Mitch McConnell Calls to Cut Social Security, Medicare

I've explained why that's wrong. And not just wrong, Likely to be deadly for some Americans who depend on government services.

And I've explained why it will be impossible to agree on any plan that designates winners and losers going in,... and a 1% cut wouldn't be deadly for anyone.
There's truth in this.

To keep SS solvent the age has to go up IMO.

Being retired military I've always thought retirement should be after 30 years....the current 20 year plan just doesn't make much sense IMO and DOD end up paying a whole lot of pensions to folks that are still perfectly capable of being active duty.

I’m ok with the military getting a pension after 20 years, once you reach 65. Physically, it’s a very demanding job.
I’m ok with the military getting a pension after 20 years, once you reach 65. Physically, it’s a very demanding job.
I retired after 26 years at age 44 is all I'm saying. I would have stayed on active duty if I could but came up against high year of tenure.
And don't get me started on the scammers getting Social Security because they're "disabled".... THAT needs to be totally reformed.
You're all heart, Trad. You really need to find another profession than HR. I can't think of a worse person for your position.
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No, but it will empower China, Russia, and others to spread their influence throughout the world. Don't think we need to spend what we're spending, but slashing it, as one person mentioned, is not a good idea.

Good grief.
Russia is greatly spreading their influence in Europe, Ukraine and the Middle East. And meddling in elections all over the world.
Russia is greatly spreading their influence in Europe, Ukraine and the Middle East. And meddling in elections all over the world.

Yes they are. And what do you think would happen with a weaker U.S. I didn't say weak.
No, but it will empower China, Russia, and others to spread their influence throughout the world. Don't think we need to spend what we're spending, but slashing it, as one person mentioned, is not a good idea.

Good grief.

Cool. That's not at all what your post said.
I have TWO (count 'em) TWO members of my in-laws' family who are drawing SSD benefits. One is a drug addict and that's his "disability."

The other one is too "anxious" to work, which is bullshit. It's not about her "anxiety"... it's because she's too much of a flighty bitch to keep a job.

But if you get a lawyer and a shrink, you can suck at the SSD teet and not have to work.

This needs MAJOR reforms.
Social Security Disability payments are based upon lifetime earnings. The more you put in the more you get. If you have two family members receiving payments and have put very little into the insurance I would say they are probably receiving less than the average low of $800 per month for 2020. People on SSDI don’t live high on the hog.
And don't get me started on the scammers getting Social Security because they're "disabled".... THAT needs to be totally reformed.

Just joking Trad...........I know you aren't referring to me. Dude, with humans there will always be ones trying to scam the system, just as there will always be greedy fvcking CEO's that drive the company into the ground, but still get his golden parachute (and the usually go onto another company).

IMO, although I only really know one side (scammers), the latter is a FAR,FAR greater problem than someone faking something to get at most $1000/month (though it may be more now, it's be 17 years since I was on it) from the government (when I was on SS from when I got hurt in 1991 to when I graduated with my BS in 2001 I was only getting ~$600/month........and you can't live on that). From my anecdotal evidence there's at most 3/10 scamming the system..........the rest are like me that use those social services available to better there lives and contribute to society.

And I would rather have taxpayer money actually going to American citizens than funding military bases in ~100+ countries, having 8+ Carrier groups, etc (do you know what we spend yearly just in the Persian Gulf, even though we only get ~11% of our oil from's so not worth it from a cost/benefit analysis). The Pentagon not being able to account for half it's budget in any given year is the real elephant in the room.

Social Security Disability is notoriously difficult to qualify for. The definition of disability states that you cannot be able to do ANY job or else you can't receive it.

Not a chance in hell that the relative you made up to suit your fake story is receiving SSDI for anxiety.

Yes it is, it took my disabled Father to finally get a lawyer and then it took almost 5 years before they finally approved it..........he probably saw 5 different SS specialty doctor's during that time. And it was almost as bad before he got his full benefits from the me, he was more disabled than me (as crazy as that sounds).
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Creepy m’fer