Melt down


Sep 10, 2008
Lets face it this was a classic case of not smart basketball. We had our chance but didn't play the good defense in the second half along with falling in love with the jump shot. I don't have anything against any individual on this team because I don't know any of them but why JO gets any minutes is a complete mystery. It also doesn't help to have a 7'1" center that can't dunk without a three step run. I guess it just hurts right after a loss like this.
must not have heard the announcer when he said Chambers kept emphasing DEFEND JO. during the timeouts. also PJ went 1-7 from the field so the same thing could be said about PJ as his last game he went 0-5, maybe he should never see the floor, what do you think?

its posters like you that ruins the game for others, am I happy about the loss? not hardly, but to constantly blame the same person is asinine.
When Iowa starts forcing shots early in possessions of a close ball game, that usually spells trouble. They seem to do that at midway points of each half regardless of how the game is going, but that just puts so much extra pressure on their defense if it actually is a close ball game (especially if the other team is hitting their shots on the other end, which leads me to.....)

Can we PLEASE stop daring motherf***ers to shoot the basketball? Iowa is the ONLY team in the country that misses wide open uncontested shots, so I have no idea why we would expect other teams to do the same (ya know since we're the only ones and all). Stop giving guys a step "until they make one".....this is college basketball. THEY ALL SHOULD MAKE ONE.

How about f***ing just keeping your guy from scoring when he has the ball, hmm? Is that too novel a concept to do?

I just get so tired of watching kids these days dare players to shoot regardless of level. Unless it's a fat 285 lb 6'8" center who can't even dribble then why give them room to shoot, especially when the last thing you need is for the other team to hit a three and gain all the confidence and momentum in the world against you?.....Irritating as f***. *tosses chair*
