Mitch McConnell Calls to Cut Social Security, Medicare

Raise revenues.

I suggest reversing the last few tax cuts for the rich and imposing a temporary wealth tax.

Not saying that some cost cutting isn't possible, but that's not going to get the job done without cutting into muscle and bone.

I agree some costs can be cut and revenue raised, but I think we’re past the point of no return with the debt.
“When Republicans in Congress said their tax cuts to wealthy multinational corporations would pay for themselves, they lied,” wrote Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan on Twitter. “Now, they're going to try to come for hardworking people to foot the bill by slashing Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
How many years have democrats been screaming about this, trying to scare old people. Liberal playbook.

Congress needs to properly fund both. That will help solve the issue. Then Congress needs to go back to the tax-balancing strategies employed by Bill Clinton. At least they did work.

What was the debt back then compared to now? Then add in all the baby boomers retiring or getting close and going on SS and Medicare. What we spend now on those two is far beyond what we were spending in the 90s
What was the debt back then compared to now? Then add in all the baby boomers retiring or getting close and going on SS and Medicare. What we spend now on those two is far beyond what we were spending in the 90s
And it is because we have chosen the path we are on...fact is, something needs to get done...and the longer “we” wait, the more expensive it gets...We are on the similar road to the old Soviet Union back in the late 70’s....
Cut the military big time.

we don’t need more air craft carriers than the rest of the world combined and 100’s of foreign military installations.

Won’t pay it down. And be prepared to the US to whatever country takes us over
"It’s disappointing but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said of the deficit, which grew 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018. McConnell explained to Bloomberg that "it’s a bipartisan problem: Unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future." The deficit has increased 77 percent since McConnell became majority leader in 2015

Didn't Republicans used to control everything?

Seems like Trumps tactic of deny and blame someone else is starting to rub off. I guess when you swallow gallons of Trump DNA like Mitch does you're bound to inherit some of it.
You knucklehead. Everything you posted supports what I said:

Filing for Social Security Disability with an Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis
The Social Security Administration (SSA) considers anxiety disorders under Section 12.06 of the Blue Book, which covers Mental Disorders.

It can be difficult to claim Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits on the basis of an anxiety disorder diagnosis because the medical evidence supporting the diagnosis is highly subjective and is based on hard-to-document criteria, such as feelings and behavior that occurs outside the doctor’s office and is reported to the doctor by the patient.

In order to successfully apply for disability benefits due to an anxiety disorder, be sure to present a history of treatment by medical professionals, including both your physician and a qualified mental health professional, in order to show the recurrent or persistent nature of your anxiety disorder.

The SSA’s definition of disability is “any medically determinable mental or medical impairment that has prevented an individual from performing substantial work for twelve months, is expected to prevent an individual from working for twelve continuous months, or is expected to end with death.” Be sure that your medical documentation can thoroughly and specifically demonstrates to the SSA how your disability interferes with your ability to function on a daily basis.
You didn't read you own linked message.
Good grief.

The age for drawing Social Security should certainly increase.

In 1935 when the Social Security law was passed, the average lifespan was only 58 for men and 62 for women.

Today those numbers are 20 years higher.
That’s a misleading number, as what matters is the lifespan AFTER retirement age, which hasn’t changed dramatically.
"It’s disappointing but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said of the deficit, which grew 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018. McConnell explained to Bloomberg that "it’s a bipartisan problem: Unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future." The deficit has increased 77 percent since McConnell became majority leader in 2015

Didn't Republicans used to control everything?
The Article is from 2018. JFC, take a pill.

And yes, we need to move the retirement age out to 70.
The Article is from 2018. JFC, take a pill.

And yes, we need to move the retirement age out to 70.

So 2018 would be after Republicans controlled everything.... Take a pill?

I agree these programs are a problem. I’m dubious that we should trust the evil empire to solve it.
Social Security Disability is notoriously difficult to qualify for. The definition of disability states that you cannot be able to do ANY job or else you can't receive it.

Not a chance in hell that the relative you made up to suit your fake story is receiving SSDI for anxiety.

I'm with Trad on this one. You might think it's hard but it's not. I know a couple of people as well. One of them is taking odd jobs to supplement his Gov income. It's a bunch of BS.
You knucklehead. Everything you posted supports what I said:

Filing for Social Security Disability with an Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis
The Social Security Administration (SSA) considers anxiety disorders under Section 12.06 of the Blue Book, which covers Mental Disorders.

It can be difficult to claim Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits on the basis of an anxiety disorder diagnosis because the medical evidence supporting the diagnosis is highly subjective and is based on hard-to-document criteria, such as feelings and behavior that occurs outside the doctor’s office and is reported to the doctor by the patient.

In order to successfully apply for disability benefits due to an anxiety disorder, be sure to present a history of treatment by medical professionals, including both your physician and a qualified mental health professional, in order to show the recurrent or persistent nature of your anxiety disorder.

The SSA’s definition of disability is “any medically determinable mental or medical impairment that has prevented an individual from performing substantial work for twelve months, is expected to prevent an individual from working for twelve continuous months, or is expected to end with death.” Be sure that your medical documentation can thoroughly and specifically demonstrates to the SSA how your disability interferes with your ability to function on a daily basis.
You didn't read you own linked message.

