at work he literally would have come home to a dead wife and a toddler roaming the house in the dark.

I was happily married and the Mom of an 18 month old little boy and I had zero symptoms of pregnancy or else it might have been detected earlier.

The question I always have is why the Hell men sit on here and argue about an issue that will never affect their body. Once that sperm and millions of his best friends shoot out of your dicks you roll over and you’re done.

I hate that this young woman went through this tragic event but she was a single Mom who got pregnant with a grown man adult partner and apparently pregnancy protection wasn’t of enough concern for either one of them .

With the prevalence of contemporary thinking among younger generations about abortion as a
Fallback option birth control seems to be a far more casual concept than when a young woman had few choices if she was unlucky enough to get pregnant “out of wedlock”.
Phrases like “they had to get married” and “she went to New York for the weekend” are never part of a conversation these days.

The examples used by Ciggy are part of a painful outcome by a generation who have to adjust to a new reality called personal responsibility.

As a strongly pro choice person and woman of another era I saw firsthand some situations that left a lifelong memory and opinion.
I knew of NINE upperclass women who “had to get married” to their college boyfriends.
I had six classmates (3 girls and three boys) at my high school who got married our senior year. (Catholic High School)
Out of all those people only one couple are still married.

Notice I didn’t say stop having sex. 😉
I call BS!

"Once that sperm and millions of his best friends shoot out of your dicks you roll over and you’re done. "

I ALWAYS get my wife a warm wash cloth and help her up and out of bed like a gentleman!
I call BS!

"Once that sperm and millions of his best friends shoot out of your dicks you roll over and you’re done. "

I ALWAYS get my wife a warm wash cloth and help her up and out of bed like a gentleman!
I think a twice a year event is probably pretty special all around.
I think 6 weeks is too low of a bar

That said, I think there’s more medical failures here than blaming it on the ban. Jmo
I think 6 weeks is too low of a bar

That said, I think there’s more medical failures here than blaming it on the ban. Jmo
The review board said it was preventable. Why did the medical team wait so long?
It was because they were afraid.
I’m a survivor of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy who received the last rites and spent a week in ICU. If it hadn’t happened on a Saturday and my husband had been at work he literally would have come home to a dead wife and a toddler roaming the house in the dark.

I was happily married and the Mom of an 18 month old little boy and I had zero symptoms of pregnancy or else it might have been detected earlier.

The question I always have is why the Hell men sit on here and argue about an issue that will never affect their body. Once that sperm and millions of his best friends shoot out of your dicks you roll over and you’re done.

I hate that this young woman went through this tragic event but she was a single Mom who got pregnant with a grown man adult partner and apparently pregnancy protection wasn’t of enough concern for either one of them .

With the prevalence of contemporary thinking among younger generations about abortion as a
Fallback option birth control seems to be a far more casual concept than when a young woman had few choices if she was unlucky enough to get pregnant “out of wedlock”.
Phrases like “they had to get married” and “she went to New York for the weekend” are never part of a conversation these days.

The examples used by Ciggy are part of a painful outcome by a generation who have to adjust to a new reality called personal responsibility.

As a strongly pro choice person and woman of another era I saw firsthand some situations that left a lifelong memory and opinion.
I knew of NINE upperclass women who “had to get married” to their college boyfriends.
I had six classmates (3 girls and three boys) at my high school who got married our senior year. (Catholic High School)
Out of all those people only one couple are still married.

Notice I didn’t say stop having sex. 😉
You should print this out it and mail it to the kid growing up without a mom and explain why women like you deserve sympathy, but women with different life experiences deserve to painfully linger for 20 hours gripped with fear as they die instead of being treated.

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