Michael Bloomberg entering the race

Small world. Epstein's pimp seems to have gotten her talons into all the major players.
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He's gonna build a Wall on the Northern border and Canada is going to pay for it.
I haven't studied Bloomberg, but for some reason in my head I think of him as a reasonable guy who would instantly become the best option the Democrats have both for beating Trump and running the country. Is this wrong? What should I know?
Another loser joins the Democratic Circus
This. It's pretty telling that the Dem powers that be aren't convinced the current herd of 15 candidates is going to yield one that they will have confidence on beating Trump a year from now.

When you keep hearing Bloomberg, Hillary, Oprah and Moochelle are still thinking about running it's basically a no-confidence vote on those already in the race.
I haven't studied Bloomberg, but for some reason in my head I think of him as a reasonable guy who would instantly become the best option the Democrats have both for beating Trump and running the country. Is this wrong? What should I know?
He wants to take your guns away, and he’s not afraid to say Green New Deal out loud.
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This. It's pretty telling that the Dem powers that be aren't convinced the current herd of 15 candidates is going to yield one that they will have confidence on beating Trump a year from now.

When you keep hearing Bloomberg, Hillary, Oprah and Moochelle are still thinking about running it's basically a no-confidence vote on those already in the race.
Maybe, but it's only a tiny group pushing those options. So far.
I think it for sure is a sign that the current top 4 candidates for the Dems are all very beatable. Winning in 2020 should be a cake walk but the Democrats are going to nominate a bad candidate unless something changes. I wonder who else may jump in. She has no desire, but Michelle Obama would destroy Trump. Every boomer voting for Biden and Millennial swooning for Warren/Bernie would jump ship in a second and she could moonwalk to the nomination.
He wants to take your guns away, and he’s not afraid to say Green New Deal out loud.
I don't care about guns. When he says "Green New Deal" does he say it's unrealistic and will never happen anyway? Or does he say "yeah we should do that" If it's the latter, then Biden's still probably the best option I guess.
I don't care about guns. When he says "Green New Deal" does he say it's unrealistic and will never happen anyway? Or does he say "yeah we should do that" If it's the latter, then Biden's still probably the best option I guess.
he wants to grab up big gulps instead of guns