JR Visiting Ann Arbor next week (source)

Originally posted by HawkeyeDenny:
Do you really think Harbaugh is going to start an average QB for 1 year..??
With him not participating in their spring ball, I think it's slim to none.
He took a big chance by dumping a solid QB in Alex Smith to go with a running QB Colin Kaepernick at San Fran, will he really want a below average running QB in Rudock at the college level..?
Originally posted by HawkeyeDenny:
He took a big chance by dumping a solid QB in Alex Smith to go with a running QB Colin Kaepernick at San Fran, will he really want a below average running QB in Rudock at the college level..?
"running QB in Rudock" ..?? You're reaching

This post was edited on 3/11 9:27 AM by theotherjustin
Jake was a great Hawkeye. I do not believe the teams issues were his fault. I would hope he stays but can't blame him if he leaves. I wish him all the best.
Jake graduates in May & Michigan has a pretty good medical school. Wouldn't be surprised to find out that football isn't even on his radar anymore....
From what I heard he.might be a good filler until harbaugh gets a guy for his system. Dont know if any truth but they were talking about it on an on iowa podcast.
The report seems reliable. Jake is a fine young man who would be well advised to hang up his helmet and stay healthy enough to use his big brain in the medical field. He is an adequate QB. He may be a great doctor, but he has no future in football beyond the collegiate level. He's already played for two years, which some might say is two more years than his talent justified, so maybe quit while he's ahead.

As for Michigan, if Harbaugh is really so desperate as to take a guy like Rudock, maybe Jim's not quite as magical as many believe.

At any rate, JR transferring is great in that CJ won't have to be looking over his shoulder all season. It's his team. Period. That should help the offense, but given that KF and GD are still running things, optimism must be severely tempered no matter who the QB is. And that's pretty sad.
Good luck to Jake. I hope he succeeds at Michigan and don't blame him a bit for wanting to get out of the current situation at Iowa.
that would make RS FR Wiegers the back-up then, correct? Who is after him? I can't see CJ staying healthy all year with the way he runs it.

It's nice to have a year without all the controversy, but this leaves us pretty thin at QB
Originally posted by gojojo:
that would make RS FR Wiegers the back-up then, correct? Who is after him? I can't see CJ staying healthy all year with the way he runs it.

It's nice to have a year without all the controversy, but this leaves us pretty thin at QB
Or it leaves us in a better position when all is said and done. This is going to be interesting to be sure. I've been waiting to see what CJ can do when he's the undisputed starter. So have many other people. I have faith in him.
Don't kid yourself, there will still be plenty of QB contorversy this year. If CJ struggles the first week or two, people will be calling for his head and want Wiegers. Then it will be KF fault for running of Jake if Wiegers also struggles. Vicious cycle that will never end.
Originally posted by redman21:
Don't kid yourself, there will still be plenty of QB contorversy this year. If CJ struggles the first week or two, people will be calling for his head and want Wiegers. Then it will be KF fault for running of Jake if Wiegers also struggles. Vicious cycle that will never end.
Perhaps, but it will at least be entertaining to witness. I'm sure those invovled will be fine. KF has $millions of reasons to cope with it.
Originally posted by CoachoftheFuture1:
The report seems reliable. Jake is a fine young man who would be well advised to hang up his helmet and stay healthy enough to use his big brain in the medical field. He is an adequate QB. He may be a great doctor, but he has no future in football beyond the collegiate level. He's already played for two years, which some might say is two more years than his talent justified, so maybe quit while he's ahead.

As for Michigan, if Harbaugh is really so desperate as to take a guy like Rudock, maybe Jim's not quite as magical as many believe.

At any rate, JR transferring is great in that CJ won't have to be looking over his shoulder all season. It's his team. Period. That should help the offense, but given that KF and GD are still running things, optimism must be severely tempered no matter who the QB is. And that's pretty sad.
Good QBs don't look over their shoulders.

