JFC. GOP already talking about impeaching Hillary

"In my judgement, with respect to Hillary Clinton, she will be a unique president if she is elected by the public next November," he added. "Because the day she's sworn in is the day that she's subject to impeachment because she has committed high crimes and misdemeanors."

Can you imagine the feeling of defeat the repubs will feel forever when the American people elect and thus spit in the face of the permanent outrage party and elect HRC as president.
God bless you for making a Hillary presidency more likely. Go forth and spew your nonsense to every independent or moderate female voter you can find.
You're delusional if you think indees and mods will break for Hill, male or female.
This is why cons should vote for Hill. She won't be able to get anything done. Cons always say they want that. If you elect an R president with an R congress they will spend like crazy.


But, all of HRC's poor performance and pitiful resume is still good enough for Red.
God bless you for making a Hillary presidency more likely. Go forth and spew your nonsense to every independent or moderate female voter you can find.
Only someone who is a complete idiot, would want her in office. With her you're getting Bush part 3. I hope you all realize that. I want her to get elected, just to prove that point. Obama already proved he was Bush part 2, let's see what the excuses for the continuation of the Bush policies will be this time.
"In my judgement, with respect to Hillary Clinton, she will be a unique president if she is elected by the public next November," he added. "Because the day she's sworn in is the day that she's subject to impeachment because she has committed high crimes and misdemeanors."

Can you imagine the feeling of defeat the repubs will feel forever when the American people elect and thus spit in the face of the permanent outrage party and elect HRC as president.
This statement right here is the epitome of left vs right BS. I hope you're proud, because you are most definitely part of the problem. YOU are the problem to be more exact.
It's just a game to you isn't it?
Hillary is as elitist 1%er as you can get. I don't why you dems even support her. She George W. Bush in a skirt.
Yes, but she's a Democrat, so that is okay. You must understand that it's not about actually solving anything, or improvement. It's about their side winning. That's it. The proof is in the pudding.
Huey, Ciggy, Devil, and all of the other hardcore liberals.....Tell us why you want her to be President. Tell us how, even though she's voted and pushed for every recent war we have been in, that she will discontinue that trend. Tell us how she will break apart the war machine. Tell us how she will take apart the companies that pay her to do what she does. Enlighten us all.

I don't care to hear anything about the GOP. #$# them too.
Huey, Ciggy, Devil, and all of the other hardcore liberals.....Tell us why you want her to be President. Tell us how, even though she's voted and pushed for every recent war we have been in, that she will discontinue that trend. Tell us how she will break apart the war machine. Tell us how she will take apart the companies that pay her to do what she does. Enlighten us all.

I don't care to hear anything about the GOP. #$# them too.
I think they want Bernie, but they are afraid Hillary could bring down barak
Huey, Ciggy, Devil, and all of the other hardcore liberals.....Tell us why you want her to be President. Tell us how, even though she's voted and pushed for every recent war we have been in, that she will discontinue that trend. Tell us how she will break apart the war machine. Tell us how she will take apart the companies that pay her to do what she does. Enlighten us all.

I don't care to hear anything about the GOP. #$# them too.

I think the majority of us don't want Hillary. But the GOP hasn't put anybody out there that is going to get my vote. I may not vote if Hillary is the Dem candidate.
Only someone who is a complete idiot, would want her in office. With her you're getting Bush part 3. I hope you all realize that. I want her to get elected, just to prove that point. Obama already proved he was Bush part 2, let's see what the excuses for the continuation of the Bush policies will be this time.
And so will the Republican least the ones with a realistic chance of getting the nomination. I agree with you which is why I can't figure out why the Cons on here hate Obama so much. They didn't mind Bush.
Unfortunately, it's all just campaign talk.

