Let's have an airing of minor pet peeves that your spouse/significant displays that irritates you.

My wife can put into the dishwasher one cup, a dinner plate, a fork, and a shot glass, and somehow do so in a way that nothing else will fit in the damn thing.
Mine is the opposite...damn thing looks like a Jenga puzzle when she's done.

My pet peeve is she runs her yapper when I'm trying to watch the news.
In case you were curious, that spider was Florida big. It was about as big across as an Eisenhower silver dollar.
Spiders eat insects in your house so I would leave them alone. They also will drink from your eye while you sleep.

I'll join the pet peeveathon -

Me: Where would you like to go for supper tonight?
Mrs. ICWF: I don't care
Me: I've never heard of that place. Where is it?
Mrs. ICWF: You're an ass.
Me: Yes I am. So where would you like to go out tonight? You choose.
Mrs. ICWF: I don't care.
Spiders eat insects in your house so I would leave them alone. They also will drink from your eye while you sleep.

I'll join the pet peeveathon -

Me: Where would you like to go for supper tonight?
Mrs. ICWF: I don't care
Me: I've never heard of that place. Where is it?
Mrs. ICWF: You're an ass.
Me: Yes I am. So where would you like to go out tonight? You choose.
Mrs. ICWF: I don't care.
Oh, you don't care - ok, let's go here.
No, I don't like that place.
I thought you don't care...
I don't, but I don't want to go there.
So where then?
I don't care, pick any place......except that...

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