Kamala Harris POTUS eligibility


HB Legend
Jul 10, 2002
Since I have a bunch of RW nutbags on ignore, not sure if it's come up on here.

I've seen it elsewhere on social media that RW nutbags are saying that Harris isn't eligible because her parents weren't US citizens when she was born. Doesn't matter, US Code (same then as it is now) says if you were born in the US and under it's jurisdiction, you're a citizen at birth. She was, and she is.
Since I have a bunch of RW nutbags on ignore, not sure if it's come up on here.

I've seen it elsewhere on social media that RW nutbags are saying that Harris isn't eligible because her parents weren't US citizens when she was born. Doesn't matter, US Code (same then as it is now) says if you were born in the US and under it's jurisdiction, you're a citizen at birth. She was, and she is.
Just like Obama's birth certificate. Ignore the morons.

You f*cking idiot.

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None of this matters. The Dems wouldn’t do all this bullshit just so Kamala’s retarded ass could be the nominee. It’s not going to be Kamala.
Oh I triggered em big time with my facts. Sorry Hillary started the birther movement lmfao good news is she endorsed Kamala guys
Look at you falling for fake news on Elon's website

Here’s the difference between X and the Media.

Community Note:

This is a fake, digitally altered picture. The original picture is of Kamala Harris and her husband.……

Do you still think Biden is mentally fit to be POTUS? Where are the community notes from the media over the last 12 months from all those lies and gaslighting hmm?
Since I have a bunch of RW nutbags on ignore, not sure if it's come up on here.

I've seen it elsewhere on social media that RW nutbags are saying that Harris isn't eligible because her parents weren't US citizens when she was born. Doesn't matter, US Code (same then as it is now) says if you were born in the US and under it's jurisdiction, you're a citizen at birth. She was, and she is.
So nobody of consequence is saying it, but you felt a duty to let us know. Gotcha.
Since I have a bunch of RW nutbags on ignore, not sure if it's come up on here.

I've seen it elsewhere on social media that RW nutbags are saying that Harris isn't eligible because her parents weren't US citizens when she was born. Doesn't matter, US Code (same then as it is now) says if you were born in the US and under it's jurisdiction, you're a citizen at birth. She was, and she is.
You should probably get off social media/reddit/dem underground/huffpo and make your own informed decisions.

Also, which RW nutbags are saying this, other than the ones that post here?
According to a Telegraph article, Clinton supporters circulated the "birther" theory in an email as early as April 2008.

"Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy," the email said, according to the Telegraph. "She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth."

The allegations gained momentum that month. Clinton conceded the race on June 7, and three days later a website called (an acroynom for Party Unity My A--) encouraged Clinton backers to support Republican nominee Sen. John McCain.

The website promoted the theory with an email that read, "Obama May Be Illegal to Be Elected President," as Daily Beast editor John Avlon has documented.

According to Avlon, Linda Starr, a Clinton volunteer in Texas, was key to spreading the rumor. She connected with with Philip Berger, an attorney and Clinton supporter, who sued to block Obama’s nomination. The suit was thrown out.

There you have it, it was Hillary fans, not the Hillary campaign, that started the birther stuff.

Thanks for clearing that up!
I'd be ok with it. But I guarantee you dumbass Rs would all of a sudden cry foul. You guys are constant victims and bitches.
We are literally calling for Biden to step down lol stop projecting and push him out. Maybe when he learns he dropped out later today he will decide to do that on his own
We are literally calling for Biden to step down lol stop projecting and push him out. Maybe when he learns he dropped out later today he will decide to do that on his own
Yes and you and your ilk called for Biden to end his campaign and now you are all crying that Harris can't be the nominee and how this makes the Dem ticket inelgible and blah blah blah.

Always the victim. Always the victim.
Since I have a bunch of RW nutbags on ignore, not sure if it's come up on here.

I've seen it elsewhere on social media that RW nutbags are saying that Harris isn't eligible because her parents weren't US citizens when she was born. Doesn't matter, US Code (same then as it is now) says if you were born in the US and under it's jurisdiction, you're a citizen at birth. She was, and she is.
Thanks for updating nothing.

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