Michael Moore's 2016 Presidential Platform

Nov 28, 2010
Which of his campaign promises will get you to vote for him? Some are serious (and seriously good) some are amusing (but not entirely bad ideas). I trust most of us can tell which are which. It won't surprise anyone that I like most of them. If I had to pick one it might be

17. We will not back theocracies. You know who you are. Stop it, and stop your harmful, inhuman ways.

The Nation
Originally posted by strummingram:
I love #3
Me too. Here it is for those to lazy (or scared of his name) to click the link:

3. If there is a call for war, and if we are to invade another nation, I will declare as commander in chief that the first to be sent into combat must be the conscripted adult offspring of all members of Congress, the president and the president's cabinet (and then, in order, the children of the CEOs of the Fortune 500, all military contractors and the top media executives). This should reduce the number of wars considerably.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by strummingram:
I love #3
Me too. Here it is for those to lazy (or scared of his name) to click the link:

3. If there is a call for war, and if we are to invade another nation, I will declare as commander in chief that the first to be sent into combat must be the conscripted adult offspring of all members of Congress, the president and the president's cabinet (and then, in order, the children of the CEOs of the Fortune 500, all military contractors and the top media executives). This should reduce the number of wars considerably.
I don't like this at all, children aren't property. Send the actual decision makers. And 3 downs in football is insane.
This post was edited on 3/26 4:39 PM by naturalmwa
Any platform involving Michael Moore had better be reinforced with steel supports.
Originally posted by BubsFinn:
Any platform involving Michael Moore had better be reinforced with steel supports.
Thats pretty funny. Its also the basic plot to Kinky Boots which is coming to Omaha in October.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by strummingram:
I love #3
Me too. Here it is for those to lazy (or scared of his name) to click the link:

3. If there is a call for war, and if we are to invade another nation, I will declare as commander in chief that the first to be sent into combat must be the conscripted adult offspring of all members of Congress, the president and the president's cabinet (and then, in order, the children of the CEOs of the Fortune 500, all military contractors and the top media executives). This should reduce the number of wars considerably.
I don't like this at all, children aren't property. Send the actual decision makers. And 3 downs in football is insane.
This post was edited on 3/26 4:39 PM by naturalmwa
I've already tried to argue that children aren't property - and lost. Clearly they are property. Plus, it's well-established that it's OK to kill innocents if it's war. There are bedrock conservative principles.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
I've already tried to argue that children aren't property - and lost. Clearly they are property. Plus, it's well-established that it's OK to kill innocents if it's war. There are bedrock conservative principles.
Ok, I guess I can live with it. It lets me off the hook and isn't carving out special privileges a fundamental conservative value?
Leans heavily towards socialism; and the anti-gun crap is just Mikey being Mikey.

That said, as a registered republican of 30 years, I will gladly take what he's offering over Jeb/Hillary or any other disgusting combination of R vs. D that will be paraded before us disguised as a 'choice.'

Hell, with the money saved from stopping the endless war games not only could we have free education, healthcare and dental, but there'd probably be enough left over for hookers and blow - for us common folk. The politicians have been gettin that free for years.
Originally posted by shank hawk:
Leans heavily towards socialism; and the anti-gun crap is just Mikey being Mikey.

That said, as a registered republican of 30 years, I will gladly take what he's offering over Jeb/Hillary or any other disgusting combination of R vs. D that will be paraded before us disguised as a 'choice.'

Hell, with the money saved from stopping the endless war games not only could we have free education, healthcare and dental, but there'd probably be enough left over for hookers and blow - for us common folk. The politicians have been gettin that free for years.
Hookers, blow, no war, universal healthcare and free education? Why are you registered republican again? Welcome to HROT.
Natural; HW Bush taught me that all republicans are, almost to a man (and/or woman) compulsive liars and sociopaths. And to this day it's the one thing I am grateful for as far as the Bushies finding their way to this earth. I am just too lazy to switch my registration and since I rarely vote - cuz the dems are pretty much the same - it really doesn't matter.

