Joy Corning defends Planned Parenthood

A thoughtful, well written piece from a Republican woman. No wonder it isn't getting any responses. If it had been a heavily edited video half of you guys would be all over it.
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A thoughtful, well written piece from a Republican woman. No wonder it isn't getting any responses. If it had been a heavily edited video half of you guys would be all over it.
I just saw it. Yes, she makes the PP case very well, which would could expect from a member of its board of directors. And the fact she's a Republican shouldn't stun anyone; the GOP isn't the party that makes abortion a litmus test for membership.

I think the argument exaggerates the benefits of fetal tissue research, but that isn't the point.....and I suspect Joy Corning knows it, as she tiptoes around the edges of the issue. What turned off so many Americans, including pro-choice Americans, was (1) the callous manner of the PP reps in the videos....and no, that wasn't because of editing; and (2) the realization that the procedure is being routinely practiced at a point where most people would consider the subjects to be babies.

I'm basically pro-choice, by which I mean I don't think it should be banned or difficult to obtain in the early stages of pregnancy. Having said that, I don't think it's a matter of pride that America has the most liberal abortion laws in the western world. Even the countries of Europe that pay for the procedure require the mother to jump through some serious hoops. It isn't treated casually, the way it is in this country.

It's a little ironic that if the Republicans were to propose that the U.S. adopt laws like those in Germany, France or Sweden, the lefties in this country would go absolutely bananas. Ironic because the first widely publicized abortion story I can recall was in the '60s or maybe even late '50s, when a U.S. woman went to Sweden to have a legal abortion because doctors had been giving her thalidomide, which was discovered to cause birth defects. Hell of a scandal at the time.....her trip to Sweden, I mean.
I just saw it. Yes, she makes the PP case very well, which would could expect from a member of its board of directors. And the fact she's a Republican shouldn't stun anyone; the GOP isn't the party that makes abortion a litmus test for membership.

I think the argument exaggerates the benefits of fetal tissue research, but that isn't the point.....and I suspect Joy Corning knows it, as she tiptoes around the edges of the issue. What turned off so many Americans, including pro-choice Americans, was (1) the callous manner of the PP reps in the videos....and no, that wasn't because of editing; and (2) the realization that the procedure is being routinely practiced at a point where most people would consider the subjects to be babies.

I'm basically pro-choice, by which I mean I don't think it should be banned or difficult to obtain in the early stages of pregnancy. Having said that, I don't think it's a matter of pride that America has the most liberal abortion laws in the western world. Even the countries of Europe that pay for the procedure require the mother to jump through some serious hoops. It isn't treated casually, the way it is in this country.

It's a little ironic that if the Republicans were to propose that the U.S. adopt laws like those in Germany, France or Sweden, the lefties in this country would go absolutely bananas. Ironic because the first widely publicized abortion story I can recall was in the '60s or maybe even late '50s, when a U.S. woman went to Sweden to have a legal abortion because doctors had been giving her thalidomide, which was discovered to cause birth defects. Hell of a scandal at the time.....her trip to Sweden, I mean.
A thoughtful, well written piece from a Republican woman. No wonder it isn't getting any responses. If it had been a heavily edited video half of you guys would be all over it.
Doubt lucas read his own link. in it she praises Branstad's review. PP deserves this castigation it is receiving for the callous attitudes you point out LC. Bigger ? would be why fund PP at all. We don't outright grant monies to other private health entities. they need to stand on their own income like everyone else.
Doubt lucas read his own link. in it she praises Branstad's review. PP deserves this castigation it is receiving for the callous attitudes you point out LC. Bigger ? would be why fund PP at all. We don't outright grant monies to other private health entities. they need to stand on their own income like everyone else.

She staked a position. She then thoughtfully praised Branstad for reviewing the funding. It's better to lead with praise, and credit Branstad for being thorough. The end result is she is pushing Branstad towards her position by praising and establishing her long working relationship with him. Ernst she gives the back of her hand to.
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