Javier Milei speech at United Nations


HB Heisman
Sep 17, 2006
This is a very good speech. It's worth your while to read the entire speech at the link below.

Speaking on the United nations; However -- at some point -- and as it usually happens with most of the bureaucratic structures that we men create, this organization ceased to watch over the principles outlined in its founding declaration and began to mutate. An organization that had been intended -- essentially -- as a shield to protect the Kingdom of Man was transformed into a multi-tentacled Leviathan, which seeks to decide not only what each nation-state should do, but also how all the citizens of the world should live. This is how we went from an organization that pursued peace to an organization that imposes an ideological agenda on its members, on a myriad of issues, which make the life of man in society.

The successful model of the United Nations, whose origins can be traced back to the ideas of President Wilson, who spoke of the society of "peace without victory" and which was based on the cooperation of nation states, has been abandoned; it has been replaced by a model of supranational government of international bureaucrats who seek to impose a certain way of life on the citizens of the world.

What is being discussed -- this week, here, in New York, at the Summit of the Future -- is nothing other than the deepening of this tragic course that this institution has adopted. Thus, the deepening of a model that -- in the words of the Secretary of the United Nations himself -- requires the definition of a new social contract on a global scale, redoubling the commitments of the 2030 Agenda.

I want to be clear on the position of the Argentine agenda: the 2030 Agenda, although well-intentioned in its goals, is nothing more than a supranational government program, socialist in nature, which seeks to solve the problems of modernity with solutions that violate the sovereignty of nation states and violate people's right to life, liberty and property. It is an agenda that pretends to solve poverty, inequality and discrimination with legislation that only deepens them. Because world history shows that the only way to guarantee prosperity is by limiting the power of the monarch, guaranteeing equality before the law and defending the right to life, liberty and property of individuals.
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Therefore, I would like to issue a warning: we are at the end of a cycle. Collectivism and moral posturing, of the woke agenda, have collided with reality and no longer have credible solutions to offer to the world's real problems. In fact, they never had them. If the 2030 Agenda failed -- as its own promoters acknowledge -- the answer should be to ask ourselves if it was not an ill-conceived program to begin with, accept that reality and change course. We cannot pretend to persist in the mistake by redoubling the bet on an agenda that has failed. The same thing always happens with ideas coming from the left: they design a model according to what human beings should be -- according to them -- and when individuals -- freely -- act otherwise, they have no better solution than to restrict, repress and restrict their freedom.

We -- in Argentina -- have already seen with our own eyes what lies at the end of this road of envy and sad passions: poverty, brutalization, anarchy and a fatal absence of freedom. We still have time to turn away from this course.
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Therefore, I would like to issue a warning: we are at the end of a cycle. Collectivism and moral posturing, of the woke agenda, have collided with reality and no longer have credible solutions to offer to the world's real problems. In fact, they never had them. If the 2030 Agenda failed -- as its own promoters acknowledge -- the answer should be to ask ourselves if it was not an ill-conceived program to begin with, accept that reality and change course. We cannot pretend to persist in the mistake by redoubling the bet on an agenda that has failed. The same thing always happens with ideas coming from the left: they design a model according to what human beings should be -- according to them -- and when individuals -- freely -- act otherwise, they have no better solution than to restrict, repress and restrict their freedom.

We -- in Argentina -- have already seen with our own eyes what lies at the end of this road of envy and sad passions: poverty, brutalization, anarchy and a fatal absence of freedom. We still have time to turn away from this course.

I wish I could vote for this guy in November. He gets it.
No, no he doesn’t. He postured like a libertarian but he’s trying to ram through huge military spending increases that bloats their budget while cutting pensioners incomes that they’ve worked their whole life for. All while their poverty rate has nearly doubled to 60%. His fanboys are pathetic far right grifters like Elon.
In fairness Milei inhereited a nightmare. The rent controls, government largess and many other failures of Peronism will take years to fix. And, some of his ideas seem valid. Argentina simply could not continue with hyper inflation, unemployment, etc which were basically wrecking their society. I spent some time there last year and it was clear then that a hard reset is necessary.

However, he is also a blowhard showman who should stick to economics. Argentina’s problems aren’t caused by the “woke” agenda he rails against in the above speech. They were caused by decades of fiscal mismanagement and too many market controls that prevent economic progress.

Fix your own shit before you preach solutions to the rest of the world.
In fairness Milei inhereited a nightmare. The rent controls, government largess and many other failures of Peronism will take years to fix. And, some of his ideas seem valid. Argentina simply could not continue with hyper inflation, unemployment, etc which were basically wrecking their society. I spent some time there last year and it was clear then that a hard reset is necessary.

However, he is also a blowhard showman who should stick to economics. Argentina’s problems aren’t caused by the “woke” agenda he rails against in the above speech. They were caused by decades of fiscal mismanagement and too many market controls that prevent economic progress.

Fix your own shit before you preach solutions to the rest of the world.
DId you read the entire article, or just what I posted?
It seems like he is taking the steps to fixing Argentina.

I think he is spot on with his ideas about how the United Nations have changed their objective. I think the global utopia is not realistic without destroying our freedom and sovereignty. I don't think we will ever see the utopia that well intentioned people want, but we will most definitely see the global power and control that the nefarious players desire.
DId you read the entire article, or just what I posted?
It seems like he is taking the steps to fixing Argentina.

I think he is spot on with his ideas about how the United Nations have changed their objective. I think the global utopia is not realistic without destroying our freedom and sovereignty. I don't think we will ever see the utopia that well intentioned people want, but we will most definitely see the global power and control that the nefarious players desire.
Just what you posted - traveling and just glances at it on my phone. I’m no fan of the UN, but I’m also no fan of flamboyant showboats. Milei has some good ideas, I’m just saying he should stick with that and not try to play world statesman when his country is a f*cked up mess that is not yet fixed.
Just what you posted - traveling and just glances at it on my phone. I’m no fan of the UN, but I’m also no fan of flamboyant showboats. Milei has some good ideas, I’m just saying he should stick with that and not try to play world statesman when his country is a f*cked up mess that is not yet fixed.
You should read the whole article if you have time. It is really good. Milei talked about the push for globalism by the US (mostly democrats)/UN and how this was not the original intent of the United Nations. I don't know much about Milei, but I thought it was interesting that he voiced all the same concerns that I (and most republicans) have with the democrats and the United Nations.

I appreciate a very rational and pointed speech like this. He understands the bigger agenda at play and he knows that the globalist agenda will lead to more war, famine, and pain for the entire world. This is why republicans support Trump so much, they hope that he will be able to get the USA out of the globalist agenda and all that comes with it.