Meet and Greet with Bo in Coralville on Feb 26 at FloWrestling Night in America

Todd Conner

Dec 23, 2004

It is great to be an Iowa Wrestling fan.

Go Hawks!
I think it was a great move to allow Bo some face to face time with the Iowa fans and you get to meet the real Bo Bassett. He is a great kid and very smart about what he says and how he acts as a huge Iowa booster and he doesn't put other people down to prove his point. Another Impressive point many are missing is the fact that he has to be BACK home for practice and then his regional tournament starts tomorrow with an early weigh in. All of this travel time has to wear and tear on the body but he is young and strong enough to brush it off but he has a huge target on his back with all of the kids in his bracket so I just hope he stays sharp and avoids any pitfalls . Go Hawks !!
Impressive showing by the fans. I can't believe how long the line was. I sat by Bo for awhile and he was gushing about wrestle town USA
Will Ferrell Elf GIF by filmeditor