Jeb... Dead in the water?


HB Legend
Oct 31, 2005
Laying off staff and reducing salaries. Just like Perry a while back. Never a good sign and it likely gets the remaining staffers to start looking elsewhere.
This campaign sure disappointed those who thought he was going to be in it til the end.

Who benefits the most?
Laying off staff and reducing salaries. Just like Perry a while back. Never a good sign and it likely gets the remaining staffers to start looking elsewhere.
This campaign sure disappointed those who thought he was going to be in it til the end.

Who benefits the most?

Rubio for sure. The Florida spotlight is now his to own.
It is not good for him, but I think it is more a reflection of a mismanaged campaign. He threw a bunch of money at the big staff early in an attempt to build a Hilary like air of certainty that he was going to be the nominee. I don't think he counted in so many candidates splitting the support in polls. I am sure he did not count on Trump sustaining his popularity or Carson doing so well. Now he is downsizing to where he should have been earlier, and it looks bad. He still has the best organizations in Iowa and NH. I expect to see him move closer to the top as we move into 2016. Just like McCain in 2008. He really only needs to be the top candidate not named Trump or Carson after NH. Then it will be the establishment (Jeb) vs. the outsiders (Trump and/or Carson) for the nomination. I see no other likely scenario and I still believe Jeb has a better than 50% chance to be the nominee.
Jeb Bush looks frustrated on TV interviews as if he thought
the nomination was his by divine right. He is not the savior
of the United States nor is he the smartest guy in the room.
He will hang around out of false pride, but Jeb will not be
the next President of the U.S.
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Laying off staff and reducing salaries. Just like Perry a while back. Never a good sign....
Agreed - not a good sign. But just a reminder that John Kerry was looking about as bad at this time in the 2004 primary season. That doesn't mean that Jeb will bounce back like Kerry did, of course, but I wouldn't write him off yet.
Trump is already fading. He needed to supplement his bluster and showmanship with substance - and hasn't.

Republican voters will eventually realize that Ben Carson is black.

Kasich, despite bringing Ohio, has failed to wow anyone.

I think Rubio and Fiorina should schedule some appearances together. You know, just by "accident." Let the press and the public imagine that ticket without actually mentioning the possibility. And also to see if they get along. That speculation could suck the oxygen out of several other candidates' campaigns.
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Marco Rubio is the one candidate who has the most
positives......young, charismatic, intelligent on the issues,
from a key state like Florida, has wide appeal across the
spectrum of voters.
I think Jeb would beat Hillary. The baggage would cancel out and Jeb is more charismatic. He would get more Hispanic vote than any other R.
I don't think he's dead. He just needs to get better organized. The people above him in the polls are unelectable for the most part. As people start the caucus/primary voting the herd will thin quickly. He just needs to be around for that. He still has lots of big money, non-moron support in the Republican field. I still say it's Bush or Kasich when the dust settles. The establishment will get their man in the end. Anyone else and it's a slam dunk Hillary Clinton win in 2016.
Trump is already fading. He needed to supplement his bluster and showmanship with substance - and hasn't.

Republican voters will eventually realize that Ben Carson is black.

Kasich, despite bringing Ohio, has failed to wow anyone.

I think Rubio and Fiorina should schedule some appearances together. You know, just by "accident." Let the press and the public imagine that ticket without actually mentioning the possibility. And also to see if they get along. That speculation could suck the oxygen out of several other candidates' campaigns.

How can you say this and not consider yourself a racist?
Sarcasm alert!