FYI, I've never partaken of either hookers or blow, but I'm not about to condemn those that do.
I'm thinking Chris Christie would love to be standing alongside Michael Moore at a presidential debate. He'd look absolutely svelte by comparison.
Funny, but this has a serious side, too. A disturbing number of people actually would support most of those points.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
Funny, but this has a serious side, too. A disturbing number of people actually would support most of those points.
Most reasonable people would, except maybe for the ones that are tongue-in-cheek.

It's disturbing that you seem not to be "reasonable" on these points. Care to argue them - or is this just your usual knee-jerk rejection of all things Michael Moore?
Originally posted by What Do?:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by strummingram:
I love #3
Me too.  Here it is for those to lazy (or scared of his name) to click the link:

3. If there is a call for war, and if we are to invade another nation, I will declare as commander in chief that the first to be sent into combat must be the conscripted adult offspring of all members of Congress, the president and the president's cabinet (and then, in order, the children of the CEOs of the Fortune 500, all military contractors and the top media executives). This should reduce the number of wars considerably.
I don't like this at all, children aren't property. Send the actual decision makers.  And 3 downs in football is insane. 
This post was edited on 3/26 4:39 PM by naturalmwa
I've already tried to argue that children aren't property - and lost.  Clearly they are property.  Plus, it's well-established that it's OK to kill innocents if it's war.  There are bedrock conservative principles.
Or to kill innocents if an abortion is involved. BHO even extended that to infants that were subjects of botched abortions but lived
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
Funny, but this has a serious side, too. A disturbing number of people actually would support most of those points.
Most reasonable people would, except maybe for the ones that are tongue-in-cheek.

It's disturbing that you seem not to be "reasonable" on these points. Care to argue them - or is this just your usual knee-jerk rejection of all things Michael Moore?
I support almost all of them. I'm not as fearful of guns as Moore and others like him seem to be. I don't think the mere existence of guns, even high-powered guns, are the problem with gun-related violence and death.

Besides, in my opinion, if people have to give up their guns, then cops all have to destroy all their guns, too. Same with military. We get an even playing field.

Most of the others, from memory, I'm good with.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by strummingram:
I love #3
Me too. Here it is for those to lazy (or scared of his name) to click the link:

3. If there is a call for war, and if we are to invade another nation, I will declare as commander in chief that the first to be sent into combat must be the conscripted adult offspring of all members of Congress, the president and the president's cabinet (and then, in order, the children of the CEOs of the Fortune 500, all military contractors and the top media executives). This should reduce the number of wars considerably.
One I would vote yes for is some thing that says if any congressman or senator votes negatively on money going to private or charter schools should be forced to send their kids to public school. This includes BHO who shut down the DC system that denied thousands of kids a spot in a private school but sent his girls to private school
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by strummingram:
I love #3
Me too. Here it is for those to lazy (or scared of his name) to click the link:

3. If there is a call for war, and if we are to invade another nation, I will declare as commander in chief that the first to be sent into combat must be the conscripted adult offspring of all members of Congress, the president and the president's cabinet (and then, in order, the children of the CEOs of the Fortune 500, all military contractors and the top media executives). This should reduce the number of wars considerably.
One I would vote yes for is some thing that says if any congressman or senator votes negatively on money going to private or charter schools should be forced to send their kids to public school. This includes BHO who shut down the DC system that denied thousands of kids a spot in a private school but sent his girls to private school
I'm sympathetic to that kind of thinking.
The problem with #3 is that while he would be Commander in Chief of the military, he would not have the power to forcibly induct whomever he wanted into that military. He could ask Congress to reinstate the draft, but he would have no say as to which individuals were to be inducted and which ones were not. That's not how drafts work.
Michael Moore is nothing more than a parasite. He capitalizes on whatever tragedy is in the news.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
Funny, but this has a serious side, too. A disturbing number of people actually would support most of those points.
Most reasonable people would, except maybe for the ones that are tongue-in-cheek.