When O was running, he accused Dubya of waging an illegal and unconstitutional war in Iraq: a de facto war criminal, if you will. Had he actually believed that charge, upon being sworn in he should have directed his justice department to begin investigation into charging Bush with war crimes, a decision I would have heartily supported. Instead, three days later he was ordering drone strikes in Pakistan. :mad:

Hell yeah, if Killary is elected let the House attempt to impeach and convict her - but they won't. It's just campaign bullshit pure and simple.

It's time we stopped treating the presidents in this country like a they have a royal birthright and start bringing the corrupt bastards to their collective knees. One and all, democrat and republican.

I won't be holding my breath waiting for that day to arrive.
It will be a struggle for HRC from the start. Especially with no security clearance. :cool:

Good for her, she looks good in that 'orange pantsuit'. :D
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It will be a struggle for HRC from the start. Especially with no security clearance. :cool:

Good for her, she looks good in that 'orange pantsuit'. :D
I liked the yellow and black one, she looked like a hawkeye. But the orange and blue were too matchy matchy. However the weird moo moos she wears now makes me miss those pantsuits. Maybe she is pregnant with an alien implant baby?
I liked the yellow and black one, she looked like a hawkeye. But the orange and blue were too matchy matchy. However the weird moo moos she wears now makes me miss those pantsuits. Maybe she is pregnant with an alien implant baby?
Could be; they say Huma has a reptilian-like tongue. Alien baby indeed. :eek:

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Where else will they go? GOP has alienated everybody who isn't a white Christian. Republicans seem hell bent on handing Hillary the election.
Well, I don't see the Democrat party trotting out an hispanic or black candidate, so there is that. GOP also has a woman running, so I'd say that the GOP might be more inclusive than the Democrat party which could (could) attract more of the indees and mods given certain platforms they propose.
Well, I don't see the Democrat party trotting out an hispanic or black candidate, so there is that. GOP also has a woman running, so I'd say that the GOP might be more inclusive than the Democrat party which could (could) attract more of the indees and mods given certain platforms they propose.
So are you saying the diverse backgrounds of the current GOP field are nothing more then an appeal to various voting blocs? If that is/was the goal... they're failing miserably!
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Well, I don't see the Democrat party trotting out an hispanic or black candidate, so there is that. GOP also has a woman running, so I'd say that the GOP might be more inclusive than the Democrat party which could (could) attract more of the indees and mods given certain platforms they propose.

If R's settle on Trump, Carson, or Fiorina, the Democrats could trot out literally anyone. Hell, the corpse of George McGovern could win handily against that ticket.
Huey, Ciggy, Devil, and all of the other hardcore liberals.....Tell us why you want her to be President. Tell us how, even though she's voted and pushed for every recent war we have been in, that she will discontinue that trend. Tell us how she will break apart the war machine. Tell us how she will take apart the companies that pay her to do what she does. Enlighten us all.

I don't care to hear anything about the GOP. #$# them too.
I'll be voting for her because she's not Republican. She will be a middling President who will probably back up Wall Street and the military, but at least she supports equal rights including the right to marry whomever you want and speak whatever language you want. She supports science in their warnings of Climate Change, and she supports voting rights as well as getting healthcare to the masses.
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Well, I don't see the Democrat party trotting out an hispanic or black candidate, so there is that. GOP also has a woman running, so I'd say that the GOP might be more inclusive than the Democrat party which could (could) attract more of the indees and mods given certain platforms they propose.
You gotta be kidding me. The GOP has literally never nominated anyone who wasn't a white male. The Dems got the nation's first black President in office and will likely get the first woman nominee. The GOP is still way behind the curve here.
I'll be voting for her because she's not Republican. She will be a middling President who will probably back up Wall Street and the military, but at least she supports equal rights including the right to marry whomever you want and speak whatever language you want. She supports science in their warnings of Climate Change, and she supports voting rights as well as getting healthcare to the masses.
and she deals drugs in mena Arkansas with bill and two teen boys caught her and bill and the boys suddenly found the dead
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You gotta be kidding me. The GOP has literally never nominated anyone who wasn't a white male. The Dems got the nation's first black President in office and will likely get the first woman nominee. The GOP is still way behind the curve here.
the dems had nothing to do with that, they were nominating Hillary who is white, the new world order illuminati did that at the Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly VA.
I'll be voting for her because she's not Republican. She will be a middling President who will probably back up Wall Street and the military, but at least she supports equal rights including the right to marry whomever you want and speak whatever language you want. She supports science in their warnings of Climate Change, and she supports voting rights as well as getting healthcare to the masses.

