Jack Trice Atmosphere


Feb 11, 2011
What a win for the Hawks yesterday. Most Cyclone fans were a good time to be around, on top of that I thought the atmosphere at Jack Trice was fantastic. I thought their PA guy, band and use of music on the loud speakers was great. The band actually plays upbeat music throughout the game, I can barely ever tell the Hawkeye band exists. The PA guy is excited and tries to keep the crowd into it and the music they play is loud and keeps the crowd pumped. I would love to see some of these things done more at Kinnick to pick up the atmosphere at times. I may be in the minority, but I was interested to see if other Hawk fans thought the same.
I don't know if it's because of where we were sitting in relation to the loudspeakers, but against Illinois St. it seemed like they pumped in a lot more noise (I'm talking in terms of volume) than they have in previous years. We weren't sitting too far from the student section which is where I sat from 2007-2011.
It seemed to me there was a lot of distortion coming through the stadium speakers due to the volume being too high, which was annoying.

However, I didn't hear about the Case IH Redzone, the Delta Dental Smile Cam, or the Pancheros Burrito Lift, which was nice.
P.S. Ames is nice college town and the Clones have a respectable fan base. If their FB program gave them more to cheer about every year, you wouldn't see awful crowds in October/November. I'm going to use a corollary for an example of what I mean: We failed to sell out a season opener in Kinnick freaking Stadium (or Mecca as I sometimes call it).
I thought the stadium looked great. I know this is blasphemy to some here, but when it comes to stadium design, I prefer the openness of the concessions areas and enjoy Jack Trice more than Kinnick. The sea of red is very effective. Congrats to them on their renovations.

My only complaint, as with all stadiums, is that the music is far too loud. (Just FYI to the younger set, your ears really do change as you age and very loud sounds are actually uncomfortable for us older folks. It's a real thing.)

Clone fans were decent to be around, for the most part they usually are.
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I thought the tailgating outside the stadium was a good atmosphere. I was surprised how nice their stadium was and how the concourse/concessions were organized. Once the game started it didn't feel big time. Seemed like the PA messages/sound/music was begging the crowd to make noise. Kind of rah rah and cheesey like they know their team cannot sustain excitement themselves. Prefer the Kinnick environment inside but maybe Jack Trice on the outside minus the Melrose vendors at Iowa.
The nice thing about JT and Ames is how easy it is to get in and out of town and how easy it is to find reasonable parking. I'll never like either more than Kinnick or IC, but I can understand if visiting fans prefer the Ames experience. Not everyone cares about how much we love Iowa City. A lot of people want to drive to a football game and leave on their time and they don't want to sit in a traffic jam in a metro area of ~160-170k.
It seemed to me there was a lot of distortion coming through the stadium speakers due to the volume being too high, which was annoying.

However, I didn't hear about the Case IH Redzone, the Delta Dental Smile Cam, or the Pancheros Burrito Lift, which was nice.

I think I saw a Delta Dental cam - like 99% sure unless I was having a nightmare.
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What a win for the Hawks yesterday. Most Cyclone fans were a good time to be around, on top of that I thought the atmosphere at Jack Trice was fantastic. I thought their PA guy, band and use of music on the loud speakers was great. The band actually plays upbeat music throughout the game, I can barely ever tell the Hawkeye band exists. The PA guy is excited and tries to keep the crowd into it and the music they play is loud and keeps the crowd pumped. I would love to see some of these things done more at Kinnick to pick up the atmosphere at times. I may be in the minority, but I was interested to see if other Hawk fans thought the same.
I like that he gets the crowd going, music choice and volume really sucked. All the ISU fans around us brought ear plugs. Loved the players vids pumping fans as well
I like that he gets the crowd going, music choice and volume really sucked. All the ISU fans around us brought ear plugs. Loved the players vids pumping fans as well
It seems the volume is uneven throughout the stadium. Some sections appear to get hit hard, others claim you can't hear it. It was just fine in my seats. I've heard one other person complain of distortion. Some folks said they thought they were messing with the volume yesterday because some music started out loud for a few notes then tone down a bit. I don't think they figured out how the sound travels with the new enclosed end.
I thought the tailgating outside the stadium was a good atmosphere. I was surprised how nice their stadium was and how the concourse/concessions were organized. Once the game started it didn't feel big time. Seemed like the PA messages/sound/music was begging the crowd to make noise. Kind of rah rah and cheesey like they know their team cannot sustain excitement themselves. Prefer the Kinnick environment inside but maybe Jack Trice on the outside minus the Melrose vendors at Iowa.
Concourse is open, similar to Minnesota which I like. Concession lines sucked. I was in section T and every place on the east side ran out of water by halftime. How the hell does that happen?

Tailgating is all together all around stadium, but those lots when leaving were completely trashed, like nothing I've ever seen before trashed.

