Jeb Bush Rules Out Running for President

The more important question involves whether he would have bailed out on Iraq just as the war was being won.

I am guessing the answer would have been "No."


Incidentally, one of the reasons I like Jeb is because he is straight forward, and seems to be quite honest. He also seems to be operating from a belief-system and not so much from a desire for political expediency.
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one never has to run when one is just installed

Obama never proved he was qualified, heck, he never proved his real name

just installed, purely and simply
If you want to be truthful... the GOP crapped their own bed by having such weak candidates both times Obama was selected. And by the looks of things, the Republicans are poised to do the same this next time. To get nominated, you have to pander to the ultra conservatives... and that's a recipe for losing the general election. Look at it this way... McCain was in a no-win situation following Bush. Palin sealed his fate. And Romney's "47% comment" sealed his fate. Obama was a weak alternative, but still the better option.
If you want to be truthful... the GOP crapped their own bed by having such weak candidates both times Obama was selected. And by the looks of things, the Republicans are poised to do the same this next time. To get nominated, you have to pander to the ultra conservatives... and that's a recipe for losing the general election. Look at it this way... McCain was in a no-win situation following Bush. Palin sealed his fate. And Romney's "47% comment" sealed his fate. Obama was a weak alternative, but still the better option.
well yeah, but I'm thinking somebody told jeb he's in now, like the same folks who told Obama he was in, at the Bilderberg convention.

and no, he was not a better "option", he was the chosen one to be installed

better option for the globalists to takeover the world, yes
If you want to be truthful... the GOP crapped their own bed by having such weak candidates both times Obama was selected. And by the looks of things, the Republicans are poised to do the same this next time. To get nominated, you have to pander to the ultra conservatives... and that's a recipe for losing the general election. Look at it this way... McCain was in a no-win situation following Bush. Palin sealed his fate. And Romney's "47% comment" sealed his fate. Obama was a weak alternative, but still the better option.

Now the religious conservatives are throwing a hissy fit and inciting war against corporations for their attack on religion in the aftermath of the striking down of the since I am a Christian I get to hate you because you are gay laws. The repub candidates are going to have to blow Vanderplatts to get any traction in Iowa. It's great fun to watch.
Odummy has spent most of his presidency blaming Bush for everything. Can you imagine the friggin mess the next president will face? God forbid it's not Hillary. But i have no confidence in the voters anymore. They proved how stupid they are by electing that dumbass Barry a second time.
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she might be in till the end but she won't get installed, the new world order freaks and saudis and royals who run the world, love them some bush and hate them some women
Thats sort of clever, but I thought that crowd loved the Clintons. If the instillation idea has weight what happened to Perry? Why did they pick the Clintons over Bush in '92?
Thats sort of clever, but I thought that crowd loved the Clintons. If the instillation idea has weight what happened to Perry? Why did they pick the Clintons over Bush in '92?
the bush and Clinton family are tight. bill said daddy bush is his dad or something like that and junior just stated it makes Hillary his sister. yes, the people running the show love the Clintons, bill Clinton. they cannot and will not have a woman in power. perry has been pegged as vp for years, jeb bush has been here to meet with perry in Austin at least three or four times in the last four years. mark it down, jeb and perry with the blessing of bill, and Hillary is out because she's a woman.
Jeb spends a lot of time saying Hillary would have invaded, too. I don't know. My complaint on Hillary is she put her finger firmly up in the air to see which way the wind was blowing about invading Iraq. Bush of course pukes out the standard line about the intelligence was faulty, not that anyone challenged the intelligence. Or, that the intelligence was guided to meet the desire to invade Iraq.
His comments about how the invasion ultimately failed are tepid. We had no plan other than to go in smash things up in Iraq. A whole lot of what we are dealing with in the Middle East right now is the result of busting up Iraq with no plan to stabilize it after Saddam Hussein was toppled.
Jeb spends a lot of time saying Hillary would have invaded, too. I don't know. My complaint on Hillary is she put her finger firmly up in the air to see which way the wind was blowing about invading Iraq. Bush of course pukes out the standard line about the intelligence was faulty, not that anyone challenged the intelligence. Or, that the intelligence was guided to meet the desire to invade Iraq.
His comments about how the invasion ultimately failed are tepid. We had no plan other than to go in smash things up in Iraq. A whole lot of what we are dealing with in the Middle East right now is the result of busting up Iraq with no plan to stabilize it after Saddam Hussein was toppled.
see, they are one. the bush family and the Clintons: all one big happy. Obama is their little coffee getter.
Jeb spends a lot of time saying Hillary would have invaded, too. I don't know. My complaint on Hillary is she put her finger firmly up in the air to see which way the wind was blowing about invading Iraq. Bush of course pukes out the standard line about the intelligence was faulty, not that anyone challenged the intelligence. Or, that the intelligence was guided to meet the desire to invade Iraq.
His comments about how the invasion ultimately failed are tepid. We had no plan other than to go in smash things up in Iraq. A whole lot of what we are dealing with in the Middle East right now is the result of busting up Iraq with no plan to stabilize it after Saddam Hussein was toppled.

