Joey McKenna

Saw this morning on Twitter too and this was my first thought - 141lbs! Wishful thinking but I love to dream and wish.
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Like I said earlier wishful thinking but hopefully Topher Carton got some valuable time on the mat training with him as well!
I remember in the '80s when Dave Lee transferred from Stanford to Wisconsin to follow his coach Dave Schultz. It was a gutsy move to give up a Stanford degree (nothing against Wisconsin)...he got an NCAA title out of it, and that was clearly the most important goal to him. I'm impressed when guys from top academic schools win NCAA titles (Jantzen & O'Connor from Harvard, Orr from Princeton) because they've already had to make a compromise between a great academic environment and a great wrestling environment. McKenna's going through that now, and perhaps trying to rub a little Carver-Hawkeye magic dust on his wrestling shoes to take with him to Palo Alto. I hope he does well there.
Has he signed with Stanford?

He signed in 2014. Although he didn't enroll, I believe he is bound to Stanford for one year unless 1) he didn't qualify academically (NCAA standards - now, that's highly unlikely), or 2) he attends and graduates from a two year institution (JUCO).

So, it's safe to say he is not going to Iowa or any school other than Stanford any time soon, and I think this was the plan all along.
Or Luke Lofthouse. Or Aaron Bradley.
All of whom were at least old for their grade because they spent some time doing public service before school, not because their parents held them back multiple times for athletic reasons (cough - the 21 year old redshirt freshman littering college wrestling). I graduated college when I was 21 (and 6 months) - wasn't Logan Stieber 24 when he ended his eligibility? What a joke.
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So basically he will be a 25 yr old SR like Matt Brown

Yeah, I have to say this is one of the weakest examples of all time. You didn't have to go that far to come up with another one (ala Stieber), but instead you made a backhanded comment about Matt Brown - mormom mission, ROTC-now armed forces, married, NCAA Academic All American of the Year, etc. Are you unAmerican or something or do you just hate PSU that much, lol?
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So basically he will be a 25 yr old SR like Matt Brown

That would depend on how old he is now and whether he redshirts or not.

Brown took a two year mission and redshirted which I believe is also what Luke Lofthouse did.
I can see the advantage a 19-year-old HS senior has vs. HS competition, but it's less clear that a 25-year-old has any natural advantage over a 21-year-old. If that were the case there'd be no freshman NCAA champs, Cejudo wouldn't have won a gold medal (or he would've won one in 2012 as well), DSJ would've been a 2xer and McD would've been a 3xer.