LOL...UF student Body President Facing Impeachment


HB Legend
Jan 19, 2004
For using student fees to pay Fredo and the Gargoyle to come and speak.

The student government president at the University of Florida is facing a call for his impeachment over his role in bringing Donald Trump Jr. and Trump campaign adviser Kimberly Guilfoyle to campus for a speaking engagement last month.

The Washington Post reports Michael Murphy, the school's student president, was served with a formal impeachment resolution from the student government and accused of malfeasance and abuse of power.

Those who are backing the impeachment contend that emails show the speaking engagement for Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle last month, which cost $50,000, was funded by using student fees, which would be in violation of rules banning the use of public students funds to support or oppose a “political party at any level,” according to the Post.

I don’t recall similar outrage when the same organization hired Jay Carney to speak.
LOL so we're both happy!

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For using student fees to pay Fredo and the Gargoyle to come and speak.

The student government president at the University of Florida is facing a call for his impeachment over his role in bringing Donald Trump Jr. and Trump campaign adviser Kimberly Guilfoyle to campus for a speaking engagement last month.

The Washington Post reports Michael Murphy, the school's student president, was served with a formal impeachment resolution from the student government and accused of malfeasance and abuse of power.

Those who are backing the impeachment contend that emails show the speaking engagement for Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle last month, which cost $50,000, was funded by using student fees, which would be in violation of rules banning the use of public students funds to support or oppose a “political party at any level,” according to the Post.



You’re among the posters on here who tell other posters to do harm to themselves. You don’t hold any sort of high ground.

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