Joe Biden Promised NOT to Pardon Son. Does He Keep His Word?

I hope so or I'm probably going to vote 3rd party.

If the judge goes over the top on the sentence I will be ok if he reduces it. But a full pardon no.
On CNN they are discussing Biden commuting the sentence of his son, though he has not suggested doing so.
If Joe goes back on his word, he will obviously wait until after the election, and I think it will depend on the sentences.
If they get Hunter on the tax charges as well, he could be looking at a considerable amount of time, so if Joe loses I think he definitely pardons his son, if he wins, I think it will come down to how much time Hunter has left on his sentence
No reason to pull out the pardon as Hunter will just get a little slap on the wrist.

Yes Biden is losing his mind. But his staff isn't stupid.
Hunter will get a pardon unless the punishment is very minor.
I would for my son and I expect Joe will also despite him saying he won't.
trump wants to kill every single person in the DOJ and fbi so who the **** cares

(I hope he doesn’t since democrats actually care about rule and law unlike the magaturds)
Holy side tangent. Take a deep breath.
Exactly. He promised he wouldn’t forgive student loans and he…wait…not that one. He said he was a truck driver and he…hold on. He said he never plagiarized a…dang. Well…you get what I’m saying.
When did he promise not to forgive student loans? Or are you making that up?
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No, he will pardon him after the election, which might not happen in reality
If Joe Biden said he wouldn’t pardon Hunter, then he won’t. I know that concept might be difficult for some people to understand…
He said that thinking he probably wouldn’t ever be brought up on charges or convicted. Then again, Joe probably doesn’t remember saying that sad to say.

And yes, he will pardon him after the election. He is the President and doesn’t care what people think when it comes to his family.
He said that thinking he probably wouldn’t ever be brought up on charges or convicted. Then again, Joe probably doesn’t remember saying that sad to say.

And yes, he will pardon him after the election. He is the President and doesn’t care what people think when it comes to his family.

Last week, Biden said that he would not issue a pardon.
Biden won't pardon son Hunter, period. He stated categorically that he would not. Unlike Trump, who pardoned the likes of Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Paul Manafort, among other low-lifes, Biden does in fact have some integrity.
If I were Joe Biden, I'd pardon my son. If people didn't like it, I'd say look I know how it looks, and I put up with a light of S$&t both from and FOR you all. This is a perk of the job and today, my family is the beneficiary.

As an American, I'm objectively certain this case was only blown up like it was for political reasons, so that factors in to why I'd be ok with it.
I can guarantee Brandon wants to but he is getting pressure from Democrats not to.

You can’t falsely convict and jail your political opponents then let your POS adult ass child off.
If I were Joe Biden, I'd pardon my son. If people didn't like it, I'd say look I know how it looks, and I put up with a light of S$&t both from and FOR you all. This is a perk of the job and today, my family is the beneficiary.

As an American, I'm objectively certain this case was only blown up like it was for political reasons, so that factors in to why I'd be ok with it.
Any pardon or commutation will be after the election. For obvious reasons.

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