Today she supports those things. Yesterday, not so much. Tomorrow? What do the polls say?

Just like her husband.
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Where else will they go? GOP has alienated everybody who isn't a white Christian. Republicans seem hell bent on handing Hillary the election.

I don't actually think Hillary will be the nominee. We'll see, but getting passed by our current POTUS in 2008 was pretty telling. Whether you think the email and Benghazi stories are worthy of outrage or not, I'm not sure her time as SoS is a massive plus for her. I think the popularity of candidates like Sanders, Trump, Carson & Fiorina point to the idea that there's a "populist" sentiment on both sides pulling support away from the standard names in politics. We'll see. I still expect Biden to formalize getting in the race (unless he has this morning and I missed it) and I think he'll get the nomination. I think the biggest chunk of the Dems will see Biden as the best compromise between the left and middle for electability. We'll see. I also think he's the candidate the GOP will have the hardest time beating (unless they can't get the clown car parked in time).
"In my judgement, with respect to Hillary Clinton, she will be a unique president if she is elected by the public next November," he added. "Because the day she's sworn in is the day that she's subject to impeachment because she has committed high crimes and misdemeanors."

Can you imagine the feeling of defeat the repubs will feel forever when the American people elect and thus spit in the face of the permanent outrage party and elect HRC as president.

No, but I can imagine people like you swinging from a rope in your bedroom closet if the American people don't vote for Hillary.
I don't actually think Hillary will be the nominee. We'll see, but getting passed by our current POTUS in 2008 was pretty telling. Whether you think the email and Benghazi stories are worthy of outrage or not, I'm not sure her time as SoS is a massive plus for her. I think the popularity of candidates like Sanders, Trump, Carson & Fiorina point to the idea that there's a "populist" sentiment on both sides pulling support away from the standard names in politics. We'll see. I still expect Biden to formalize getting in the race (unless he has this morning and I missed it) and I think he'll get the nomination. I think the biggest chunk of the Dems will see Biden as the best compromise between the left and middle for electability. We'll see. I also think he's the candidate the GOP will have the hardest time beating (unless they can't get the clown car parked in time).
She will almost certainly get the nomination. All the online prediction markets have her with at least a 75% chance of getting the nomination. These places are the most accurate predictors of elections so I will trust their judgment.

Further, although Obama beat her, he also beat anybody the Republicans could throw against him. At least she made the race close and took it to the wire. Obama stomped the GOP in both elections.
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and she deals drugs in mena Arkansas with bill and two teen boys caught her and bill and the boys suddenly found the dead
You are adorably gullible. I bet you get all sorts of phone calls from friendly people offering to help you make your life better. If she isn't already, I would suggest you put your wife in charge of the family budget so you have more time to devote to your truth telling.
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No, but I can imagine people like you swinging from a rope in your bedroom closet if the American people don't vote for Hillary.
If the Devil can survive living in Ottumwa with. Wife and daughter locked in battle, he can survive not seeing Hillary sneering on the nightly news.
You are adorably gullible. I bet you get all sorts of phone calls from friendly people offering to help you make your life better. If she isn't already, I would suggest you put your wife in charge of the family budget so you have more time to devote to your truth telling.
oh, she is for sure, the problem is I have severe dyslexia with numbers and a 8 and 5 could be 85 or it could be I add them and it's 13 or who knows what