Kamala Harris and the lack of sexist commentary

Please explain how you know she is "dumb AF"?
She failed her first crack at the Californian bar exam, and before anyone says otherwise, the California bar cannot be that difficult judging by the number a type of attorneys that practice there.

Second, she has failed upward time and time again. If she were she not a black Democrat, she'd be considered in the same intellectual cohort as Sarah Palin. Facts.

She only became California DA ultimately because she first slept with the SF Mayor Willie Brown (he a married man at that) and he appointed her to a few California boards and commissions.

Being elected to the US Senate as a black Democrat from California means she accomplished one thing. She got the nomination. After that is perfunctory.

What has she done of note? I mean actually? Name one accomplishment. Just one national policy she championed. One key national level success. ANYTHING?

She ran for President and dropped out. Dropping out before the California primary. She dropped out because she knew she wouldn't win there. Her HOME state. BEFORE they even voted.

She simply lacks intelligence. Period. On one hand one cannot question the intelligence of GWB, as was often the case, and act like she's up to the job. She isn't.
She failed her first crack at the Californian bar exam, and before anyone says otherwise, the California bar cannot be that difficult judging by the number a type of attorneys that practice there.

Second, she has failed upward time and time again. If she were she not a black Democrat, she'd be considered in the same intellectual cohort as Sarah Palin. Facts.

She only became California DA ultimately because she first slept with the SF Mayor Willie Brown (he a married man at that) and he appointed her to a few California boards and commissions.

Being elected to the US Senate as a black Democrat from California means she accomplished one thing. She got the nomination. After that is perfunctory.

What has she done of note? I mean actually? Name one accomplishment. Just one national policy she championed. One key national level success. ANYTHING?

She ran for President and dropped out. Dropping out before the California primary. She dropped out because she knew she wouldn't win there. Her HOME state. BEFORE they even voted.

She simply lacks intelligence. Period. On one hand one cannot question the intelligence of GWB, as was often the case, and act like she's up to the job. She isn't.
This is a great list of opinions based on how you feel as opposed to anything resembling reality. Congrats on being triggered by a successful woman of color.
This is a great list of opinions based on how you feel as opposed to anything resembling reality. Congrats on being triggered by a successful woman of color.
anyone who thinks failing the california bar exam should be an immediate disqualifier should read up on kathleen sullivan, former dean of stanford law

just kidding...i know all of you who think that aren't actually interested in information or perspective
anyone who thinks failing the california bar exam should be an immediate disqualifier should read up on kathleen sullivan, former dean of stanford law

just kidding...i know all of you who think that aren't actually interested in information or perspective
Anyone wanting to be President, whose only actual executive qualification is being the least effective VP in history, should probably be smart enough to pass it the first time. Just sayin. If her failure doesn't go to intelligence, it should go to desire at least and to lack of preparedness at most.
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This is a great list of opinions based on how you feel as opposed to anything resembling reality. Congrats on being triggered by a successful woman of color.
She is the whitest black person in high level government in my opinion.
I don't think he's a drinker.
Happy Kamala Harris GIF by Joe Biden
Anyone wanting to be President, whose only actual executive qualification is being the least effective VP in history, should probably be smart enough to pass it the first time. Just sayin. If her failure doesn't go to intelligence, it should go to desire at least and to lack of preparedness at most.
reinforcing my last sentence...thanks!
It's refreshing indeed. Nice to see the more serious ones focus more on her stupidity and insane policy stances, along with her ability to hide from interviews her entire first month. And not the fact that she is a woman of color who was placed there simply because she's a woman of color. We've come a long way.

LOL but you've not come a long way.
She failed her first crack at the Californian bar exam, and before anyone says otherwise, the California bar cannot be that difficult judging by the number a type of attorneys that practice there.

Second, she has failed upward time and time again. If she were she not a black Democrat, she'd be considered in the same intellectual cohort as Sarah Palin. Facts.

She only became California DA ultimately because she first slept with the SF Mayor Willie Brown (he a married man at that) and he appointed her to a few California boards and commissions.

Being elected to the US Senate as a black Democrat from California means she accomplished one thing. She got the nomination. After that is perfunctory.

What has she done of note? I mean actually? Name one accomplishment. Just one national policy she championed. One key national level success. ANYTHING?

She ran for President and dropped out. Dropping out before the California primary. She dropped out because she knew she wouldn't win there. Her HOME state. BEFORE they even voted.

She simply lacks intelligence. Period. On one hand one cannot question the intelligence of GWB, as was often the case, and act like she's up to the job. She isn't.
Idk man... she was smart enough to know to drop out before she got trounced in her home state by a guy she called racist and has the mental acuity of the sack the potatoes come in, not even the potatoes themselves.

