Look over there! It's manufactured outrage!


HB King
Dec 7, 2006
So Apple released their latest iOS update this week and it included a bunch of new emojis. The Clorox Company sent out the following tweet:
"New emojis are alright but where's the bleach?"
The intent behind the tweet was to point out that bleach was not included as one of the hundreds of new emojis featuring household items and cleaning products. But a bunch of dumbasses decided it meant Clorox wanted to bleach away the new racially diverse emojis that were also part of the software update. And once the Twitterverse get its collective panties in a wad, facts no longer matter.

No one gets fired up faster than a bunch of social media morons who think they've been offended.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Any internet aware poster would know that racially diverse Emoji's in the context that message would be evaluated against. I thnk Clorox either needs to abandon social media or hire me as their Internet consultant. This is entirely their fault.
Re: Look over there! It's manufactured outrage!

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Any internet aware poster would know that racially diverse Emoji's in the context that message would be evaluated against. I thnk Clorox either needs to abandon social media or hire me as their Internet consultant. This is entirely their fault.
So what you're saying is that Clorox should have known there are a bunch of people who are too f***ing stupid to understand what they meant and that it's their fault for not taking into account how stupid those people are?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Any internet aware poster would know that racially diverse Emoji's in the context that message would be evaluated against. I thnk Clorox either needs to abandon social media or hire me as their Internet consultant. This is entirely their fault.
My sarcasm meter isn't going off, I'm hoping it's broken.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Any internet aware poster would know that racially diverse Emoji's in the context that message would be evaluated against. I thnk Clorox either needs to abandon social media or hire me as their Internet consultant. This is entirely their fault.
My sarcasm meter isn't going off, I'm hoping it's broken.

Mine too.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: Look over there! It's manufactured outrage!

Originally posted by TJ8869:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Any internet aware poster would know that racially diverse Emoji's in the context that message would be evaluated against. I thnk Clorox either needs to abandon social media or hire me as their Internet consultant. This is entirely their fault.
So what you're saying is that Clorox should have known there are a bunch of people who are too f***ing stupid to understand what they meant and that it's their fault for not taking into account how stupid those people are?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Precisely, how many millions do you think they spend every year on immage consultants, PR, and marketing? They should know people are stupid and make adjustments to better get their money. After all only stupid people would buy name brand bleach in the first place.
Re: Look over there! It's manufactured outrage!

Originally posted by TJ8869:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Any internet aware poster would know that racially diverse Emoji's in the context that message would be evaluated against. I thnk Clorox either needs to abandon social media or hire me as their Internet consultant. This is entirely their fault.
So what you're saying is that Clorox should have known there are a bunch of people who are too f***ing stupid to understand what they meant and that it's their fault for not taking into account how stupid those people are?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Look, I'd never get outraged about this, but you can't claim this is about a "missing" bleach bottle.

1. What other products similar to bleach do you see in the emojis? Is detergent? Dryer sheets? Dishwasher soap? Hand soap? There's not even a bar of soap. There are no washing machine or dryer emojis.

2. They just updated the emojis, to change the emojis from all yellow to these "ethnic" emojis. It created a noticeable stir on social media and people were talking about them.

3. Clorox is a bleach. Bleach "removes color."

4. Clorox tried to capitalize on the buzz surrounding the updates. They combined #2 and #3 and made a poor joke.

Think of it this way, why ELSE would clorox have tweeted that, at this time, after these updates? Unless they do this every couple of months (begging Apple to weirdly add a bleach emoji), it's pretty hard to say that this wasn't just a bad joke gone awry.

Edited to say, I must not have the newest software so, pretty much everything above is pretty much wrong by me. I am downloading now, and if there are things like I mentioned above, then I'd fully agree that it's manufactured outrage.
This post was edited on 4/12 4:38 PM by slieb85
Re: Look over there! It's manufactured outrage!

Originally posted by slieb85:

Edited to say, I must not have the newest software so, pretty much everything above is pretty much wrong by me. I am downloading now, and if there are things like I mentioned above, then I'd fully agree that it's manufactured outrage.
This post was edited on 4/12 4:38 PM by slieb85
Dont do it, it will break your iPad 2.
Re: Look over there! It's manufactured outrage!

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by slieb85:

Edited to say, I must not have the newest software so, pretty much everything above is pretty much wrong by me. I am downloading now, and if there are things like I mentioned above, then I'd fully agree that it's manufactured outrage.
This post was edited on 4/12 4:38 PM by slieb85
Dont do it, it will break your iPad 2.

BUT, lo and behold, I shouldn't have been so trusting of the OPs information.

Where, in these photos, do you see something similar to bleach? Still no soap. Still no detergent. Still no dishwasher detergent. Still no washer. Still no dryer.




I guess I shouldn't have been so quick to apologize. I am back to being convinced Clorox knew what they were doing and were trying to take advantage of the discussion about the emojis. It was in poor taste and they should have known better.

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