Music was loud, bands were good, better to walk out with an Iowa win.
Concourse is open, similar to Minnesota which I like. Concession lines sucked. I was in section T and every place on the east side ran out of water by halftime. How the hell does that happen?

Tailgating is all together all around stadium, but those lots when leaving were completely trashed, like nothing I've ever seen before trashed.

Music was loud, bands were good, better to walk out with an Iowa win.

The concessions are manned by volunteer groups which lends to slow service. Not one of my favorite parts of game day ops. Running out of water seems odd especially after the prior week's 90+ degree temps. That was probably temporary, but I don't really know. The tailgating lots are generally pretty trashed, though Saturday would be more so due to all the extra fans that come to tailgate only. There is a church group that makes some pretty nice coin to do clean up.
The stadium renovations definitely were impressive. The crowd was very quiet, especially for being such a close game throughout.
I didn't go this year, but have been to the previous 5 over there. Always a good time, good atmosphere.
It seems the volume is uneven throughout the stadium. Some sections appear to get hit hard, others claim you can't hear it. It was just fine in my seats. I've heard one other person complain of distortion. Some folks said they thought they were messing with the volume yesterday because some music started out loud for a few notes then tone down a bit. I don't think they figured out how the sound travels with the new enclosed end.

You can test the system in the preseason or between games, but until you've got 60,000+ people in the stands, there's no way to know exactly how it's going to sound. Hopefully they figure it out sometime this season without breaking any eardrums. If you've got whole sections of fans with earplugs (another poster mentioned it above), then you may have some issues to work out.
Kinnick music and timing has gotten better but it took them way to long to figure it out. The need to turn up the volume a smidge more though and try some new selections.
1. The concessions are, I think, run by volunteer groups, so you get what you would expect. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I would be happy to argue either side of the question of whether they should be replaced by professionals.

2. I freaking hate the PA system being used as a cheerleading device. I especially hate the "It's another Cyclone FIRST DOWN!" bullshit. I first heard that at Okie State, then at Kansas State, and I bitched mightly about how bush league it was. Then ISU started doing it. Argggh!! Announcing game information is the job of the PA; leading cheers is the job of the cheerleaders. Yes, I'm an old fogey.

3. The sound system is the subject of spirited debate on Cyclone message boards after every game. Some people complain that they can't hear it, while others claim they are permanently deafened by the volume. Obviously, something should be done (if possible) about this.

4. The renovation is a spectacular success, IMHO. It works a lot better than I expected. The stadium doesn't look like it's had seats tacked on; it looks like a horseshoe stadium. The ribbon message board is a good addition.
1. The concessions are, I think, run by volunteer groups, so you get what you would expect. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I would be happy to argue either side of the question of whether they should be replaced by professionals.

2. I freaking hate the PA system being used as a cheerleading device. I especially hate the "It's another Cyclone FIRST DOWN!" bullshit. I first heard that at Okie State, then at Kansas State, and I bitched mightly about how bush league it was. Then ISU started doing it. Argggh!! Announcing game information is the job of the PA; leading cheers is the job of the cheerleaders. Yes, I'm an old fogey.

3. The sound system is the subject of spirited debate on Cyclone message boards after every game. Some people complain that they can't hear it, while others claim they are permanently deafened by the volume. Obviously, something should be done (if possible) about this.

4. The renovation is a spectacular success, IMHO. It works a lot better than I expected. The stadium doesn't look like it's had seats tacked on; it looks like a horseshoe stadium. The ribbon message board is a good addition.

Lone, I agree completely with your 4 points. I also hate the First Down B/S- whoever is doing it. Bush league is correct. I did not make it JT this year but have been impressed with the pictures I've seen of the south end zone renovation and with what was shown on TV. JT now looks like a big league stadium whereas it certainly did not before.
New end zone was empty when Iowa scored in second half. Must go tailgate and come back at 4th quarter.
Differing opinions from clone fans, via their fanatic website and this only a few from 5 pages of complaints........

Lack of crowd noise?
I would like to know when an opposing team is backed up to the end zone why our fans our so quite? The QB should not be able to hear himself think. This also happens when the team gets down, the fans just become quite, that is when they need our support! If you go to a game at Hilton, the fans know when the team needs our support and the fans are ready to help them thru that time. I know it is easier when you are winning, but it just frustrating.

Sorry for my vent.

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
Lack of excitement on the field?

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
As good as our crowds are at Hilton, they are pretty lame at Jack and as great as it is to fill our stadium watching a terrible team year after year, the "tailgate" fans really don't care if we win or lose that much

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
The fans would cheer if there was something good going on, on the field, something to get the fans excited. Instead its the same old stuff over and over again. You cannot blame the fans for not being loud. This fan base has done plenty to support this program over the last 10 years. Yet the product on the field just keeps getting worse.

