Jay Higgins Video

Certainly not to speak for anyone else, but while I at times will cuss a player under (or over) my breath, the VAST majority of my griping is directed at the staff. Sure, the kid is trying and has worked hard to get where they are. It's not his fault that he's out there if he's not getting the job done, and I'm pretty certain he doesn't want to fail.
If he's just not good enough, that's the staff's fault that he's still out there, or there isn't anyone better to have that spot. Or, as many have surmised, we're not allowed to find out if the next in line is better or not.
Higgins is a stud. And while not perfect, nobody can question his talent, desire, and production. Someone we'd all like our sons to be like.
A great Hawkeye. A great family. It gives you pause among our criticisms to think about what these young men put into the program. If you're going to game and come across the Higgins family, stop and give them a hug and a big Thank You!

Great post. Jay and his family will be missed, just like so many great Hawks of the past. We all know that to the glee of many here, at some point Kirk will be gone and there will be a new regime. My one hope is that wherever Beth turns we're able to somehow maintain the kind of blue color, (the team before me) culture that has been built here over the last 4+ decades of Iowa football. Believe it or not, its not like this everywhere.
Great post. Jay and his family will be missed, just like so many great Hawks of the past. We all know that to the glee of many here, at some point Kirk will be gone and there will be a new regime. My one hope is that wherever Beth turns we're able to somehow maintain the kind of blue color, (the team before me) culture that has been built here over the last 4+ decades of Iowa football. Believe it or not, its not like this everywhere.
Exactly. I love being the "ham and egger" program, honestly. I'd rather be the Rocky Balboa of college football than the Apollo Creed.
Can’t think of another player who maxes out his talent on every play game after game. Off the charts reliability and hustle. Feel great story of the year. Hope he wins the butkus.
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