Jeremy Clarkson fired from Top Gear


HR King
Gold Member
Bummer, the show will suck without him, and I can't imagine Richard Hammond and James May will stay on without him.

I just hope that whatever new broadcaster picks them up (and someone will, it's a huge global moneymaker) will have the ability to broadcast it in the U.S.

Jeremy Clarkson's contract will not be renewed after an "unprovoked physical attack" on a Top Gear producer, the BBC's director general has confirmed.
Tony Hall said he had "not taken this decision lightly" and recognised it would "divide opinion".
However, he added "a line has been crossed" and he "cannot condone what has happened on this occasion".
Clarkson was suspended on 10 March, following what was called a "fracas" with Top Gear producer Oisin Tymon.
The row, which took place in a Yorkshire hotel, was said to have occurred because no hot food was provided following a day's filming.

An internal investigation began last week, led by Ken MacQuarrie, the director of BBC Scotland.
It found that Mr Tymon took himself to hospital after he was subject to an "unprovoked physical and verbal attack".
"During the physical attack Oisin Tymon was struck, resulting in swelling and bleeding to his lip."
It lasted "around 30 seconds and was halted by the intervention of a witness," Mr MacQuarrie noted in his report.

"The verbal abuse was sustained over a longer period" and "contained the strongest expletives and threats to sack" Mr Tymon, who believed he had lost his job.
I love Top Gear and think Clarkson is hilarious, but if what is being reported is right, he deserves to be fired. Given the UK, he'll probably be lucky if he isn't charged with a crime.
Originally posted by SSG T:
I love Top Gear and think Clarkson is hilarious, but if what is being reported is right, he deserves to be fired. Given the UK, he'll probably be lucky if he isn't charged with a crime.
I agree he had to be fired, but the BBC is kind of screwed here.

He (and probably Hammond and May) will land on SKY or some other big broadcaster - and will likely keep rolling in the money. BBC's Top Gear show, though, is probably doomed. Those three make it what it is.

They were damned if they did, damned if they don't.
Yeah, all three have contracts up this year. It might take a series worth of time, but they'll land somewhere with a very similar type show along with The Gits (or whatever they'll rename him).
Originally posted by SSG T:
Yeah, all three have contracts up this year. It might take a series worth of time, but they'll land somewhere with a very similar type show along with The Gits (or whatever they'll rename him).
I just hope it will have US distribution.

Will be interesting to see if BBC tries to block it legally in any way. I mean, I know they can prevent them from using the name "Top Gear" -- but I'm not sure how much of the format is considered intellectual property of BBC.

WIll be interesting.
May has already said he's not interested in continuing without Clarkson. I haven't heard anything from the Hamster yet. As for The Stig, perhaps he'll learn a fact about ducks that is actually true and retire.

The show will not work without all three presenters. A replacement would just be terrible, I don't care who it is. I don't even know if it will work without the BBC. Certainly part of the charm of Top Gear was (and it hurts me to say "was") how they thumbed their nose at the BBC suits. There was always a certain "I can't believe they got away with that" sort of feel to much of the show. An uncensored Top Gear might not have the same appeal.