Michael Jackson - Child Molester - Yes or No

Do you believe Michael Jackson was a child molester?

  • Yes

    Votes: 82 67.8%
  • No

    Votes: 15 12.4%
  • I Don't Know

    Votes: 22 18.2%
  • I Love Lamp

    Votes: 2 1.7%

  • Total voters


HR Legend
Oct 20, 2002
I watched the Martin Bashir documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, and from what I remember it was a bit of a betrayal in how it was edited. It was followed by the Maury Povich 2-hour rebuttal that showed unedited footage of Martin's manipulation. Personally, I always felt Michael was just a man-child (and very weird); a victim of a lost childhood.

The accusations always seemed to come from nobodys looking for a payout. Macaulay Culkin, Corey Feldmen, Wade Robson, etc. never claimed any abuse.

That was until Wade changed his story. My wife watched Leaving Neverland (I still haven't watched it) and she's convinced MJ was a child predator. It's looking like I was way off.

Does this look like someone that WASN'T molested?
I voted yes but I say that on the basis of "more likely than not" rather than on the basis of "beyond a reasonable doubt".

From what I've read about the evidence in his trials, I don't think I could vote to convict even though I think he likely is more likely than not
I watched the Martin Bashir documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, and from what I remember it was a bit of a betrayal in how it was edited. It was followed by the Maury Povich 2-hour rebuttal that showed unedited footage of Martin's manipulation. Personally, I always felt Michael was just a man-child (and very weird); a victim of a lost childhood.

The accusations always seemed to come from nobodys looking for a payout. Macaulay Culkin, Corey Feldmen, Wade Robson, etc. never claimed any abuse.

That was until Wade changed his story. My wife watched Leaving Neverland (I still haven't watched it) and she's convinced MJ was a child predator. It's looking like I was way off.

Since I'm all-knowing, I think it started off with your first opinion and progressed (regressed?) into the latter...
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I don’t know for certain that Jackson was a molester. But IIRC he admitted in a nationally televised interview (Barbara Walters, maybe?) that he let young boys sleep in his bed with him.

That’s fvcking weird, even if he wasn’t molesting anyone.
I don’t know for certain that Jackson was a molester. But IIRC he admitted in a nationally televised interview (Barbara Walters, maybe?) that he let young boys sleep in his bed with him.

That’s fvcking weird, even if he wasn’t molesting anyone.
That was the Martin Bashir documentary. He said, that the Master bedroom (bed) was the most prestigious and that his guests deserved the best. ...said he slept elsewhere or something to that affect. It's been years since I watched it.
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That was the Martin Bashir documentary. He said, that the Master bedroom (bed) was the most prestigious and that his guests deserved the best. ...said he slept elsewhere or something to that affect. It's been years since I watched it.
You’re right, it was the Martin Bashir interview. It starts out kind of okay, then a little over a minute in it turns creepy as fvck.

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He was very mentally stunted by fame at a young age and by his father. I dont think he had sex with boys. But he did things most adults would consider creepy and weird though.

I think people underestimate how isolated people like MJ are. He became so famous that he did not have the chance to have a normal childhood. We assume he knew what was right and wrong, but I'm not so sure he did. That doesn't make whatever he did right, but it does make me feel sad for him as well.
He was very mentally stunted by fame at a young age and by his father. I dont think he had sex with boys. But he did things most adults would consider creepy and weird though.

I think people underestimate how isolated people like MJ are. He became so famous that he did not have the chance to have a normal childhood. We assume he knew what was right and wrong, but I'm not so sure he did. That doesn't make whatever he did right, but it does make me feel sad for him as well.
I could reconcile that he was emotionally frozen as a child, and from an outside point of view his actions could look weird but be innocent.

Except he had kids. So part of him has to be sexually mature enough to marry and bone, which makes the above weirder and less innocent.
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Unsure. The original allegations against him were pretty dubious.

Some of the later stuff that's come out, like Leaving Neverland is more difficult to dismiss out of hand.

I actually think there is some gray area here, where there could have been inappropriate behavior that was not necessarily sexual predation, and childhood memories get filtered through adult sensibilities.

The principal I had in my Catholic high school 30+ years ago, a Franciscan friar, was in the last couple years accused of sexual abuse in the 1970s or 80s (before he was at my high school), and I know those allegations are both 100% true, but also at the same time, not quite true at all.

He was a very short man with some kind of leg deformity, but very, very tough. He was one of those guys that kept order by a a reputation and occasional feats of demonstration, just enough to keep people from messing with him. For example, at one of our high school dances there was some incident that had separate groups of guys squaring off for a brawl in the hallway. He was not on site at the dance, but somehow was called over from the rectory by someone seeing temperatures starting to rise. Right as the brawl was shaping up he limped into the middle of it with this old thick oaken cane, and bellowed for everyone to stop right now and go back to the dance or leave. Everyone just stood there kind of shocked by his appearance and not moving, and then he raised the tip of the cane about six inches off the floor, and snapped his wrist down to punctuate him yelling "NOW!". And just with the flick of his wrist he shattered this thick wooden cane into a bunch of pieces.

