Missouri AG sues Starbucks for rampant discrimination against the biggest ❄️ there is

It's almost like more chicks prefer to work at coffee shops than dudes. Here in CF, every coffee shop I've been to is mostly college aged girls with a dude here and there. I'd guess that the # of female applicants likely outweighs the # of male applicants for those jobs. With that said, I'm totally basing that assumption off of what I've seen myself.
Sounds like Starbucks is engaged in racist hiring policies which would absolutely have impacts in certain MO demographics. Shame that the left is still so fixated on dividing people based on skin color.
If mediocre white males are really wanting a career as a barista…well…all the power to them.
The AG is really aiming for the target audience of the next primary. Fat white guys in a Cardinals t-shirt with the sleeves cut off.