Judge orders Trump to pay $2M for charity foundation misuse

how does the judge know how much money it is without the tax returns? it could be 7 million
how does the judge know how much money it is without the tax returns? it could be 7 million
While the Trump Foundation is shut down, and Trump is ordered to reimburse for $2M extorted from others' charitable contributions - AND Trump and his kids are legally barred from sitting on another charitable foundation board for at least 10 years.....

.........back at the Clinton Foundation:

0 Indictments
0 Fines
0 Instances of Self Dealing
4-STAR Charity Navigator Rating

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Again I am reminded of how Trump's sister filed retirement papers to avoid being investigated for her involvement and profiting from Trump family tax fraud schemes while she was a federal judge.

It's almost like this family—Kushners, too—shouldn't be the mantle-holder of Conservatism.

100 percent the AG was too free with some of her comments and has opened herself up to charges of political bias. The facts aren’t in doubt, though. The Trump’s were running a scam.
They say Trump is really raking in the political donations. You know he's going to figure out a way to keep some of that $$$ for himself.

Why anyone would donate or even lend money to him is beyond me.
Well, if you're a big coal energy tycoon and you donate to his fund he might get the EPA to lessen restrictions on how much toxic ish you release into the environment allowing you to save even more money. It's called an investment.
You know, this should really be a much bigger deal that it is.

They put family money (and sometimes other people's money) into a private foundation, and took a tax deduction for their own contributions. Then, they used the foundation like their own rainy day fund to pay for all sorts of things.

They didn't make "mistakes", or even use poor judgment - they simply didn't care whether some expenditure was proper or not. And, they weren't even clever about it. This is the poster child for the rich doing whatever they want.

This should bother Trumpers more than it is.
You know, this should really be a much bigger deal that it is.

They put family money (and sometimes other people's money) into a private foundation, and took a tax deduction for their own contributions. Then, they used the foundation like their own rainy day fund to pay for all sorts of things.

They didn't make "mistakes", or even use poor judgment - they simply didn't care whether some expenditure was proper or not. And, they weren't even clever about it. This is the poster child for the rich doing whatever they want.

This should bother Trumpers more than it is.
I think it was mostly Vince McMahon's money. And Trump hadn't given anything to it since 06.
Trump will appeal this ruling, just like he's done with every court ruling against him.............ever.

What a corrupt POS your President is... cons.

He can, but another judge can get fed up with clogging the courts with nonsense appeals, and jack that fine up another $2M.
He used charitable contributions to enrich himself. What POS person would vote for him again?
So there's like $1.7 million leftover in the fund after this payment. How is they enriched themselves if the money is still there? And the judge refused to penalize them. How come?
So there's like $1.7 million leftover in the fund after this payment. How is they enriched themselves if the money is still there? And the judge refused to penalize them. How come?

The $1.7m was the amount that was left in the fund after the grifter-in-chief stopped pulling cash out.
The $1.7m was the amount that was left in the fund after the grifter-in-chief stopped pulling cash out.

Correct, the charities assets were frozen pending the outcome of the trial. This is what was left.
The $1.7m was the amount that was left in the fund after the grifter-in-chief stopped pulling cash out.
I have TDS, but I don’t think Trump stopped pulling money. I think they were going to dissolve the fund, and a judge blocked them due to concerns that had been raised, and the possibility of this day coming. Otherwise Don would have drained it.
You know, this should really be a much bigger deal that it is.

They put family money (and sometimes other people's money) into a private foundation, and took a tax deduction for their own contributions. Then, they used the foundation like their own rainy day fund to pay for all sorts of things.

They didn't make "mistakes", or even use poor judgment - they simply didn't care whether some expenditure was proper or not. And, they weren't even clever about it. This is the poster child for the rich doing whatever they want.

This should bother Trumpers more than it is.

That's just the thing with Trump. Scandals that would ruin the career of any normal politician have just become BAU since he has been involved in so many. People have become utterly desenitized to just how egregious his violations of laws and of the constitution have been. SAD.
That's just the thing with Trump. Scandals that would ruin the career of any normal politician have just become BAU since he has been involved in so many. People have become utterly desenitized to just how egregious his violations of laws and of the constitution have been. SAD.

His "base" would hate any other human that did something like this. He's the epitome of a self-serving rich dude that won't follow the rules. If Obama or HRC did this they would want them burned at the stake.

I just don't get it.
His "base" would hate any other human that did something like this. He's the epitome of a self-serving rich dude that won't follow the rules. If Obama or HRC did this they would want them burned at the stake.

I just don't get it.
I sent this story to some Cons friends and I got stuff about Hunter Biden in return. I countered by mentioning the Clinton Foundation has been as clean as a whistle. I got something about Obama that I just didn’t have the heart to click on.
If this had been the Clinton Foundation, or something related to Obama then LC or IMCC would have plastered themselves all over this thread.
Eventually one of the knuckle draggers will show up to say the AG is black, or Trump was just too successful and people were jealous.

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