It's hard to believe Iowa is in the tournament.

sigmachi blu

Jan 5, 2003
Someone please pinch me I'm not dreaming. Kidding aside, should Iowa survive the 1st round I don't see them getting past Gonzaga. It's not going to be pretty.

I was in Ann Arbor this year when Iowa beat the wolverines like a rented mule. Not to mention at least 30% of Crisler arena was empty on a decent weather night.

Give Iowa its due, they have been pretty good this year. 12-6 in the BIG and 6 road victories, not an easy feat.
Someone please pinch me, I must be dreaming. There is a guy from Michigan actually making fun of the Hawkeyes. Thanks for the laugh sigmachi.
I'll be in the lower bowl on Friday cheering on the Hawks and Panthers. Good luck! I'll be in a much better mood and will cheer louder if ISU wins on Thursday. Otherwise I may just be drunk and surly. ;)

Let's make this Sweet 16 thing happen!!
Originally posted by heat_dawg:

Thanks good sir. Good luck in the NIT.
Ya... wait, oh, that's right, they did not get invited to the Not Invited Tournament, so their fans decided to punk legitimate teams...