It's disturbing that you seem not to be "reasonable" on these points. Care to argue them - or is this just your usual knee-jerk rejection of all things Michael Moore?
No, most reasonable people wouldn't. And a lot of people wouldn't realize some are intended to be serious and others are not.

I am proud that the thought of Michael Moore triggers an involuntary sneer and gag reflex. It reassures me I'm a reasonable person.

Argue them? They aren't really open to argument. And I actually agree with a few. But I'll explain them to you.

1. A presidential edict mandating all electronic devices use the same charge cord. It would be great if all devices used the same charge cord. A government edict to that effect would be a bad thing, for reasons I hope are obvious even to you, Parser.
2. Lower the voting age to 16 because an 18-year-old can be sent to war. This old, tired refrain has never passed rational muster. Different levels of intelligence and maturity are required to vote or to obey an order. It didn't make sense even when there was a draft, much less with an all-volunteer force. And 16 wouldn't make sense even under that "rationale."
3. If there is a call for war, the president should send the children of his political enemies first. Again, from a practical standpoint, if we're going to have a military, we need to select its members based on their skill sets, not on political irrelevances and prejudices. And of course it would be unconstitutional. And it wouldn't lessen the number of wars, anyway.
4. I will make available free HBO for everyone. [/I]Some people may think this was intended as tongue-in-cheek. Whether it was or not, it's pretty close to what some liberals want. Look at what is included as a "right" for advocates of a "living wage," for instance. And we've already done this with cell phones.
5. Forgive all student debt and provide free college for everyone. The former is clearly unethical and overall it's too expensive. Not to mention contradictory. Is he also going to forgive the debt from those minimal, interest-free loans he's going to make?
6. Reduce the Pentagon's budget by 75 percent. This is the one that's tongue-in-cheek, but he doesn't realize it. Of all the areas of the budget that should be cut -- which is all of them -- the one that is least appropriate for this kind of approach is the military.
7. All Americans will get the same free health plans that members of Congress have access to. [/I]This is what Obamacare purports to do. I would be in favor of it if it could be afforded, which it cannot.
8. That universal health plan will include free mental and free dental. If we were to accept the premise of #7, which is that there is a Money Fairy who will wave her wand and pay for free health care, I would agree with adding dental care. Mental is already covered.
9. The wealthy will pay the same percentage in Social Security tax on their entire income as every middle-class person does. I would agree with this long as it is understood that it will make the long-term financial problems of SS even worse.
10. We will return to the income-tax rates that existed when that great Republican Gerald Ford was president. [/I] If we returned to the same deductions, exemptions, etc., of that period, I would oppose it because the tax was less fair then. But Moore's claim that this would fund his fantasies is nuts. In constant dollars, the federal income tax brings in more than twice as much money as it did then (in 2009 dollars, it was $1,294.9 billion under Ford, $2,791.2 last year.) The guy is a total fool.
11. Bullet trains. 'Nuff said, indeed. Where would they run? What would they cost? Where would the money come from?
12. A ban on high-fructose corn syrup. I don't think Moore realizes that all the diseases he attributes to Nutrasweet actually are caused by fluoride put into the water supply. Seriously, if there is a legitimate scientific reason to ban a substance, it should be banned. Just like it works now.
13. Anyone caught using their mobile device inside a movie theater will be subjected to enhanced "rectal rehydration" [/I]Finally, lucky 13 -- he has a good idea.
14. When in doubt, do what the Canadians do: If we wanted to do this, we could move to Canada (assuming their borders are as lax as ours). I'm just surprised he didn't suggest doing what Cuba does, not Canada.
15. All schools will return to teaching civics class. Yes, and it's something that would be legal and appropriate for the White House to champion.
16. All students shall learn cursive writing. See #15.
17. We will not back theocracies. Who defines them? Not, God forbid, someone who actually thinks the USA is one. And what happens if one theocracy is on our side against another one that isn't?
18. All Americans shall have a mandatory four-week paid vacation. I have no problem with a four-week paid vacation. I even had one the last few years I was working. But the government has no business dictating it.
19. The prison thing. Clearly tongue-in-cheek.
20. As Americans, we will seek to be kind-to each other, to the world, and to ourselves. As the president, I will be the first to set that example. [/I]This is really funny, because it's basically what our current president claimed he was going to do, just before proceeding to do the exactly opposite. And the concept of Michael Moore being kind to anyone except himself is impossible to grasp.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

