You guys are ridiculous. If you saw a wrestler from any team other than Iowa acting like this, you would call them out. Being tough and wrestling with respect don't have to be mutually exclusive. Gilman gets a pass when he won't shake hands pre-match, face smooshes etc... I hope that someone pulls another "Moisey" on Napoleon this March.
The big difference, Is that I wouldnt go to somebody else's board to act holier than thou about it
Win with class? Complain about GMan all you want, you are free to have your opinion and its not like I want the Hawks acting like idiots after matches but leave the win with class crap alone unless you're going to tell Nolf (who I love to watch) to finish his guys when he can. Did you see the Lehigh dual? Not much CLASS shown in that win...IMHO.
You guys are ridiculous. If you saw a wrestler from any team other than Iowa acting like this, you would call them out. Being tough and wrestling with respect don't have to be mutually exclusive. Gilman gets a pass when he won't shake hands pre-match, face smooshes etc... I hope that someone pulls another "Moisey" on Napoleon this March.
Thanks for your unwanted opinion. We get what you're trying to say.
Now GTFO our board and go back where you came from.
Is it me or are Gilman's post match antics just getting ridiculous at this point? He is a 5th year senior and team leader. Is it too much to ask him to lead by example? No one else in the country acts as consistently dickish as Gilman. Did Terao just show him that he is not as good as thinks he is. He just went to the top of my list for those of hope lose in 5ots in the NCAA finals. What a complete idiot!!!

It's just you. Now leave
Nc state said he punched him at the end I saw a club on the head. Jack was tired I thought ashnault was gonna win that
That was one of the worst calls I've ever seen. He gave Jack a head club that was hard, but not illegal. It occurred with 2 seconds left in a tied match.

NC State challenged and the refs came back and said it was illegal and gave Jack the win. Crazy
Ashnault reared back and slapped him. Both were waiting for OT to start with 9 seconds left. Nobody made a move and at the end, Ashnault slapped him. Cue the guy in the peach suit to come in and break stuff up. Must be security
Had gilman thrown the cross faces I'd call it wrestling to the end and it being just hard nosed wrestling. Gilman kept his cool and didn't retaliate so who cares. It's wrestling not a tickle fight. Gilman gutted out a win and had a tough match that he had to work hard to win isn't that what we want at this point is for the guys to be pushed and tested?

Kept his cool... lol.
Ashnault reared back and slapped him. Both were waiting for OT to start with 9 seconds left. Nobody made a move and at the end, Ashnault slapped him. Cue the guy in the peach suit to come in and break stuff up. Must be security

I think that's Mike Allen in the peach suit isn't it?
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Gilman used at least 10 head clubs like that in his match. That's physical wrestling. What a dumb call.
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Amateur hour. You know Gilman is a dbag and that's why your scruffy hawk feathers are so ruffled. Frank the Tank had a small celebration after his win at the trials and you guys wanted to crucify him. Next time you see a Penn State wrestler act like Gilman after a match, please let me know. I doubt that our top ranked wrestlers will be getting spladked anytime soon. Lol!
Ashnault reared back and slapped him. Both were waiting for OT to start with 9 seconds left. Nobody made a move and at the end, Ashnault slapped him. Cue the guy in the peach suit to come in and break stuff up. Must be security

The guy in the peach suit is Mike Allen-Head of Officials
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Seemed like a typical head slap, although inappropriate as time expired and going to OT. If that's unsportsmanlike conduct then it should be called nearly every match.
He did it at the end of the first to. What made them so compelled to look for that call going into ot and not the first time he did I it
Amateur hour. You know Gilman is a dbag and that's why your scruffy hawk feathers are so ruffled. Frank the Tank had a small celebration after his win at the trials and you guys wanted to crucify him. Next time you see a Penn State wrestler act like Gilman after a match, please let me know. I doubt that our top ranked wrestlers will be getting spladked anytime soon. Lol!
We understand your point. Will you please stop.
Ashnault punched Jack in the face right at the end of the match. NC State challenged and they got an unsportsmanlike on Ashnault - point to Jack - he wins 3-2....

sort of ironic ...
I think some of these "exhibition" matches are getting testy

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