Let us not forget the Obama cult...

Early in the Trump presidency I struggled with this.... When I am outraged by his tweets am I giving him a chance? Is it any different to the freak out that happened with the tan suit?

I don’t struggle anymore. It’s different.
progressive indoctrination like this in schools should be a felony.
If this is about the kids singing, well I don’t know about felony but definitely frowned upon. But then I think all jingoistic nationalistic crap is bad. I don’t believe in the pledge of allegiance (as it’s written) nor do I think the national anthem should be played at every damn sporting event, no more flyovers, etc.
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I agree clinton was an effective president, although what in your mind makes him effective? I think most would say the economy and how it thrived under him. When Hillary talked about policy on the 2016 campaign trail, she often cited Bill's economic mastery.
He had Newt picking the peanuts out of his shit...and Newt was glad to do it! What the phuque has trump done except to remove the safeguards fron the economy? Of course, the economy is the key.....but it has damn near nothing to do with who is President...and much more about being in the right place at the right time.
He sure as hell was an upgrade over Junior...and he owns Trump. Clinton was a much better POTUS though. In my lifetime, only LBJ might have been a more effective President than Clinton. That damn LBJ got things DONE!

LBJ sure did. He got us all in for Vietnam. Thanks LBJ.
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He had Newt picking the peanuts out of his shit...and Newt was glad to do it! What the phuque has trump done except to remove the safeguards fron the economy? Of course, the economy is the key.....but it has damn near nothing to do with who is President...and much more about being in the right place at the right time.

See Corona Virus as an example to your point. If it becomes a Pandemic, the world economy takes a hit, and the degree of that hit is unknown. So wrong place wrong time if it happens
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He sure as hell was an upgrade over Junior...and he owns Trump. Clinton was a much better POTUS though. In my lifetime, only LBJ might have been a more effective President than Clinton. That damn LBJ got things DONE!
Yes he got rid of JFK and got 58,000 kids killed in Vietnam

Good Grief Joel
Yes he got rid of JFK and got 58,000 kids killed in Vietnam

Good Grief Joel
He did NOT get "58k kids killed" in Viet Nam, you phuquin' liar. (There were plenty of KIAs before his Presidency and plenty afterwards.) You are just full of bullshit and blather and not afraid to share your ignorance. You are real piece of work well as a lyin' sack of shit.
You need to embrace the facts and drop the conspiracies.
LBJ ramped up the war Joel, JFK did want to go into Vietnam and Nixon pulled us out. Who the hell else did it ?

LBJ is one of the most currupt presidents weve ever had. Im sure if JFK was here, hed tell you all about it.
LBJ ramped up the war Joel, JFK did want to go into Vietnam and Nixon pulled us out. Who the hell else did it ?

LBJ is one of the most currupt presidents weve ever had. Im sure if JFK was here, hed tell you all about it.
So now we have moved the goal posts from "killing 58k kids" to "ramping up" are doing better roy..."corrupt"...I like that word and how (and who) you use it towards......Johnson was effective...he had power, and used it......Nixon, the criminal, is the one who is responsible for the President's loss of power following Watergate.......Was Johnson tough...yep. Did he do countless good things as POTUS...Yep. Did he ramp up Viet Nam....yep. Did Nixon expand the war....Yep. Did Nixon double deal the US negotiating position as candidate Nixon to get elected....Yep. President's ain't saints.
So now we have moved the goal posts from "killing 58k kids" to "ramping up" are doing better roy..."corrupt"...I like that word and how (and who) you use it towards......Johnson was effective...he had power, and used it......Nixon, the criminal, is the one who is responsible for the President's loss of power following Watergate.......Was Johnson tough...yep. Did he do countless good things as POTUS...Yep. Did he ramp up Viet Nam....yep. Did Nixon expand the war....Yep. Did Nixon double deal the US negotiating position as candidate Nixon to get elected....Yep. President's ain't saints.
Is it suddenly ok if the number is half that? Quibbling over how many deaths to assign seems to miss the bigger point.
Is it suddenly ok if the number is half that? Quibbling over how many deaths to assign seems to miss the bigger point.
not the point natural....roy just flat-assed lied and I called him on it.....roy and Trump do have one thing in common.....Folks who lie and distort history are dangerous. No one said anyone was perfect...I just pointed out that roy is a phuquing liar.
He did NOT get "58k kids killed" in Viet Nam, you phuquin' liar. (There were plenty of KIAs before his Presidency and plenty afterwards.) You are just full of bullshit and blather and not afraid to share your ignorance. You are real piece of work well as a lyin' sack of shit.
You need to embrace the facts and drop the conspiracies.
“How many deaths will it take till we know that too many people have died?”
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Liberals complained he was too moderate. Some blacks thought he was too white. He was criticized a lot within his own party.

When Democrats collectively embrace obvious lies for him, cower in fear of him, suck and swallow for him, willfully ignore reality for him, and ostracize and kick out of the party anyone critical of him, then you can come back and tell us about this "Obama cult."

To be fair it was Abit crazy there for a little while. People where trying to name schools after him like right after he took office. He got the Nobel peace prize because he talked about peace. I do see where they are coming from, but the Obama cult died in a couple months.

He had to negotiate like crazy to bring the moderates on board with his healthcare bill. Plus the Sanders types hated it because it didn't go far enough.

If Obama had a cult it lasted a couple of months at most. Trump's has only grown.
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nobody was more painful than W to listen to off the cuff. I do believe he was intelligent, but man he had trouble stringing a sentence together.

Very true, he was smarter than he was given credit for. And he got better with speaking off the cuff as time went on. But he just never lived down things like "put food on your family"
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Yeah.:) Am gonna retire from this thread. Some of the silly hate filled posts and name calling are depressing and that's on both sides.

Nah. I'm talking about the stuff I post.

I was kidding about the dig at folks south of the Mason/Dixon line. I got kin from Alabama. If you hang around here long enough, you'll learn most of my posts are satirical.

Yes, some folks level of hate is unreal. I'm going to talk to Bernie about adding hookers to his list of government handouts. Free kitty would remedy a lot of acrimony in our society methinks, especially on this board clearly filled with bitter, involuntary fappers. Seriously, though. Think of how many fruitful discussions could be had on the mental health crisis and respecting the 2A as a result.

It would be the reverse of Orwellian.
See Corona Virus as an example to your point. If it becomes a Pandemic, the world economy takes a hit, and the degree of that hit is unknown. So wrong place wrong time if it happens’re denying that the Corona virus is Trump’s fault? Hmmmmmmm.
One good thing you can say about Goldwater, he knew presidential wrong doing when he saw it, something that you can't say about today's republicans, minus Mitt Romney.

Romney is merely a self serving putz. He’s the zit covered kid wondering why the cheerleader won’t go out with him.