9. The wealthy will pay the same percentage in Social Security tax on their entire income as every middle-class person does.
I would agree with this long as it is understood that it
will make the long-term financial problems of SS even worse.

12. A ban on high-fructose corn syrup.
I don't think Moore realizes that all the diseases he attributes to
Nutrasweet actually are caused by fluoride put into the water supply.
Seriously, if there is a legitimate scientific reason to ban a
substance, it should be banned. Just like it works now.
Could you expand on these two please? Specifically how would it make SS worse and what does Nutrasweet have to do with corn syrup?
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
Funny, but this has a serious side, too. A disturbing number of people actually would support most of those points. 
Most reasonable people would, except maybe for the ones that are tongue-in-cheek.

It's disturbing that you seem not to be "reasonable" on these points.  Care to argue them - or is this just your usual knee-jerk rejection of all things Michael Moore?
No, most reasonable people wouldn't. And a lot of people wouldn't realize some are intended to be serious and others are not.

I am proud that the thought of Michael Moore triggers an involuntary sneer and gag reflex. It reassures me I'm a reasonable person.

Argue them? They aren't really open to argument.  And I actually agree with a few. But I'll explain them to you.

1. A presidential edict mandating all electronic devices use the same charge cord. It would be great if all devices used the same charge cord. A government edict to that effect would be a bad thing, for reasons I hope are obvious even to you, Parser.
2. Lower the voting age to 16 because an 18-year-old can be sent to war. This old, tired refrain has never passed rational muster. Different levels of intelligence and maturity are required to vote or to obey an order. It didn't make sense even when there was a draft, much less with an all-volunteer force. And 16 wouldn't make sense even under that "rationale."
3. If there is a call for war, the president should send the children of his political enemies first. Again, from a practical standpoint, if we're going to have a military, we need to select its members based on their skill sets, not on political irrelevances and prejudices. And of course it would be unconstitutional. And it wouldn't lessen the number of wars, anyway.
4. I will make available free HBO for everyone. [/I]Some people may think this was intended as tongue-in-cheek. Whether it was or not, it's pretty close to what some liberals want. Look at what is included as a "right" for advocates of a "living wage," for instance. And we've already done this with cell phones.
5. Forgive all student debt and provide free college for everyone . The former is clearly unethical and overall it's too expensive. Not to mention contradictory. Is he also going to forgive the debt from those minimal, interest-free loans he's going to make?
6. Reduce the Pentagon's budget by 75 percent.   This is the one that's tongue-in-cheek, but he doesn't realize it. Of all the areas of the budget that should be cut -- which is all of them -- the one that is least appropriate for this kind of approach is the military.
7. All Americans will get the same free health plans that members of Congress have access to. [/I]This is what Obamacare purports to do. I would be in favor of it if it could be afforded, which it cannot.
8. That universal health plan will include free mental and free dental.    If we were to accept the premise of #7, which is that there is a Money Fairy who will wave her wand and pay for free health care, I would agree with adding dental care. Mental is already covered. 
9. The wealthy will pay the same percentage in Social Security tax on their entire income as every middle-class person does.   I would agree with this long as it is understood that it will make the long-term financial problems of SS even worse.
10. We will return to the income-tax rates that existed when that great Republican Gerald Ford was president. [/I] If we returned to the same deductions, exemptions, etc., of that period, I would oppose it because the tax was less fair then. But Moore's claim that this would fund his fantasies is nuts.  In constant dollars, the federal income tax brings in more than twice as much money as it did then (in 2009 dollars, it was $1,294.9 billion under Ford, $2,791.2 last year.) The guy is a total fool.
11. Bullet trains. 'Nuff said, indeed. Where would they run? What would they cost? Where would the money come from? 
12. A ban on high-fructose corn syrup . I don't think Moore realizes that all the diseases he attributes to Nutrasweet actually are caused by fluoride put into the water supply. Seriously, if there is a legitimate scientific reason to ban a substance, it should be banned. Just like it works now.
13. Anyone caught using their mobile device inside a movie theater will be subjected to enhanced "rectal rehydration"  [/I]Finally, lucky 13 -- he has a good idea.
14. When in doubt, do what the Canadians do : If we wanted to do this, we could move to Canada (assuming their borders are as lax as ours). I'm just surprised he didn't suggest doing what Cuba does, not Canada.
15. All schools will return to teaching civics class.   Yes, and it's something that would be legal and appropriate for the White House to champion.
16. All students shall learn cursive writing.   See #15.
17. We will not back theocracies.  Who defines them? Not, God forbid, someone who actually thinks the USA is one. And what happens if one theocracy is on our side against another one that isn't? 
18. All Americans shall have a mandatory four-week paid vacation.   I have no problem with a four-week paid vacation. I even had one the last few years I was working. But the government has no business dictating it.
19. The prison thing. Clearly tongue-in-cheek.
20. As Americans, we will seek to be kind-to each other, to the world, and to ourselves. As the president, I will be the first to set that example.   [/I]This is really funny, because it's basically what our current president claimed he was going to do, just before proceeding to do the exactly opposite. And the concept of Michael Moore being kind to anyone except himself is impossible to grasp. 
I love it when WWJD tells us what "most reasonable people" believe of course, he is always among the reasonable people.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

