Likelihood University Moves on From Fran

Likelihood Fran is Fired This Year

  • 100%

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • >50%

    Votes: 8 4.0%
  • <50%

    Votes: 58 29.1%
  • 0%

    Votes: 130 65.3%

  • Total voters


HB All-State
Nov 17, 2019
I’m looking more into the feel about what Beth and the University are thinking rather than your personal thoughts about Fran (we all know the fanbase is overwhelmingly ready to move on).

Do you think Beth has what it takes to pull the trigger? Afterall, she canned Brian. I think this will be another big sign to see how aggressive the AD will be moving forward.
there hasn't been that much complaining about firing fran until the past couple seasons. This is different than complaining about decisions.

Been a lot of complaining the last few seasons and they will comp about the next guy. Fans are fickle.
No way Beth pulls the trigger on Fran. Look for someone like Vandy to come after Fran. Revitalize a program, let his son play, big conference, decent pay, decent exposure, just a thought

Not sure about Vandy but if your premise is there are programs out there that would love a Fran, then yes, I agree.

Well until they don’t….

On an interesting sidenote, I went back and looked at Ralph Miller’s coaching acumen, and really, quite frankly outside of that last year he didn’t do all that great in Iowa and in that last year, it doesn’t appear to me that the rest of the conference was particularly strong, at least record wise…

They started 6-5 & then went 14-0 in conference. 8th the year before that.
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I would be very surprised if Fran is not coaching at Iowa next season.
I would be very surprised if Fran is not coaching at Iowa next season.
Would be interesting to see how the President and AD feel about it, if Fran tries to bring Patrick back.

Does any objective person feel it would be in the best interest of the team to bring Pat back?

I wish the young man the best, but don't see any way his presence helps the team next year.
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They won't be the ones to make the move.

It'll be up to Fran. That's where I'd put the percentages on. Does Fran decide to leave/retire.

But yes, next year is the make or break season for Fran if he decides to stay.
Until the University has higher expectation for the program, he will be here a while. Look across the nation, how long have other coaches lasted in a Power Five Conference.
Can’t we complain about his lack of defense and lack of N.C.A.A. success?
You can definitely complain about that just like you can complain about Iowa football offense.

Only difference is - people complain about football but still pack the stadium giving a huge home field boost to the team. When people don’t show up to basketball games, it gives them no home court advantage, making it tougher to win, creating a vicious cycle of on-the-court struggles and decreasing fan support.

If fan support is really this awful for a mostly competitive team, then the athletic department NEEDS to do something different. Whether that’s a coaching change, free student tix, whatever
Pretty well, I’ve watched 3 games, so I feel like I haven’t wasted time this year.

They did you a favor see. Just like the country song, says: ice, cold long neck beers never let me down like diamond rings, and football teams have torn this boy apart….

Eventually, at the end of the day, your favorite sports team is typically gonna let you down🤷‍♂️

I don’t catch every men’s game, but then again, I haven’t for years, I do typically catch all football games, but I’m not above doing something else and watching it later assuming they won…

My life is better because of it… and it’s the losses that have helped me come to this conclusion.

I don’t want to be the guy wandering around complaining about a sports team all the time
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Until the University has higher expectation for the program, he will be here a while. Look across the nation, how long have other coaches lasted in a Power Five Conference.

I’m so glad you said this, I would imagine the university is looking around the nation and wondering how many coaches out there they can get are actually better than Fran….doh!!

If you wait long enough, people accidentally make the obvious obvious
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Would be interesting to see how the President and AD feel about it, if Fran tries to bring Patrick back.

Does any objective person feel it would be in the best interest of the team to bring Pat back?

I wish the young man the best, but don't see any way his presence helps the team next year.
Unfortunately...cancer battle and sympathy will rule the day over logic and objectivity.

If Fran and the boys get run out of the gym tonight (on it's home court) then something NEEDS to be done, but most likely won't. :(
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I’m looking more into the feel about what Beth and the University are thinking rather than your personal thoughts about Fran (we all know the fanbase is overwhelmingly ready to move on).

Do you think Beth has what it takes to pull the trigger? Afterall, she canned Brian. I think this will be another big sign to see how aggressive the AD will be moving forward.
I think Fran’s clean program and no drama program that brings in enough wins is sustainable for now. Anywhere in the middle of the Big Ten and continuing good kids etc and he will stay as long as he likes
Until the University has higher expectation for the program, he will be here a while. Look across the nation, how long have other coaches lasted in a Power Five Conference.
Maybe the Women's BB success will be the catalyst. The decision makers now have a stark contrast. Sell-outs for every Women's game and frequent half-full arenas for the men.
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They did you a favor see. Just like the country song, says: ice, cold long neck beers never let me down like diamond rings, and football teams have torn this boy apart….

