Man arrested for harassing people on Pentacrest


HB King
May 29, 2001

An Iowa City man has been arrested after harassing two people on the Pentacrest, police said.

Iowa City Police said Daniel P. Myrick, 27, of Finkbine Lane, confronted two people on the Pentacrest lawn at 2:10 a.m. Wednesday about “disrespecting the flag.”

According to the police complaint, Myrick told the victim to empty his pockets, and said he had a gun. Myrick then reached into his backpack, pulled out a large black flashlight and told the victim he would “knock all of his teeth out,” according to the complaint. Myrick told the second victim he would shoot her in the eye with his gun, the complaint said.

Myrick has been charged with two counts of first-degree harassment, an aggravated misdemeanor, and one count of second-degree robbery, a class C felony. He could face 14 years in prison if convicted and is being held in the Johnson County Jail on $20,000 bond.
Any guesses as to which drug(s) he was on? Or perhaps should have been taking?