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
Hard to hear crowd noise over the loud noise constantly blaring out of the sound system that evidently is required for good game day atmosphere.

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
Originally Posted by 67CY
Hard to hear crowd noise over the loud noise constantly blaring out of the sound system that evidently is required for good game day atmosphere.

I wish I could hear the sound system in my seat.

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
To add to this, why are the new end zone stands a mile from the actual field? It looks really weird on TV and I'm sure it doesn't keep the noise in well at all when the opposition is down there.

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
Originally Posted by kingcy
I wish I could hear the sound system in my seat.

Where are your seats? The sound in the SEZ is so loud you cannot hear anything else.

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
The over the top noise from the speakers have taken the fans out of the game...its counter productive. Terrible choice by media people in athletic dept

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
The effing music is too loud, and I'm younger than 30. We did th Cyclone power cheer and I couldn't hear shi7 because the scoreboard was so loud.

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
That was our first game in the SEZ with the kiddos and I was honestly worried about damage to their ears. If you don't sit on the south end with that crap blaring right in your face, it's hard to believe how insanely loud it is. It's completely unnecessary and it cant be good for the audio equipment. When it's so damn loud that it's completely distorted half the time, dial it back a bit. It's a football game, not a Megadeath concert.

Re: Lack of crowd noise?
The crowd was really quiet all game, but that's completely understandable. I guess at least it was full the last 2 games. That is the last game this year it will be full. Attendance will drop way off by the end of the year.

Lack of crowd at beginning of 2nd half
I rarely start threads after losses but this bothered me. We had an exciting first half, stopped an awful fake field goal attempt by Iowa, and went into the half with a 7 point lead. All the momentum was ours. Here I was thinking the crowd just might stick around the stadium for half and be there for the 2nd half kickoff. Nope. Lots of empty seats. The fans that were there were dead silent. We go a quick 3 and out then Iowa takes the field. Where was the crowd for Iowa's series? Judging how noisy it was (or lack thereof) you would think we were down 30. Iowa proceeds to march down the field and tie the game up.

I know you bought your ticket and can do whatever you want but come on! I really think this had a pretty big effect in the change of momentum to Iowa. You know who you are if you went to the tailgate lots and came back at the end of the 3rd quarter. I know this is never going to change as long as ISU has its re-entry policy but this is our rival.

IMHO, the game atmosphere reminded me of the joke that is UNI home games; they use what sounds more like a DJ spinning loud music like a rave, rather than a game announcer.
Lol, well ISU fans don't need to worry about that anymore this season because the lacky crew working the sound system only does that for big time games and the Iowa game.
You can test the system in the preseason or between games, but until you've got 60,000+ people in the stands, there's no way to know exactly how it's going to sound. Hopefully they figure it out sometime this season without breaking any eardrums. If you've got whole sections of fans with earplugs (another poster mentioned it above), then you may have some issues to work out.
And it's more complex than that. Wind, temperature and air pressure all create a new problem every week. It's not like Jack Trice Stadium is the only place with these challenges however.
Lol, well ISU fans don't need to worry about that anymore this season because the lacky crew working the sound system only does that for big time games and the Iowa game.
I was there a if someone could not hear the shvt they were blasting , Then they were in frickin DesMoines. Two young ISU parents left before the game with their kiddos for fear of ear damage. The only thing I liked was having a player show up on the board to rile the crowd right up to the damn snap. That idea should be stolen for the Nile.
I was there a if someone could not hear the shvt they were blasting , Then they were in frickin DesMoines. Two young ISU parents left before the game with their kiddos for fear of ear damage. The only thing I liked was having a player show up on the board to rile the crowd right up to the damn snap. That idea should be stolen for the Nile.

Ohio State does that as well on 3rd down except they use former players. It's pretty cool
The nice thing about JT and Ames is how easy it is to get in and out of town and how easy it is to find reasonable parking. I'll never like either more than Kinnick or IC, but I can understand if visiting fans prefer the Ames experience. Not everyone cares about how much we love Iowa City. A lot of people want to drive to a football game and leave on their time and they don't want to sit in a traffic jam in a metro area of ~160-170k.

Huh? I don't agree with this at all unless you are referring to a game other than Iowa-Iowa State. I35 is always backed up getting in and out. I didnt go this year but last time it took me longer to drive the 30 miles back to Des Moines from Ames than ot takes me to drive the 125 miles from Iowa City.

Last time it was slow getting into town because of accidents on I35 and I know there were at least 4 accidents this year.
LC I am with you on the first down junk. Went to a college game this weekend where they did the 1st down thing and then went arrrrrr since they were a pirate themed team. Glad they only had 5 1st downs going into the 4th qtr.
It took us an hour to get out of our own little parking lot Satruday...just out of the lot. That was after we waited an hour after the game to let traffic diminish. They don't know how to run it over there.