She's unburdened by what has been.
She failed her first crack at the Californian bar exam, and before anyone says otherwise, the California bar cannot be that difficult judging by the number a type of attorneys that practice there.

Second, she has failed upward time and time again. If she were she not a black Democrat, she'd be considered in the same intellectual cohort as Sarah Palin. Facts.

She only became California DA ultimately because she first slept with the SF Mayor Willie Brown (he a married man at that) and he appointed her to a few California boards and commissions.

Being elected to the US Senate as a black Democrat from California means she accomplished one thing. She got the nomination. After that is perfunctory.

What has she done of note? I mean actually? Name one accomplishment. Just one national policy she championed. One key national level success. ANYTHING?

She ran for President and dropped out. Dropping out before the California primary. She dropped out because she knew she wouldn't win there. Her HOME state. BEFORE they even voted.

She simply lacks intelligence. Period. On one hand one cannot question the intelligence of GWB, as was often the case, and act like she's up to the job. She isn't.

But, she's kicking donnie's big fat senile a$$.
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But, she's kicking donnie's big fat senile a$$.
In what? Elon's twitter poll? Ummm nope she's losing that like 75/25 with a mere 5.5 million votes...the other polls are split some have Kamala +1 others have Trump +1...
I don't think. I would certainly like to have Kamala and trump show all grades and transcripts though.

Trump doesn't believe in anything like that, snf I think you're probably a communist for even bringing it up.

But I don't know, I'm just as confused about what the standard is or should be.
You can also listen to speeches by the GOP's nominees for POTUS/VP and pick up plenty of misogyny, at least before their latest internal polling told them that it turns out nobody decent puts up with that sh!t anymore.

IMO, we're witnessing a mass generational shift of cultural norms. Since the boomer generation took on civil rights each generation has been less tolerant of even hearing homophobic, misogynistic, racist, transphobic or ableist let alone believing/propagating that nonsense.

Gen Z and Alpha are so near ubiquitous on this subject that it's a nonstarter in almost every situation, including areas that older Americans do tolerate it.
I thought misogyny stopped existing once we decided gender was no longer binary.
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She failed her first crack at the Californian bar exam, and before anyone says otherwise, the California bar cannot be that difficult judging by the number a type of attorneys that practice there.
First time passage rate is 34% according to my Google search... hardly shows anyone who doesn't pass the first time is "dumb af"... The rest of your points are just rhetoric.
It's amazing to see all the bigots - misogynists and closet racists call Kamala dumb, unqualified, slept her way to the top, etc simply because they cannot fathom that a woman of color can be successful on her own merits.

It really shows who they are, yet they are the first to complain when others point it out to them. Perpetual victims, you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
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It's amazing to see all the bigots - misogynists and closet racists call Kamala dumb, unqualified, slept her way to the top, etc simply because they cannot fathom that a woman of color can be successful on her own merits.

It really shows who they are, yet they are the first to complain when others point it out to them. Perpetual victims, you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Or we've heard her speak.... I don't care what is there between the legs, or what color the skin is. From her description of Ukraine to being unburdened, to loving the yellow school bus, and just about every other time she opens her mouth, it's pretty obvious she's not that sharp
all of us repubbers just feel sorry for her- no sense in making fun of people this stupid

she is gonna bomb in her speech and totally screw up, yet the mainstream news will say she is wonderful
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Or we've heard her speak.... I don't care what is there between the legs, or what color the skin is. From her description of Ukraine to being unburdened, to loving the yellow school bus, and just about every other time she opens her mouth, it's pretty obvious she's not that sharp

Whatever helps you sleep I guess.

Whatever helps you sleep I guess.
I sleep great. Because I'm not a leftist, I don't live in perpetual misery. I happen to think we live in the greatest country, have the greatest traditions, greatest customs, and I have a great family.

I hope we have a woman president sooner than later, I was fully on the Tulsi train and was eager to vote for her in 2020. Harris is lying hardcore leftist whom I have nothing in common with except citizenship.
all of us repubbers just feel sorry for her- no sense in making fun of people this stupid

she is gonna bomb in her speech and totally screw up, yet the mainstream news will say she is wonderful
It’s funny that you think there’s a person on this Earth more stupid than you. You’re the guy who falls for conspiracies & says Sandy Hook didn’t happen. Thanks for the laugh, as unintentional as it was.
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In what? Elon's twitter poll? Ummm nope she's losing that like 75/25 with a mere 5.5 million votes...the other polls are split some have Kamala +1 others have Trump +1...

Keep believing that. She's up 4% in the four or five states that matter. I have no idea where you got the 75/25 other than faux news.
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