Lightweight / Middle Weight / Upper Weight...


Dec 31, 2009
With this talk about the best schools at producing talent based on weight, can we come up with a definition of lightweight... I have seen people throw out 125-133 for lightweight but this is how I see it

Light Weights 125-141
Middle Weights 149-165
Upper Weights 174-197
HWT (This is just a different beast and putting it by itself makes the other three groups equal)

These weight classes, I feel, are how head coaches look at their room as well when it comes to hiring coaches to specifically help out for these weights. So success in relation to these weight breakdowns over time can really shed light on certain assistant coaches more than anything else.
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With this talk about the best schools at producing talent based on weight, can we come up with a definition of lightweight... I have seen people throw out 125-133 for lightweight but this is how I see it

Light Weights 125-141
Middle Weights 149-165
Upper Weights 174-197
HWT (This is just a different beast and putting it by itself makes the other three groups equal)
Overweight HWT