Eventually, at the end of the day, your favorite sports team is typically gonna let you down🤷‍♂️

I don’t catch every men’s game, but then again, I haven’t for years, I do typically catch all football games, but I’m not above doing something else and watching it later assuming they won…

My life is better because of it… and it’s the losses that have helped me come to this conclusion.

I don’t want to be the guy wandering around complaining about a sports team all the time
You're right.

There was a time where every game was life and death with me (figure of speech). About 25 years ago I was a maniac during games. That doesn't mean certain losses can't still get under my skin to a degree, but I let it roll off me pretty well these days. It's just sports and there are bigger things in life. Not worth the strain.

I suppose that perspective comes with age.

In my mind, it really comes down to either A) accepting your team for what they are and enjoying the good moments when they come or B) finding something else to do with your time.

None of that means I don't have opinions or criticisms. :)
season 10 episode 22 GIF
I’m looking more into the feel about what Beth and the University are thinking rather than your personal thoughts about Fran (we all know the fanbase is overwhelmingly ready to move on).

Do you think Beth has what it takes to pull the trigger? Afterall, she canned Brian. I think this will be another big sign to see how aggressive the AD will be moving forward.
Never heard of Lilkelihood U. Location?
He's the winningest coach here. Somebody like that is going to be able to leave on his own terms.
Leaving on their own terms is one of the more curious concepts out there. There are examples everywhere of good and great coaches who didn't know when to leave, ADs who were afraid to pull the trigger, and programs that suffered as a result.

What you did last year, five years ago or twenty years ago should have no bearing on the present and future. Are you still the best coach for Iowa NOW? If not, time for new blood. And I'd say that time was several years ago in football and is coming in the next year or two in basketball. Fran should be on extremely thin ice, and unless KF fields an actual offense this season, he should be shown the door. Period.
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What you did last year, five years ago or twenty years ago should have no bearing on the present and future. Are you still the best coach for Iowa NOW? If not, time for new blood. And I'd say that time was several years ago in football and is coming in the next year or two in basketball.
We could quibble over your timelines, but otherwise very well put.
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I think if another P5 schools not considered a step down were to express interest in Fran, he would move on. He is an East Coast guy. As soon as Jack is done, he'll look elsewhere. He has been a basketball vagabond most of his career until sticking here. He would do it again.
I also feel like Beth will put his feet to the fire a bit this offseason with some goals, whether that's wins/attendance/post season. She understands the fanbase. He has definitely built up some good will for what he inherited and his sustained success (not including NCAA tourneys). I don't think he'll be here in 2 years.
I may quit watching until they move on. I’m ready for a new coach for the fans to complain about…..😊

You're like the Board Super Hero of defending coaches---the coaches ought to be giving you a cut of their social media promotions budget because you're working around the clock.

If the next Iowa basketball coach starts out like TJ Otzelberger at ISU, you might not need to use your super powers.

I would say Fran has zero chance of being fired nor should he be.

What I'm more interested in is no contract extension without some meaningful goals in place for his money to be guaranteed. He's never finished above 3rd place in conference regular season. 2nd or better seems like a good goal. He's well know to be 0-for-Career on ncaa Sweet16s, so that would be meaningful goal. If Fran met either goal, I wouldn't bemoan a big bump in salary and a rolling 4 year guaranteed money.
I am so thankful the people that frequent these boards don’t have control over any part of coaching or sports at a high level. Iowa basketball could be mbetter sure ….could it be worse he’ll yeah. There are selfish people that don’t have the mental capacity or the understanding of what Iowa has put on the court over the last few years. It hasn’t been awful. Not any were near close enough to be having a conversation about having a coach fired. If you really think a coach should be fired for one season of being in the NIT you are a little strange. Using that as a benchmark for firing……every coach that doesn’t make the NCAA should lose the job every year….. and I’m sure that another 20 teams in the NCAA should lose there jobs too. Do you all have any idea how stupid you sound?
I don't know. I'm in my 70s somewhere and I'm still pissed.
Well, so am I, regarding the failures of the program.

I was mainly just talking about throwing remotes, scaring the dogs, etc. and generally acting like a fool because of the outcome of any given game.
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You're like the Board Super Hero of defending coaches---the coaches ought to be giving you a cut of their social media promotions budget because you're working around the clock.
Nah.....that would be f5n5, pamarcole, soaker, Kilroy and a couple of others.