compiles multiple ranking systems into one. Right now it is at 57 rankings compiled.
Has Iowa ranked at #25, which is really a result of its love for the BIG:
PSU #4, OSU #5, Wiscy #7, UM #20, MSU #22, NW #29.
Also: MD #52, UNL #53, PU #64, IU #66, Minn #68, RU #89 and Illini #105.
ISU is #17.
Wyoming #71 and NTX #79.
Has Iowa ranked at #25, which is really a result of its love for the BIG:
PSU #4, OSU #5, Wiscy #7, UM #20, MSU #22, NW #29.
Also: MD #52, UNL #53, PU #64, IU #66, Minn #68, RU #89 and Illini #105.
ISU is #17.
Wyoming #71 and NTX #79.
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