Kim Reynolds finally decides to help feed some kids, but there’s a big catch

Is $900,000 more or less than $29,000,000?

If you needed a car, would you buy one for $900,000 or would you spend 29 million just because the bank said they would lend you the money to do so?

If you needed a car, would you buy one for $900,000 or would you spend 29 million just because the bank said they would lend you the money to do so?

If someone is going to give you $29mil or $900k, that is going to get spent somewhere by someone, why would you not take the $29mil when it costs your constituents $0 extra. To not take it is pure cruelty when it would benefit FAR more people than the $900k. And again, the money is already there. It's not like not taking it saves people money.

The cruelty is the point for Kimmy. And it's the biggest selling point for her voting base.

If you needed a car, would you buy one for $900,000 or would you spend 29 million just because the bank said they would lend you the money to do so?
There is no loan involved. It is money the federal government would give Iowa and would be injected into our local economies, including your employer. I have been posting on here since this all came up it was not only cruel by our governor, but it was just a horrible economic decision.

If you needed a car, would you buy one for $900,000 or would you spend 29 million just because the bank said they would lend you the money to do so?

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All jokes aside, this is disheartening. There will be actual kids hungry this summer simply because Reynolds is willing to use their hunger as a way to get back at Biden. I'm sure she will sleep soundly tonight. I sure wouldn't. I would be racked with guilt.
The last 4/5 years have been nothing but a revenge tour by Dim Kim against those people and groups she perceives as political adversaries.

And for what? To hurt people less fortunate? Cleanse the State of non Whites? Satisfy political donors?
What's her end game?
There is no loan involved. It is money the federal government would give Iowa and would be injected into our local economies, including your employer. I have been posting on here since this all came up it was not only cruel by our governor, but it was just a horrible economic decision.
Just ignore doobs, he’s that weird cousin on the spectrum nobody likes.
You guys are on drugs if you think 29 million doesn't cost anybody anything. Unless your position is that the government prints money and it's not real. Then I can agree with you somewhat.

If you needed a car, would you buy one for $900,000 or would you spend 29 million just because the bank said they would lend you the money to do so?

You guys are on drugs if you think 29 million doesn't cost anybody anything. Unless your position is that the government prints money and it's not real. Then I can agree with you somewhat.
Go on…..
Feeding kids is investment in the future and really a national defense issue. We should help the poor to raise our future warriors. We’re never going to stop turning the poor into soldiers, face it.
The last 4/5 years have been nothing but a revenge tour by Dim Kim against those people and groups she perceives as political adversaries.

And for what? To hurt people less fortunate? Cleanse the State of non Whites? Satisfy political donors?
What's her end game?
The end game is driving liberals out of the state so Iowa can become Mississippi North.
The end game is driving liberals out of the state so Iowa can become Mississippi North.
We already are.

Exhibit A why no political Party should have a super majority in both a State House and a State Senate.

A Governor is unchecked.
And I'd say the exact same thing if Democrats in Iowa were in that position.
There is no loan involved. It is money the federal government would give Iowa and would be injected into our local economies, including your employer. I have been posting on here since this all came up it was not only cruel by our governor, but it was just a horrible economic decision.
call it a tax break for business and people here would jump all over it. R's love a good handout to a business.
I am not going to disagree with you, however 10.6 million children live in a household with food insecurity. That's 15% of children nationwide.
Should they then be taken out of these households that refuse to feed them? And should the adults that receive benefits, and more benefits for each additional kid they bring into this world, be charged accordingly?
Another way to feed children is never, and will never be a bad thing.
So bringing back orphanages wouldn’t be a bad thing?
That is NOT the issue here Mufasa. Let’s FEED the kids, ok?
I thought the article included information that the really poors would receive additional benefits. Or, is every family in Iowa starving their kids? That would be really messed up if so.