Milwaukee High School security guard busted for taping female locker room.

The administration slow walking things has to be beyond frustrating though. Worried about jeopardizing an investigation is weak sauce.
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i am inclined to agree but for debating purposes is what this security guard did more, less, or equally egregious as what lady teachers routinely inflict upon boys?
More egregious in my opinion. I would imagine all women filmed were certainly underage which I recognize is probably the same when female teachers have inappropriate relationships with students but in some of those at least some students are 17-18 years old.

Also it’s just ****ing creepy to secretly film and it’s going to affect a lot more people
1400mg is what you should have told him

Either he would die or he would hit the fourth plateau of dxm which consists of delirium, out of body experiences, body hallucinations, and regular hallucinations. I was more of a 2nd or 3rd plateau kind of guy.

Death is one of the possible side effects too.
Either he would die or he would hit the fourth plateau of dxm which consists of delirium, out of body experiences, body hallucinations, and regular hallucinations. I was more of a 2nd or 3rd plateau kind of guy.

Death is one of the possible side effects too.
is this the drug that TechN9ne would always sing about?
I think Brian might be too.

Once I was laying in bed with this old down comforter I had. All of a sudden at Least 1000 white phantom spiders appeared on me running everywhere. i jumped up and screamed "ahhh spiders" and my roommate came rushing in and gave me a weird look. That was the last time I tried to trip on benadryl. Oddly enough if you look it up spiders are a common hallucination during Benadryl trips. I do not recommend. I don't have any paranormal stories.

This was basically my experience.
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Once I was laying in CONFESSION with this old down comforter I had. All of a sudden at Least 1000 white phantom spiders with POPE HATS appeared on me running everywhere. i jumped up and screamed "ahhh POPE spiders" and my PREIST came rushing in and gave me a weird look. That was the last time I tried to trip on benadryl. Oddly enough if you look it up POPE spiders are a common hallucination during Benadryl trips. I do not recommend. I don't have any paranormal BIBLE stories.
@Moral weird, he just posted this a little bit ago

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