He may be right about Hillary, but we can't be sure. Certainly both Clintons have supported the (flawed) intelligence that said Iraq was a threat. But it's a big leap from saying a nation is a threat to saying "wouldn't it be a great idea to invade?"

OTOH, Hillary was the very last Dem candidate in the 2008 election to come out against the war. So even though she might not have started it, she was a staunch supporter for much longer than any sensible person should have been.

In my book, that disqualifies her - perhaps as much as Jeb's statement that he would also have started that criminal war. Why "perhaps as much" instead of "just as much"? Because Jeb is now on record saying he would have been a war criminal. Unless Hillary says what Jeb said, we don't know for sure if Hillary would also have been a war criminal.

I would love to see enterprising journalists ask each presidential hopeful if he or she would have started that war.

I can think of 3 who I'm pretty confident would answer "no." Bernie, Martin O'Malley and Rand Paul. Elizabeth Warren, too, but she says she isn't running.
Is this country really not big enough we can't do better than to run out another Bush or Clinton?
Odummy has spent most of his presidency blaming Bush for everything. Can you imagine the friggin mess the next president will face? God forbid it's not Hillary. But i have no confidence in the voters anymore. They proved how stupid they are by electing that dumbass Barry a second time.

Not a Jeb fan but it would be kinda fun watching him spend 4-8 years blaming Obama for everything. I think he probably has too much class to do that but it would be an interesting irony-as they say payback is a bi***! On balance though, we don't need another Bush or another Clinton.
If you want to be truthful... the GOP crapped their own bed by having such weak candidates both times Obama was selected. And by the looks of things, the Republicans are poised to do the same this next time. To get nominated, you have to pander to the ultra conservatives... and that's a recipe for losing the general election. Look at it this way... McCain was in a no-win situation following Bush. Palin sealed his fate. And Romney's "47% comment" sealed his fate. Obama was a weak alternative, but still the better option.
This post started out with such insightfulness and promise, but unfortunately it quickly went south into irrelevance. Oh well, at least we got a sentence or two of truthful points, which is more than we can say for many posts made by posters here.
Jeb spends a lot of time saying Hillary would have invaded, too. I don't know. My complaint on Hillary is she put her finger firmly up in the air to see which way the wind was blowing about invading Iraq. Bush of course pukes out the standard line about the intelligence was faulty, not that anyone challenged the intelligence. Or, that the intelligence was guided to meet the desire to invade Iraq.
His comments about how the invasion ultimately failed are tepid. We had no plan other than to go in smash things up in Iraq. A whole lot of what we are dealing with in the Middle East right now is the result of busting up Iraq with no plan to stabilize it after Saddam Hussein was toppled.
I'm looking forward to watching the interview tonight. (Of course, I'd look forward to watching Megan interview just about anybody, but that's another story). She was just on "The Five" and they were talking about this.....she said he didn't answer the question she asked, and she has offered him a chance to explain whether that was intentional or not.

It's pretty important. She said "knowing what we know now" and that isn't what he answered. He specifically talked about what he -- and Hillary and just about everybody else -- would have done based on the best intelligence available at the time. He also went on about mistakes that were made in the aftermath of the military victory, and said Dubya agrees with him on that.