I don't have a dog in the hunt as to who should have been starting last season, but to pretend like we are better off going from a backup senior QB with 20+ games of starting experience and 2x as many TDs as INTs in his career to a guy who has never taken a snap is beyond ignorant.
Originally posted by redman21:
Don't kid yourself, there will still be plenty of QB contorversy this year. If CJ struggles the first week or two, people will be calling for his head and want Wiegers. Then it will be KF fault for running of Jake if Wiegers also struggles. Vicious cycle that will never end.
Is that you KF?
What is going to suck is when JR ends up at Michigan and has a solid season. You know that Harbaugh is going to put him in a better position to succeed than Iowa has.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Or it leaves us in a better position when all is said and done. This is going to be interesting to be sure. I've been waiting to see what CJ can do when he's the undisputed starter. So have many other people. I have faith in him.

It Really doesn't matter what fan has faith in him...
The question is do his teammates have faith in him???
Originally posted by Rifler:
Jake graduates in May & Michigan has a pretty good medical school. Wouldn't be surprised to find out that football isn't even on his radar anymore....
Please don't confuse the haters. Jake leaving has NOTHING to do with the coaches, teammates, 2nd string, or anything else those with creative yet numb minds want to believe. He is moving on to bigger and better things in his life. Good for him.
Originally posted by shoot_the_three:
What is going to suck is when JR ends up at Michigan and has a solid season. You know that Harbaugh is going to put him in a better position to succeed than Iowa has.
It will be interesting to see if JR succeeds. It will really shine a light on our coaching staff if he does.
Good Luck. I like this kid. This is a mistake by Iowa not keeping this kid it possible.
Originally posted by mpfeiler:
Good Luck. I like this kid. This is a mistake by Iowa not keeping this kid it possible.
This is how I am feeling. Like I said in another thread, I think any drawbacks to him staying (like another QB controversy) would be worth having a seasoned veteran in case CJB goes down. Although I'm glad CJB is starting (and still pissed it took the coaches to see what so many fans could see), I really think losing Jake hurts this team.

Best of luck to him though.
Uhhh, guys. Jake was nearly last in the Big 10 (and country) in yards per attempt. We had a burner at WR that he never ever targeted. We had Tevan Smith who he never targeted. We had two NFL caliber tackles and he still had happy feet and checked down on most 3rd down plays. You really think that is what Michigan is looking for? They were no better than Iowa was last year (their coach was fired for it). Jake's pipe dream of riding off in the sunset at Mich is just that.
where is this bit about JR not being able to run, right now JR is 3rd all time in rushing by QB behind Banks who is in 2nd behind Caldwell who has 1054 yards and is 2nd in rushing TD's with 8 behind Rodgers who had 15. only a complete JR hater would say that JR can't run.

but if true these haters already have a built in excuse if/when CJ fails.

if/when he fails it all on KF/GD

if/when he succeeds it will be all CJ doing even though this years schedule is far easier than last years schedule, plus he will have a solid running back 5 something to work with something JR NEVER HAD.

the offense has 6 SR starters listed
the defense has 3 SR starters listed and 3 returning LB with starting experience again IA was starting 5 new players out of the back 7 and this year they will be replacing just 1, that's makes replacing 5 out of 7 vs 1 out of 7.

the schedule is twice as easy as last season so there will be no excuse for not winning at least 10 games, including beating ISU, Nebraska and Wisconsin, and since CJ is to be so much better than JR there will be no excuses for IA not winning the West,
Originally posted by shoot_the_three:
Kilroy how is the schedule twice as easy as last year?
because it's the only way he can justify things when we have more downfield success this year versus the last couple. I hope Jake has a great future and don't think it would be remotely fair to blame everything on him, but I also don't feel like Johnny Utah just fled the scene.
Michigan probably has 5 QB's on roster already. There is no guarantee that Jake Rudock will win the job if he goes out for football.
I am glad that CJ is the starter, and while it would have been good to have JR as insurance, he deserves to follow his dream of starting his sr. year. Good luck to JR..and thanks for representing the Hawks well!

