I figured I would interject this here:
As a Gen X guy starting in the workplace mid 90s I watched both myself and my peers (including some but not all boomers) learn word and excel and power point from scratch and saw our skills and productivity really flourish into the early 00s.
Then I watched the now oldest millennials coming out of college even more proficient than most of us with MS Office stuff, showing us even cooler and quicker ways to do things.
But since about let’s say 2019ish, I have now noticed the youngest millennials/ Gen Z folks are coming in with dog crap for Microsoft office skills and shockingly bad at putting together our tables and reports we need. I am having to teach 23-24 year olds excel and word things all the time. Now what they are much better at is the apps we use for data collecting and other such things. But, man, by and larg, it is shocking how currently you can tell a lot of the younger generation is not at all learning word and excel beyond the most basic level graduating college. I don’t see those two programs becoming obsolete or not needed anytime soon at a lot of work places…