Wasnt-drunk-didnt-troll HB Heisman Gold Member Sep 11, 2017 6,190 4,967 113 Feb 5, 2018 #2 Maybe he was saying 8pm cst.
hawkeye bb n fb fan HB MVP Nov 11, 2016 1,980 1,422 113 Feb 5, 2018 #3 I see you liked my post in the other thread, which means you saw it, but he chose Iowa Let's go, baby. Great get for the Hawkeyes Reactions: LETSGOHAWKS2, CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY BBALL FAN, cap_tain8 and 1 other person
I see you liked my post in the other thread, which means you saw it, but he chose Iowa Let's go, baby. Great get for the Hawkeyes