Leading conservative questions faux patriotism at sporting events.

I despise that song. So did Woody Guthrie who wrote the great This Land Is Your Land as a response to it.
Good call, it certainly has been over the top with celebs and politicians piling on for popularity. I love America, I support our troops, but enough "look at me I support america" public shows for the sake of their own popularity.
This makes those sports teams look pretty bad in my view. I always thought when I saw flag waving it was the teams attempt to either show real attitudes or at least seem to show those attitudes to those who value them. But now that I know they were just whoring themselves for what amounts to a buck fifty I'm feeling duped and jaded.
You can't hardly go to a game anymore without someone or some cause being recognized.

Sure charity is awesome but the whole "hey look at were doing for these people" is a little played out.