Just visited Andersonville National Park (Civil War Prison)

FAUlty Gator

HR Legend
Oct 27, 2017
I wrote my capstone paper in college on Andersonville, so it was pretty cool to finally get to see it. Hearing the Ranger tell the stories and knowing what I already knew about it and now seeing it makes one realize how lucky we are to have been born when we were. Zero understanding of disease or how it was caused and just didn't care. If you felt bad, they just said you had scurvy and wished you luck, You were drinking sewage from the moment you got there.

I've been to Arlington and Normandy cemeteries and this one is very cool as well. Still being used. The 6 people who were tried in the camp and found guilty as traitors are buried off to the side in their own plot area (said to be face down and to the west) with unmarked stones. You could sense the history there. Pretty cool place.
Andersonville is the most difficult book I’ve ever read. What happened there was absolute cruelty.
Sherman attacking Atlanta really did the prisoners in. The actual enlisted guards with some common sense were forced to leave to fight Sherman and the reserves came into to run the prison. Kids and derelicts with zero idea about anything they needed to.
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I spent quite a bit of time at Fort Benning, I could kick myself for not having gone to Andersonville, it was right there. I consider myself a civil war buff, I should have gone.
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