9. The wealthy will pay the same percentage in Social Security tax on their entire income as every middle-class person does.
I would agree with this long as it is understood that it
will make the long-term financial problems of SS even worse.

12. A ban on high-fructose corn syrup.
I don't think Moore realizes that all the diseases he attributes to
Nutrasweet actually are caused by fluoride put into the water supply.
Seriously, if there is a legitimate scientific reason to ban a
substance, it should be banned. Just like it works now.
Could you expand on these two please? Specifically how would it make SS worse and what does Nutrasweet have to do with corn syrup?
12. Brain fart by LC. Was thinking about Corn Sweeteners plant in CR, got confused. Belay that comment. Wasn't serious about fluoride, by the way.

9. The more you put into SS, the more you take out. Benefits are based on contributions. Not directly one-to-one, but in a ratio. Unless they were to means-test it -- which would mean eliminating Social Security in all but name -- the financial crisis would get even worse when the rich people started claiming benefits.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

9. The wealthy will pay the same percentage in Social Security tax on their entire income as every middle-class person does.
I would agree with this long as it is understood that it
will make the long-term financial problems of SS even worse.

12. A ban on high-fructose corn syrup.
I don't think Moore realizes that all the diseases he attributes to
Nutrasweet actually are caused by fluoride put into the water supply.
Seriously, if there is a legitimate scientific reason to ban a
substance, it should be banned. Just like it works now.
Could you expand on these two please? Specifically how would it make SS worse and what does Nutrasweet have to do with corn syrup?
12. Brain fart by LC. Was thinking about Corn Sweeteners plant in CR, got confused. Belay that comment. Wasn't serious about fluoride, by the way.

9. The more you put into SS, the more you take out. Benefits are based on contributions. Not directly one-to-one, but in a ratio. Unless they were to means-test it -- which would mean eliminating Social Security in all but name -- the financial crisis would get even worse when the rich people started claiming benefits.
Thank you for explaining.
If you want to know Michael Moore's views on war,
then rent his film "Canadian Bacon" from 1995.

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