MAGAts Are Suckers And Losers


HB Heisman
Oct 29, 2014
During the 2016 campaign Donald Trump promised to “repeal and replace” Obamacare with a plan that offered “great health care for much less money”, and we’d have “insurance for everybody”. Upon taking office in 2017 he pushed two separate efforts with Congressional Republicans to repeal the ACA, but were ultimately thwarted by John McCain.

Last night Trump admitted the “replace” portion of his promise was complete bullshit. Eight + years later he has only “concepts of a plan” (i.e. nothing).

Forty five million of your fellow Americans have health insurance thanks to the ACA, yet those of you who support Trump are willing to throw them out in the cold just to “stick it to the libs”.
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He’ll have something for us in 2 weeks.
Better late than never.

James Corden GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden