Joe Lee


HB All-American
Sep 25, 2014
it appears he will be following his brothers foot steps and moving to state college early, finishing his HS classes online to establish residency in PA. He will have to work full-time and will most likly also be training with the NLWC. This will help PSU's 9.9 by being able to offer him less because he will now be paying in-state tuition making it more affordable.
it appears he will be following his brothers foot steps and moving to state college early, finishing his HS classes online to establish residency in PA. He will have to work full-time and will most likly also be training with the NLWC. This will help PSU's 9.9 by being able to offer him less because he will now be paying in-state tuition.
I may be wrong here, but does it really matter (in the view of the school/budget, NOT the family) that he's going to be in-state vs out-of-state? I know I read one of Brands interviews last offseason where he mentioned (about possibly not getting top recruits) that if it really came down to money, that money would NOT be a problem. I took that to mean, we could have a roster of 100% out-of-state wrestlers, and there'd still be enough money in the budget for the percentage of scholarship that they are offered.

If that's the case, I would have to assume that PSU is in the same boat, they've got plenty of money in their budget to be able to fund all out-of-state wrestlers.

Now, I would assume that most of the time, these scenarios come up because it saves the FAMILY money, which I have no issues with...but the school doesn't care, since it's still just a percentage of their 9.9 scholarships.
it appears he will be following his brothers foot steps and moving to state college early, finishing his HS classes online to establish residency in PA. He will have to work full-time and will most likly also be training with the NLWC. This will help PSU's 9.9 by being able to offer him less because he will now be paying in-state tuition making it more affordable.
The questions then would be; who will he work for, what will he actually have to do, how many hours a day will he work and what will he get paid......and will he be working for a PS booster?
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To simplefy things...the only way this makes a difference is when someone like Lee,who is out of state receives a partial scholarship. Then he and his parents would have to pay out of state tuition for the remaining costs. So by PS arranging a job for him and a place to continue to work out they can offer him a partial scholarship and keep the remaining costs lower for his family. Thus also saving on their allotment of scholarships.
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In state or out of state= no impact on 9.9.
Not directly but think about this. In state is 5,000 and out of state is 10,000 in this hypothetical example. Out of state gets a 75% scholarship so student pays 2,500. In state gets 50% scholarship and student pays 2,500. Student pays the same in both cases but team uses up .25 scholarship less if he's in state.
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Been a while since I have dealt with this but there were ways to get a pell grant when you may not have been able to if you were a dependent if you were able to move on your own. Say if your parents made too much but then you moved on your own for so long you were essentially a low income person applying to college.
Not directly but think about this. In state is 5,000 and out of state is 10,000 in this hypothetical example. Out of state gets a 75% scholarship so student pays 2,500. In state gets 50% scholarship and student pays 2,500. Student pays the same in both cases but team uses up .25 scholarship less if he's in state.
to build on that a little, not all schools are fully funded for 9.9 OOS scholarships. Some fully fund 9.9 in-state, which is a lot more restrictive.
Not directly but think about this. In state is 5,000 and out of state is 10,000 in this hypothetical example. Out of state gets a 75% scholarship so student pays 2,500. In state gets 50% scholarship and student pays 2,500. Student pays the same in both cases but team uses up .25 scholarship less if he's in state.

That would be because the school gave more of a scholarship for the .75. The percentage is what is applied to the 9.9. A 50% scholarship at a 100,000 a year school counts the same as a 50% scholarship at a $5,000 a year school. Out of pocket for the student, schools cash flow and budget are different parts of the riddle
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That would be because the school gave more of a scholarship for the .75. The percentage is what is applied to the 9.9. A 50% scholarship at a 100,000 a year school counts the same as a 50% scholarship at a $5,000 a year school. Out of pocket for the student, schools cash flow and budget are different parts of the riddle

I think you're missing the point. In this scenario PSU can now offer a recruit less percentage of a scholarship than they normally would by saving the kids family money by offering in state vs out of state tuition. So the school uses less of their 9.9 and the wrestler pays less out of pocket than they would receiving a larger scholarship percentage from a different out of state school.