On to CJ and is college guys every year.
Originally posted by iowalaw:
Uhhh, guys. Jake was nearly last in the Big 10 (and country) in yards per attempt. We had a burner at WR that he never ever targeted. We had Tevan Smith who he never targeted. We had two NFL caliber tackles and he still had happy feet and checked down on most 3rd down plays. You really think that is what Michigan is looking for? They were no better than Iowa was last year (their coach was fired for it). Jake's pipe dream of riding off in the sunset at Mich is just that.
They started the year with 3 'burners' who 'get seperation' and were legitimate deep threats. One left (Willes) under dubious circumstances. Who knows what was going on with Powell that he didn't play more and wasn't 'targeted' more (didn't practice well?) and Smith. Don't know who to 'blame' without knowing the play calls and knowing what they were being 'coached'.
Iowalaw, huh. Well, I object. Calls for speculation. You can't possible speak to what Jake is 'dreaming'. lol. It's fruitless to speculate without being on the 'inside' and the speculators are usually wrong anyway. Objection sustained! lol
How do you know that's his 'pipe dream'? You don't know anything about him, what he thinks, why he is leaning towards transfering, etc...Nothing!!!
If CJ were to get injured and the fans would the start to scream for the back up. I see that as a win win situation. It would mean that the back up played very very well.
next years schedule is way easier

Wisconsin will be replacing their coach AGAIN and will have to replace Gordon

MD will not have 2 weeks to prepare for IA and has to play @ IA who has 2 weeks to prepare for them

MN has to replace RB Cobb and their TE who was their QB's only reliable receiving option and they will be in Kinnick this season after getting IA in their stadium the last 2 seasons

Nebraska is replacing their coach and have to replace their top DE who declared for the NFL DRAFT as well as their RB Abdulah

those team were the ones to beat IA last season

ISU has to replace their RB

no excuses for IA not to win 12 games in the regular season if this CJ is as great as you make him out to be,
Originally posted by hawkjt:

I am glad that CJ is the starter, and while it would have been good to have JR as insurance, he deserves to follow his dream of starting his sr. year. Good luck to JR..and thanks for representing the Hawks well!

On to CJ and is college guys every year.
Awesome post spoken like a true Hawkeye !
Originally posted by Suterman:

Michigan probably has 5 QB's on roster already. There is no guarantee that Jake Rudock will win the job if he goes out for football.
Mich has 7 QBs on roster right now. i dont know why Jim Harbough would have 8 scholarships eaten up by the QB position.
Right now, wo any spring practice and a new system to play, JR would be the best bet to start for Mi. Shane Morris has obv not showed up or he would have played more last yr. Right now he has even taken a trans from Houston, O'Korn for 2016. He needs time, looks like wants 1 or 2 yrs to develop his own. Remember, none of the current options were good enough to even fill in last yr.
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

next years schedule is way easier

Wisconsin will be replacing their coach AGAIN and will have to replace Gordon

MD will not have 2 weeks to prepare for IA and has to play @ IA who has 2 weeks to prepare for them

MN has to replace RB Cobb and their TE who was their QB's only reliable receiving option and they will be in Kinnick this season after getting IA in their stadium the last 2 seasons

Nebraska is replacing their coach and have to replace their top DE who declared for the NFL DRAFT as well as their RB Abdulah

those team were the ones to beat IA last season

ISU has to replace their RB
And, unfortunately, we still have KF which is a greater handicap.
Originally posted by OtayLake Hawkeye:
Does anyone know if Michigan accepted him into their medical school? Hell, if they did, get a year paid for if Harbaugh offers.

Zero percent chance that Rudock enrolls in med school while playing D1 football. None.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ichawk24:
Originally posted by OtayLake Hawkeye:

Does anyone know if Michigan accepted him into their medical school? Hell, if they did, get a year paid for if Harbaugh offers.

Zero percent chance that Rudock enrolls in med school while playing D1 football. None.

Posted from Rivals Mobile

He can't transfer for med school and play. He has to do a grad program that UI doesn't offer.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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