Karma, thy name is Imprimis Pharmaceuticals


HB King
Gold Member
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
San Diego company slaps ‘Pharma Bro’ down by offering same cancer drug for $1 a pill
San Diego-based company announced on Thursday that it would compete with Martin Shkreli’s Turing Pharmaceuticals by offering the same drug used to help AIDS and cancer patients for $1 a pill, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, a compounding-drug firm, said it would begin selling its own version of the generic drug pyrimethamine, which Turing was marketing under the name Daraprim. Shkreli was roundly criticized last month after his company raised the price for the drug from $13.50 a pill to $750 a pill after acquiring the patent.

The version Imprimis will be selling includes pyrimethamine and another generic drug, leucovorin, which is typically used to help cancer patients going through chemotherapy. The two drugs are the active ingredients in Daraprim.

Mark Baum, Imprimis’ CEO, said his company plans to offer similar compounded drugs soon.

“We are looking at all of these cases where the sole-source generic companies are jacking the price way up,” he told the Associated Press. “There’ll be many more of these.”

According to Baum, his company’s mix of the two drugs has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. However, both the ingredients themselves and the company’s compounding work have been approved. The drug can only be sold after being prescribed by a doctor to a specific individual. The company is selling a bottle of 100 pills for $99 through its website.
I didn't say it was, I was more commenting on it coming from you than anything else.
I hope this news wipes off the smug smile on this asshole.

This is supposed to be how it works.
And if was truely karma at work, the a-hole who jacked up the price would have contracted the disease and been unable to afford his own drug.
except the feds will come in there and find a way to shut them down, rat feces in the lab, plant porn on the computers
Yes, the free market at work. And this company clearly isn't done with their work yet. Perhaps the Devil should support it from now on?
I don't see why everybody was so upset anyway. The guy has a right to do what he wants. Everyone overlooks that he obviously had to work hard to get where he is, but if he doesn't give it away free to the poor trash, he's a horrible person.

People in this country amaze me.