It should be an interesting interview. I wonder if Megan will be wearing her black leather outfit......
He is saying that he would have invaded based on the intelligence presented at the time. And so would the vast, vast, vast majority of other politicians and the public at large based on what was known at the time and what the mindset of the country was. It would be much more interesting and germane to the issues of today to ask him if he would have invaded based on what we know now.
He is saying that he would have invaded based on the intelligence presented at the time. And so would the vast, vast, vast majority of other politicians and the public at large based on what was known at the time and what the mindset of the country was. It would be much more interesting and germane to the issues of today to ask him if he would have invaded based on what we know now.
You forget that it took months of heavy-handed propaganda before the US populace finally swung around to favoring the invasion of Iraq. If we had had an administration that didn't want to go to war with Iraq, there was no reason to manipulate public opinion - and without that propaganda assault, presumably no war.
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You forget that it took months of heavy-handed propaganda before the US populace finally swung around to favoring the invasion of Iraq. If we had had an administration that didn't want to go to war with Iraq, there was no reason to manipulate public opinion - and without that propaganda assault, presumably no war.
I think you are remembering it wrong. The populace was pretty whipped up over 9-11, and running through the Taliban hadn't really satiated that. Also, in the era immediately after 9-11 there was a TON of second guessing of the way we had handled foreign policy up to that point with respect to fundamentalist Islamist terrorists, and how we had basically turned a blind eye to ever increasing provocations and attacks until if finally blew up on our doorstep. In that environment, even though Saddam was hardly a fundamentalist (more of a dictator who used religion when it was convenient) he HAD been extremely provocative, had used WMD's of the chemical variety in past, had invaded his neighbors, had sponsored terror (especially against Israel), was in breach of almost 20 UN resolutions, had allegedly participated in a plot to assassinate Bush Sr, and was actively stoking the rumors that he was close to or already had nuclear weaponry, at least of the dirty bomb variety (more in a gambit to enhance his position in the Middle East, but we didn't know that at the time). With the sting of 9-11 still so fresh and the feeling that we had missed so many signs and opportunities to prevent it, doing nothing about Saddam was not something people were interested in. No doubt the administration was hot to get into Iraq, but I do believe that they really thought they were doing so to prevent another 9-11 down the road. We had pretty much ignored Bin Laden, and he managed to orchestrate the largest foreign attack on US soil in our country's could we ignore Hussein, who virtually EVERYBODY was saying was imminently acquiring nuclear weapons, and who had on many occasions vowed to use them against us and our allies?

The notion that the country, the congress, or almost anybody else was dragged into the Iraq War is just completely detached from reality. There were some anti-war folks out there for sure, and some not-necessarily anti-war but cooler heads advocating for caution or avoidance completely....but they were far and away the minority. There was absolutely no months of convincing required for the vast majority of the public. We did dance with Saddam for quite a while and gave him multiple opportunities to deescalate the situation from his end (whether or not he was really in a position to do that, or if we were being sincere in that effort is another debate), but that was to an entirely different purpose of cementing our legal case for the war to come both home and abroad...not to sway public opinion. That was already in the bag.
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I think you are remembering it wrong. The populace was pretty whipped up over 9-11, and running through the Taliban hadn't really satiated that. Also, in the era immediately after 9-11 there was a TON of second guessing of the way we had handled foreign policy up to that point with respect to fundamentalist Islamist terrorists, and how we had basically turned a blind eye to ever increasing provocations and attacks until if finally blew up on our doorstep. In that environment, even though Saddam was hardly a fundamentalist (more of a dictator who used religion when it was convenient) he HAD been extremely provocative, had used WMD's of the chemical variety in past, had invaded his neighbors, had sponsored terror (especially against Israel), was in breach of almost 20 UN resolutions, had allegedly participated in a plot to assassinate Bush Sr, and was actively stoking the rumors that he was close to or already had nuclear weaponry, at least of the dirty bomb variety (more in a gambit to enhance his position in the Middle East, but we didn't know that at the time). With the sting of 9-11 still so fresh and the feeling that we had missed so many signs and opportunities to prevent it, doing nothing about Saddam was not something people were interested in. No doubt the administration was hot to get into Iraq, but I do believe that they really thought they were doing so to prevent another 9-11 down the road. We had pretty much ignored Bin Laden, and he managed to orchestrate the largest foreign attack on US soil in our country's could we ignore Hussein, who virtually EVERYBODY was saying was imminently acquiring nuclear weapons, and who had on many occasions vowed to use them against us and our allies?

