LP is back booooyz!

I thought you meant liquid propane and I was fired up, but no.

It's impossible to replace Chester, but definitely a different direction than I thought they would go. Clearly wanting to mark different eras of the band I guess. Chester had a quite the range of vocals, so I'm guessing she'll sound better on some songs than others. Like any lead singer replacement, they're likely to lack the same punch and style on some songs, but their different style might work for other songs.
Not gonna lie……not feeling that song at all.
Agree. I love LP, and I'm fine with her. The old songs still sound like LP but this new song is just kind of meh.

A big part of what made LP was Chester's voice. The older songs will always sound familiar, even with a new singer. Anything new is prob just not going to sound like LP.
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After watching parts of this, I'm thinking she perhaps wasn't the best choice. I know it's their first broadcasted performance together, but I got pretty sick of it after a couple songs. Even the instruments and tracks sound off. Hopefully it'll get better. I had to watch a live performance with Chester to clear my mind of the new one.


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