But the other thing the guy did, and this seems absolutely unfathomable looking back on it, is that he would agree to wrestle one senior every year in the wrestling room, with story being that this 5'4" had never lost. He didn't pick someone to fight, they basically had to pick him, and beg him to do it, and on very rare occasions, the principal would oblige. I remember him doing it twice in the two years he was my principle there. You would see like this 6'4" All-Catholic wrestling champion go into the room, shut the door, and come out all red and busted up and practically in tears. It was just very, very rare, enough just enough for the word to be out among the guys, mostly the athletes, that he was a bad mfer.

But my friend's older brother was one of the guys that fought him, and so I got the inside scoop on what was up. This kid, who was on good terms with the principal and everything, since he was a freshman was telling the principal that "I want to fight you when I'm a senior!" And the principal had always been like "We'll see." And finally, when he was a senior he goaded Fr. Mike into agreeing to wrestle him.

I was in the car with the kid after it was over, and he was beside himself mad and upset. The way Fr. Mike always "won" at wrestling was that he unabashedly did everything and anything to beat the hell out of the kid. I remember specifically him saying Fr. Mike gouged his eyes, pulled his hair, ripped at his ear, fishooked his mouth, and grabbed his balls and twisted them. Everything you could consider "dirty fighting" was done, and he would thrash these guys. My friend's brother was beyond mad and upset.

There is no circumstance where any of that was appropriate, and it most certainly was abusive. But at the time, the idea of it being sexual molestation was just never part of the conversation. It was nothing that was in any way hidden, he never groomed anyone to fight him, nobody ever ended up in the wrestling room without begging him over and over for a chance to take out the king. While its possible there may have been a sexual kink aspect to it, you would certainly expect it to have been a more a more common thing or perpetuated by him, but it was all perpetuated by students who thought they were tough and he only rarely and reluctantly agreed to it.

Well, sure enough, a couple years ago he got reported for sexual abuse of a student from way back (at a previous school). I was disappointed to hear it, and then as I'm reading it, its an account of this wrestling, including grabbing nutsacks, sticking his fingers in his mouth, the whole thing.

And's 100% believable and accurate from what I know...and yet, kind of not? I certainly can't blame the accuser one bit, and the entire thing was entirely inappropriate, and it was absolutely sexual abuse by definition. But it also kind of wasn't the kind of sexual abuse as you perceive it. But especially, being 30 years down the line and recalling teenage memories, I'm not questioning anyone who looks back and considers themselves molested.

Sometimes I think that the Michael Jackson thing could be similar...super weird, totally inappropriate, while not being pedophilia in nature. But what other way is there to process something childhood memories of something so bizarre through the lens of adult consciousness decades later?

(by the way, lest anyone think I am looking at my old high school friars through some kind of rose colored classes, a second friar/teacher was accused of abuse some years ago, this time from my era at my school at the time I was there, and while I don't know who the victim was, I have zero reason to doubt that it happened as described and he was a pedophile deviant)
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I just want someone with 1 billion like Michael to molest me. I’ll pretend like I don’t like it and then extort him for money.

Any takers ?
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Because my opinion doesn't matter in the slightest I'm shooting from the hip and saying 'no'. It's too obvious, and I like to be a contrarian about matters of little importance that have absolutely nothing to do with me.
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I could reconcile that he was emotionally frozen as a child, and from an outside point of view his actions could look weird but be innocent.

Except he had kids. So part of him hat to be sexually mature enough to marry and bone, which makes the above weirder and less innocent.
You think he had sex with those women? Seriously? Which of the children do you think are half black?
Didn’t his dad chemically castrate him?

Crazy what greed does to people.
I have heard that. So his voice wouldn’t change right?

I don’t what to believe. He grew up missing his childhood and being used by adults at an early age and for rest of his life for their own financial gain. It would have to have been completely emotionally stunted and it seems plausible that he would prefer being around children who wouldn’t use him and were honest with him

But when there is smoke…..
To be clear and pedantic. Whatever he was he's certainly not a chomo anymore. So my advice to chomo detectives is to work on unsolved cases where he's not a suspect. Those would be my orders if I was captain of chomo task force.
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I watched the Martin Bashir documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, and from what I remember it was a bit of a betrayal in how it was edited. It was followed by the Maury Povich 2-hour rebuttal that showed unedited footage of Martin's manipulation. Personally, I always felt Michael was just a man-child (and very weird); a victim of a lost childhood.

The accusations always seemed to come from nobodys looking for a payout. Macaulay Culkin, Corey Feldmen, Wade Robson, etc. never claimed any abuse.

That was until Wade changed his story. My wife watched Leaving Neverland (I still haven't watched it) and she's convinced MJ was a child predator. It's looking like I was way off.

Sadly I’d have to say yes if anything was on the line
I think it's not 100% certain but nothing would surprise me in his case.

He was obviously disturbed and is now very dead.
I think there is a 100% chance he behaved inappropriately around children.

I’m just not 100% sure that this included actual sexual abuse.

I think, deep down, Michael Jackson actually wanted to be a twelve year old white boy. His weird relationships with boys were about him trying to be one of them. And he was so rich and isolated that he was able to indulge himself in a Peter Pan fantasy world.
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