Maybe I missed something but I don't see how hard that is. Just claim you have anxiety and don't have a job for a year. Most of these people are idiots and don't want to work so that's perfect for them. As far as a diagnosis goes, it shouldn't be hard to get a doctor to sign off. All they have to do is exaggerate this situation and find a doctor to agree. These types of people have no problem finding a doctor. In my day there was one or two kids that had some issues, not half the kids are on drugs and have some type of label. It isn't that hard to get a "label" these days.
Maybe I missed something but I don't see how hard that is. Just claim you have anxiety and don't have a job for a year. Most of these people are idiots and don't want to work so that's perfect for them. As far as a diagnosis goes, it shouldn't be hard to get a doctor to sign off. All they have to do is exaggerate this situation and find a doctor to agree. These types of people have no problem finding a doctor. In my day there was one or two kids that had some issues, not half the kids are on drugs and have some type of label. It isn't that hard to get a "label" these days.
Chronic Alcoholism is one. I met a guy in his mid 20's that had gone into a heroin nod. He sat on hit leg so long it had to be amputated due to lack of blood flow for an extended period. This, Chronic Alcoholism and neurological damage got him SSDI. He is a POS, and I just thought a 30 cent bullet would save society a million bucks.
Once again, the Republicans in power show they don't give two shits about those of us who go through American life, and play by the rules. As long as they can get more and more from the common folk to put into their deep pockets, and the pockets of their wealthy cronies...who have all the power in the US.

We just keep taking it. Many willingly.
Once again, the Republicans in power show they don't give two shits about those of us who go through American life, and play by the rules. As long as they can get more and more from the common folk to put into their deep pockets, and the pockets of their wealthy cronies...who have all the power in the US.
We just keep taking it. Many willingly.

It does not matter who is in power. The hard decision has to be made. Raise the age you will be eligible for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It sucks, but people are living into their 90's.
It does not matter who is in power. The hard decision has to be made. Raise the age you will be eligible for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It sucks, but people are living into their 90's.
Yes it does. I haven't heard Democrats discussing eliminating Social Security, Medicare, IPERS. Just Republicans. When people like McConnell tell me we can't afford something I'm going to automatically know he's lying.
Good grief.

The age for drawing Social Security should certainly increase.

In 1935 when the Social Security law was passed, the average lifespan was only 58 for men and 62 for women.

Today those numbers are 20 years higher.
There's truth in this.

To keep SS solvent the age has to go up IMO.

Being retired military I've always thought retirement should be after 30 years....the current 20 year plan just doesn't make much sense IMO and DOD end up paying a whole lot of pensions to folks that are still perfectly capable of being active duty.
“When Republicans in Congress said their tax cuts to wealthy multinational corporations would pay for themselves, they lied,” wrote Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan on Twitter. “Now, they're going to try to come for hardworking people to foot the bill by slashing Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
"Calls" is certainly an overstate, kind of like "Trump lie". He only made a statement of fact
Exactly,.. we need to simply cut EVERYTHING,.. that way nobody feels picked on,.. Start with a 1% across the board cut to test the water..
No. If we are going to cut things, we should have an intelligent, open, national debate on what's most important and what's of lesser or no importance.

Viewing America as a family - however fractious - I do not want it to be a family that's lets any of its children go hungry, homeless, without a world-class education, or suffer preventable or treatable diseases. I do not want it to be a family that destroys the environment for fun and profit now, without caring what happens next.

Some good federal programs are already underfunded. Some good federal programs are fat. And some federal programs aren't even good (subsidies for the fossil fuel industry, for example).

Cutting everything equally is a very bad idea.
No. If we are going to cut things, we should have an intelligent, open, national debate on what's most important and what's of lesser or no importance.

This is no longer possible,.. "Important" means different thing to different people. Just cut everything by a small fixed amount and spread the pain,.. Besides, there isn't single element of the budget that couldn't survive a 1% cut...
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This is no longer possible,.. "Important" means different thing to different people. Just cut everything by a small fixed amount and spread the pain,.. Besides, there isn't single element of the budget that couldn't survive a 1% cut...
Yes, "important" does mean different things to different people. But we should still try to have a civil national discussion about what's important.

There's plenty to agree on. And a wealthy nation like ours can afford to compromise generously on other things.
Yes, "important" does mean different things to different people. But we should still try to have a civil national discussion about what's important.

There's plenty to agree on. And a wealthy nation like ours can afford to compromise generously on other things.

Won't work,.. we could study the budget for ten years, issue the perfect plan, and it would be lobbied as draconian by some element of the voting block,.. Just do an across the board cut and piss everyone off equally.
Cutting a bloated military budget is not going to lead to a foreign country invading us. Good grief.

No, but it will empower China, Russia, and others to spread their influence throughout the world. Don't think we need to spend what we're spending, but slashing it, as one person mentioned, is not a good idea.

Good grief.
Won't work,.. we could study the budget for ten years, issue the perfect plan, and it would be lobbied as draconian by some element of the voting block,.. Just do an across the board cut and piss everyone off equally.
I've explained why that's wrong. And not just wrong, Likely to be deadly for some Americans who depend on government services.