The notion that the country, the congress, or almost anybody else was dragged into the Iraq War is just completely detached from reality. There were some anti-war folks out there for sure, and some not-necessarily anti-war but cooler heads advocating for caution or avoidance completely....but they were far and away the minority. There was absolutely no months of convincing required for the vast majority of the public. We did dance with Saddam for quite a while and gave him multiple opportunities to deescalate the situation from his end (whether or not he was really in a position to do that, or if we were being sincere in that effort is another debate), but that was to an entirely different purpose of cementing our legal case for the war to come both home and abroad...not to sway public opinion. That was already in the bag.
Great post and totally accurate. It's amazing how guys like WWJD love to re-write history with fiction.
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He may be right about Hillary, but we can't be sure. Certainly both Clintons have supported the (flawed) intelligence that said Iraq was a threat. But it's a big leap from saying a nation is a threat to saying "wouldn't it be a great idea to invade?"

OTOH, Hillary was the very last Dem candidate in the 2008 election to come out against the war. So even though she might not have started it, she was a staunch supporter for much longer than any sensible person should have been.

In my book, that disqualifies her - perhaps as much as Jeb's statement that he would also have started that criminal war. Why "perhaps as much" instead of "just as much"? Because Jeb is now on record saying he would have been a war criminal. Unless Hillary says what Jeb said, we don't know for sure if Hillary would also have been a war criminal.

I would love to see enterprising journalists ask each presidential hopeful if he or she would have started that war.

I can think of 3 who I'm pretty confident would answer "no." Bernie, Martin O'Malley and Rand Paul. Elizabeth Warren, too, but she says she isn't running.

Why oh why would anybody want Warren as POTUS. You are one may need help.
I thought the question was posed to him as knowing what we know now, would you have went to war
It was, but that wasn't what he answered. As I said in an earlier post, he very clearly prefaced his statement by saying that based on the intelligence available at the time, he and others would have done the same thing Dubya did.
I think you are remembering it wrong. The populace was pretty whipped up over 9-11, and running through the Taliban hadn't really satiated that. Also, in the era immediately after 9-11 there was a TON of second guessing of the way we had handled foreign policy up to that point with respect to fundamentalist Islamist terrorists, and how we had basically turned a blind eye to ever increasing provocations and attacks until if finally blew up on our doorstep. In that environment, even though Saddam was hardly a fundamentalist (more of a dictator who used religion when it was convenient) he HAD been extremely provocative, had used WMD's of the chemical variety in past, had invaded his neighbors, had sponsored terror (especially against Israel), was in breach of almost 20 UN resolutions, had allegedly participated in a plot to assassinate Bush Sr, and was actively stoking the rumors that he was close to or already had nuclear weaponry, at least of the dirty bomb variety (more in a gambit to enhance his position in the Middle East, but we didn't know that at the time). With the sting of 9-11 still so fresh and the feeling that we had missed so many signs and opportunities to prevent it, doing nothing about Saddam was not something people were interested in. No doubt the administration was hot to get into Iraq, but I do believe that they really thought they were doing so to prevent another 9-11 down the road. We had pretty much ignored Bin Laden, and he managed to orchestrate the largest foreign attack on US soil in our country's could we ignore Hussein, who virtually EVERYBODY was saying was imminently acquiring nuclear weapons, and who had on many occasions vowed to use them against us and our allies?

The notion that the country, the congress, or almost anybody else was dragged into the Iraq War is just completely detached from reality. There were some anti-war folks out there for sure, and some not-necessarily anti-war but cooler heads advocating for caution or avoidance completely....but they were far and away the minority. There was absolutely no months of convincing required for the vast majority of the public. We did dance with Saddam for quite a while and gave him multiple opportunities to deescalate the situation from his end (whether or not he was really in a position to do that, or if we were being sincere in that effort is another debate), but that was to an entirely different purpose of cementing our legal case for the war to come both home and abroad...not to sway public opinion. That was already in the bag.

You're missing the point. Probably 40% of Americans are willing to go to war with almost anybody at almost any time. It's the way we roll. Iraq was a country we had fought and easily beaten a decade earlier. Clinton and then Bush and all the neocons and PNAC and others were scaring Americans with lies and distortions. So, sure, there was even more than the usual willingness to attack and kill people.

If you look at polls over the couple years before the Iraq war, you'll see they mostly float a bit above the 50% mark in favor of war with Iraq. A few higher numbers now and then, but mostly low 50s. So . . . more willing to attack Iraq than, say, Venezuela, but not by all that much. By the time we actually went to war, though, the number was around 70%. That's the propaganda/yellow journalism effect.

But even that misses the point. The point is that Team Bush wanted the war. And Team Bush sold the war. We were told that Iraq had WMD and would use them. We were told that Iraq colluded with Al Qaeda in connection with 9/11. We were presented with the imagery of mushroom clouds over US cities.

Dissenting voices were seldom heard. In one study, pro-war, pro-administration positions outnumbered dissenting voices by 100 to 1 in the MSM.

The largest anti-war movement in history before war actually started, was covered briefly and then ignored.

Without 9/11 and without the propaganda push and the disinformation, do you think the American people support an invasion of Iraq?

Looking forward, if a Republican were in the White House, what would be keeping us out of war with Iran? The same people have been pushing war with Iran for years. Imagine if the administration and all the MSM (not just Fox and Rush and so on) were pushing for attacking Iran - as was the case in the build-up to the Iraq war.

That's the scenario we should be thinking about now.
You're missing the point. Probably 40% of Americans are willing to go to war with almost anybody at almost any time. It's the way we roll. Iraq was a country we had fought and easily beaten a decade earlier. Clinton and then Bush and all the neocons and PNAC and others were scaring Americans with lies and distortions. So, sure, there was even more than the usual willingness to attack and kill people.

If you look at polls over the couple years before the Iraq war, you'll see they mostly float a bit above the 50% mark in favor of war with Iraq. A few higher numbers now and then, but mostly low 50s. So . . . more willing to attack Iraq than, say, Venezuela, but not by all that much. By the time we actually went to war, though, the number was around 70%. That's the propaganda/yellow journalism effect.

But even that misses the point. The point is that Team Bush wanted the war. And Team Bush sold the war. We were told that Iraq had WMD and would use them. We were told that Iraq colluded with Al Qaeda in connection with 9/11. We were presented with the imagery of mushroom clouds over US cities.

Dissenting voices were seldom heard. In one study, pro-war, pro-administration positions outnumbered dissenting voices by 100 to 1 in the MSM.

The largest anti-war movement in history before war actually started, was covered briefly and then ignored.

Without 9/11 and without the propaganda push and the disinformation, do you think the American people support an invasion of Iraq?

Looking forward, if a Republican were in the White House, what would be keeping us out of war with Iran? The same people have been pushing war with Iran for years. Imagine if the administration and all the MSM (not just Fox and Rush and so on) were pushing for attacking Iran - as was the case in the build-up to the Iraq war.

That's the scenario we should be thinking about now.

which is exactly why the new world order would want team bush back in- the war machine must keep on turnin'

the saudis and big oil call the shots
Is Ottumwan in TX some sort of satire? There's no way that dude's serious, is there?
several people met me and I am for real.

I am the only person known to man who has used hrot to:

1. predict whitney Houston's death
2. show a link between obamacare and goldman sachs
3. put forth the theory of Obama's mom having something to do with jfk's death
4. show that there is zero proof on paper anywhere of even one vote for Obama, let alone thousands, and they kept it that way
5. got perry to win repubber primary in Wapello county { well, maybe I did not do that}
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several people met me and I am for real.

I am the only person known to man who has used hrot to:

1. predict whitney Houston's death
2. show a link between obamacare and goldman sachs
3. put forth the theory of Obama's mom having something to do with jfk's death
4. show that there is zero proof on paper anywhere of even one vote for Obama, let alone thousands, and they kept it that way
5. got perry to win repubber primary in Wapello county { well, maybe I did not do that}

Odummy has spent most of his presidency blaming Bush for everything. Can you imagine the friggin mess the next president will face? God forbid it's not Hillary. But i have no confidence in the voters anymore. They proved how stupid they are by electing that dumbass Barry a second time.
Well, their choices WERE very limited.
It's been a disastrous week for Jeb. He's been all over the map on with his multiple answers. He got hammered from the left and the right after the initial interview. He's said he wouldn't invade, he's said he misunderstood the question somehow, he's said it's unfair to our brave veterans to answer a hypothetical question… Guy is taking a beating. The one question he should have known would come up repeatedly in this election and he leaked it down his pants leg.
Rubio had the best answer when asked whether he would have invaded Iraq, knowing what we know now: "No, I wouldn't have, and neither would President Bush have."

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